Its body defense is also very strong. Rao is a clone with all the strength of Chen Feng, and it can't be broken for a while, but the severe pain makes it unbearable.

The old man heard the wailing of the whale again, and then noticed that the whale was about to get out of his control because of the pain.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Originally, because of the spell, Whale Kun could be controlled by him.

But now, because of the severe pain, the spell is about to fail.

Glancing at the clone in front of him, the sea water under the blue-robed old man boiled again.

With his movements, several human figures rose from the sea, and finally changed into his appearance.

This is also a clone, but this clone is incomparable to Chen Feng's clone.

His avatar is only formed by magic, and it is only half of his strength.

After the avatars were formed, under his command, they rushed to the whale, and the whales also cooperated and opened their mouths to let these avatars enter his body.

"Hey, I don't dare to show your real body. When this sect destroys your avatar first, I will find out your deity and make it well!!!"


The blue-robed old man snorted coldly again and sealed it again.

The clone did not stop when he performed the surgery, but was blocked by the sea water.

No matter which direction the clone attacks from, the sea water will split out and block the clone's attack back.

From this, it can be seen that the blue-robed old man's strength is not bad.

However, what puzzled Chen Feng was that the blue-robed old man's cultivation was neither the Venerable Realm nor the higher High Venerable Realm.

Chen Feng doesn't know how strong the Supreme Realm is, because he has never seen it before.

However, looking at the blue-robed old man's cultivation, it seems to be a level between the two.

This discovery made Chen Feng a little puzzled.

Is there a realm between the two?

But it is said in the Immortal Realm that above the Venerable is the High Venerable. If there is really a new realm, what should it be?

Soon, the blue-robed old man gave the answer.

"Boy, your avatar is very good, but before the strength of this sect's human realm, it is not enough to see."

The old man made a seal on his hands, looked at Chen Feng's clone calmly, and said.

"It is widely circulated in the Immortal World that the Venerable is above the Venerable. However, the Venerable Realm is just the beginning. Before the Venerable, there are still many realms. Now this sect will let you know what it is. The strength above the Venerable!!".

Chapter 3 Destroy the Sect (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Hearing the words of the blue-robed old man, Chen Feng suddenly realized.

It turned out that the realm that was widely circulated in the Immortal Realm has always been wrong.

Above the Venerable Realm, there are higher levels, so it makes sense.

Otherwise, how could a sea beast like the whale be easily controlled by someone.

When he first saw the whale, Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

When Chen Mingxuan broke through the Supreme Realm, Chen Feng naturally felt it.

However, it is obvious that even the Venerable Realm cannot control such a behemoth.

A newly born whale, only [-] meters in size, can have the cultivation of the real world.

Like this, just looking at the front, there are whales hundreds of meters away, and it is conceivable how strong it will be.

At this time, the whale can no longer maintain a floating state and falls downward.

Below it is Yongan City.

"Two Nine Three"

As early as when it was floating above Yongan City, the people below had already fled in panic.

At this time, the half of the city where the whales fell, except for a very few people who only watched the fun, basically no one was there.

If this whale is really implemented, at least half of this Yongan City will be destroyed by the whale.

At that time, Yongsuifufucheng is afraid that the place will be changed.

However, as a prefecture-level city, there is a place like the coast, how can there be no defensive measures at all.

After only hearing three soft sounds, three semi-circular light curtains enveloped the entire Yongan City.

Three light curtains, one brighter than the other, are formed by three defensive formations with different powers.

The attacks that can be resisted are also different.

The whale fell on the defensive cover and made a loud noise.

The first layer of defensive cover shattered in response, and the second layer of defense did not hold up for a long time.

As for the third layer of defense cover, due to the transition of the first two layers of defense cover, it was barely able to support it.

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