The next thing, Chen Feng has no interest in watching, nor does he want to shoot.

A few women, on the other hand, will take pictures when they find something they are interested in, but once the price soars to [-] million, they will stop and stop bidding.

"Now, the auction is halfway through. I see that the VIPs in the box are not very interested. Therefore, in order to warm up the scene, I also let all the VIPs participate. For the items in our finale, only please ask first. Here comes one, everyone, please take a look!"

Halfway through the process, Fu Ying didn't seem to be so enthusiastic about the scene, so she temporarily changed the order of the auction, and brought up the fourth-to-last item in the auction ahead of time.

I saw a jade slip appearing beside her, floating in mid-air.

"This is a jade slip found in the ruins. However, because the friend studied it for a long time, but couldn't break the seal, it was put up for auction."

Fu Ying looked at the jade slip and smiled sweetly.

As soon as her voice fell, the bottom immediately boiled, and even the people in the box could not calm down.

"Isn't it?"

"Really? The jade slip in the ruins?"

"Well, but, obviously, he didn't know how to lift the seal, so he sold it."

"Well, let's look at the price. If it's low, it doesn't matter if you buy it. If it's too high, don't buy it."

Chapter 3 Relic Jade Slips (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well, let's look at the price. If it's low, it doesn't matter if you buy it. If it's too high, don't buy it."

Fu Ying seemed to see what they were thinking, and shook her head and spoke again.

"Because this jade slip was obtained from the ruins, the auction reserve price is relatively high, starting at [-] million, and each time the price increases, it must not be lower than [-] million!!! Of course, if you have enough money, You can use items as collateral."

Hearing the price, everyone was quiet again.

Fifteen million, say high or not, but you can say he is low, once you buy this jade slip back, you can't unlock the seal, doesn't it mean you bought a piece of junk?

Therefore, many people actually have this ability, but they are still considering the issue of gain and loss.

In the seat below, there was a fat man who was hesitating, sweating profusely.

Because, in their family, there happened to be an ancestral book dedicated to unsealing the Spirit Jue, and he wanted to take a gamble.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and quoted a relatively high price.

"Forty million!!!"

Fu Ying glanced at him in surprise, and then returned to her smiling face.

"Forty million, this guest is really generous, and he raised such a high price."

Hearing Fu Ying say this, the fat man's face lit up with joy. He obviously didn't expect that Fu Ying would give face like this.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the fat man stood up and waved his hands around pretending to be around.

"Forty-five million."

At this time, not far from him, someone raised a placard.

Hearing these 213 voices, the fat man froze, turned around slowly, looked at the man, and a trace of anger gradually rose on his face.

"Fifty million!!"

Fatty also gave up and shouted again.

"Fifty-five million."

Another bid was made.

"Sixty million."

"Seventy million!!"

Hearing the successive bidding calls, Fatty couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment.

"One hundred million!!"

Just when everyone was bidding for the price, a voice suddenly came from the No. [-] private room.

When everyone heard the price, they immediately stopped bidding.

Because, at this price, it has basically reached their bottom line.

And the fat man showed a gloating expression.

Damn, let you fight with Lao Tzu, no one can think of it now.

Looking up at the box on the second floor, the illusion formation in box [-] has been removed. A young man is standing at the window, looking at the people below with a proud look on his face.

"Well? Isn't this, the Young Palace Master of Tianren Palace? He's here too?"

"It has been rumored that Ye Yun, the young master of Tianren House, has been chasing Miss Fu Ying. It seems that this is true."

Chapter 1 The Aggrieved Young Master of Tianren Mansion (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Ye Yun looked at the people below with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"One hundred and fifty million."

Just when he thought he was winning, there was another voice next to Box No. [-], which instantly made his face go down.

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