I saw Chen Feng holding a sword in his hand, half with flame and half with cold air, stabbing at him, and in shock, he quickly dodged to the side.

Chen Feng, who was stabbed in the air with his sword, pouted, and seemed very dissatisfied that he didn't hit anyone with this blow.

In the domineering exploration, Yu Lin's figure had nowhere to hide.

In a flash, Chen Feng came to his vicinity. However, this time, Chen Feng did not rush up directly, but stayed aside, waiting for the opportunity.

In the same place, Chen Feng had already left a clone, wandering around constantly, pretending that he couldn't find it, to confuse Yu Lin.

Yu Lin stood in a relatively hidden place and hid his figure, but even 18 was like this, he always had a feeling that he seemed to be spied on.

This feeling made him start to sweat.

He couldn't remember how long it had been before he had such a panic.

Whether it was from the time of suppressing all the disciples of the sect, or after the battle of the sectarian war, or when he seized power and became the sect master of the Ghost Forest Sect.

He couldn't remember, but, at this moment, he recalled that feeling again.

Panic, helpless.

The cultivation of the Venerable Realm did not bring him a strong sense of security.

Although Chen Feng seemed to be in the real monarch realm, he felt more terrifying than those in the venerable realm.

After waiting for a while, he found that Chen Feng did not attack him, but was still going around in circles.

At this time, he was completely relaxed.

"Damn, to make this old man so embarrassed, let's see how you die!!"

Looking at the clone with gnashing teeth, the spirit in Lin Jue's hands kept changing.

With the changes of Ling Jue, the Hundred Ghosts and Dead Wood Forest changed again.

I saw around the clone, the light dimmed, and finally it became invisible.

One after another transparent figures appeared around the clone, silently attacking the clone.

Seeing that the time had come, Chen Feng came directly to his side.

Yu Linzheng looked at the avatar inside with a smirk, suddenly sensed something, turned his head abruptly, but saw Chen Feng sneering.

"You, when are you!!"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the clone inside again, but found that the clone's expression was very dull, and only then did he know that he had been fooled.

However, it was too late.

Chen Feng no longer gave him a chance, and cut him down in the neck with a sword.

However, Yu Lin is a person of the Venerable Realm after all. He has lived for hundreds of years and has experienced battles big and small. He regards his own life as more important than anything else.

I saw him horrified, biting the tip of his tongue and spewing out a mouthful of blood.

The blood essence was exported, and it instantly turned into a talisman, flashing with blood-red light, shrouding him.

At this time, Chen Feng's sword had already touched the red light.

Although Chen Feng was slashed with a sword, the red light only dimmed a little, but it did not break open at all.

"Boy, wait for the old man!! The old man will make you pay!!"

Leaving this sentence, Hongmang stood by Yu Lin, broke open the roof, and flew towards the north.

Chapter 2 The Venerable Fallen Heaven and Earth Sadness (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Leaving this sentence, Hongmang stood by Yu Lin, broke open the roof, and flew towards the north.

Seeing this, Chen Feng snorted coldly and chased after him.

"Running? If you can run twice as fast as light, you are considered good."

Of course, before chasing, Chen Feng took the three daughters and Chen Shaotian into his secret realm.

If Chen Feng's current speed is transformed into the element of light, it will be more than twice the real speed of light.

Don't forget, it has been a long time since he was developed to the top level since he obtained the ability of the glittering fruit in the pirate world.

Besides, Chen Feng's cultivation was not for nothing.

Adding up the two, the speed is much faster than only using the ability of the glittering fruit.

Yu Lin was led by Hongmang and fled forward quickly, feeling that his body had dropped to the third-rank cultivation level of Venerable, and the killing intent in his eyes increased sharply.

"Damn, this old man's fallen cultivation must be compensated with your life."

"Haha, then you have to go back and talk about it if you have the life, but that's probably impossible."

Yu Lin, who was scolding and venting his anger, suddenly heard Chen Feng's voice, and was so shocked that he almost fainted.

Turning his head, he saw that it wasn't Chen Feng who was chasing after him.

I saw that Chen Feng's body at this time had turned into a form of light, and was rapidly shortening the distance from Yu Lin.

This made Yu Lin even more frightened, and he kept shouting in his heart to hurry up, hurry up.

However, this is simply impossible. His forbidden technique is the fastest, and that is the speed.

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