"Oh, yes, second brother, I'm leaving."

Chen Shaotian, who asked about the medicine, was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reflected 547.

"Are you going? Where are you going?"

In fact, Chen Shaotian still didn't want Chen Feng to leave so early. He also wanted to give it a final try to see if he could leave this position to Chen Feng.

"Where do you care about me?"

Just when the brothers were about to start a new round of bickering, someone suddenly broke in from outside the door.

"Report, report!!!!"

Chen Shaotian and Chen Feng heard the sound and looked, but found that it was a soldier covered in wounds.

They looked at each other and saw the solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

"what happened?"

Chen Shaotian stepped forward quickly, supported the soldier, slowly put him on the ground, and asked.

These soldiers are all Chen Shaotian himself who has been out in the past few years, and the team formed by Chen Shaotian has a good degree of trust.

"The mansion, the mansion master, a group of people came outside, with high cultivation base, they said they were looking for the third master."

The soldier lay on the ground, took two breaths, and said hurriedly.

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a sneer.

He found (bidh) that there are quite a lot of people who have troubled him recently.

He took out a healing medicine and threw it to Chen Shaotian.

"Second brother, just wait here first, I'll go see who is looking for me."

With that said, Chen Feng walked outside.

When he walked outside the Chen residence, he found that a group of people were floating in the air.

"Where's Chen Feng? Didn't I ask Chen Feng to come out?? What about others? Why didn't I come out to see me?"

The young man in yellow robe who took the lead, when he saw Chen Feng, immediately said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Chen Feng squinted his eyes, and then said.

"Did you know? In this world, only my little master can talk to others so arrogantly."

Glancing at the young man in yellow robe disdainfully, Chen Feng didn't take him as a person who cultivated at the pinnacle of the True Monarch Realm in his eyes.

"Besides, whoever talks to me like this is either dead or frozen by me. Which one do you want to choose?"

Hearing his words, the face of the young man in yellow robe changed and changed.

"Hmph, what an ant with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth."

He waved his hand behind him, and then someone came to his side and bowed to wait for the order.

"Go, break this guy and break his limbs. I want to see him kneeling on the ground and talking to me."

Chapter 1 Children of the Qi Clan (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Go, break this guy and break his limbs. I want to see him kneeling on the ground and talking to me."

Hearing that, the man glanced at Chen Feng, and there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.


He cupped his hands again, and then fell to the ground.

As soon as it fell to the ground, a mace appeared in his hand.

"Boy, you are still yourself..."

Chen Feng looked at the ice sculpture in front of him with disdain.

Now that any cat or dog dares to come to me and fumble twice, should I find some time to go to various places to make a scene, so that no one else comes to trouble me.

After thinking about it, let's solve the trouble in front of me first, then turned to look at the surprised yellow-robed youth in the air.

"As I said, I'm the only one who is arrogant towards others, so please get down and kneel for me first."

After all, a huge pressure enveloped this group of people.

As soon as the huge pressure appeared, everyone found that they couldn't control their bodies and fell directly.

Especially the young man in yellow robe, under the care of Chen Feng, not only fell faster than others, but also much heavier than others.

"Plop plop..."

A dozen or so landing sounds rang out, and a group of people lay on the ground.

"You, how dare you treat me like this, I want you to die!!"

There was a hint of anger on the face of the young man in yellow robe, and he wanted to get up and fight Chen Feng desperately.

But when he used his whole body strength, he found that he could only hold up a little, and then he couldn't hold it any longer.

Chen Feng walked to the youth in yellow robe, squatted down, stretched out his hand, and an ice dagger appeared in his hand.

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