"What kind of thing can make you afraid of this?"

Chen Feng asked with interest.

Mouse San said bitterly.

"Hey, my lord, you don't know something. This matter has been banned for a hundred years. Back then..."

The four women and a fox next to him also listened carefully to what Mouse San said.

"A hundred years ago, the Hidden Realm was still four sects, one family and six sects. The first major sect at that time was the Tianyan Sect. With a superb sealing technique, everyone surrendered..."

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart moved, and the seal of the Martial Arts God Seal was pinched out in his hand.

A chain of chains appeared out of thin air in the air.

"is it this one?"

"This, this, this is the seal of Tianyan!! Why, how can you use this sealing technique?"

The mouse recognized the sealing technique at a glance, and shouted in horror.

"Well, yes, that's fine. Don't worry about it for now and continue talking."

As soon as Chen Feng's spiritual power was withdrawn, all the golden chains dissipated in the air.

Mouse San glanced at Chen Feng with lingering fears, and felt more and more that his origin was not simple.

"The Zhao family back then was a family that was attached to Tianyanzong. Under the protection of Tianyanzong, it could be said that it was very beautiful for a while, and it could almost be called the fifth sect at that time."

"However, the other three sects did not want to be suppressed by Tianyanzong all the time, so under the leadership of Shenyanzong, the remaining two sects and six sects, as well as some small sect families in the hidden world, directly Attacked the sect."

"In that battle, Tianyanzong was completely destroyed, and there were three more families of King Qi and Liu, and two more sects. The Zhao family survived because they broke away from the relationship with Tianyanzong in time."

Speaking of this, Mouse San paused, glanced at Chen Feng, and continued.

"Tian Yanzong's sect-suppressing sealing technique is the Tianyan seal that you just cast. It is said that if you cultivate to the extreme, the world can be sealed. Only those who fought in the war know that."

After listening to the story of the third mouse, everyone knew that there was such a past in the hidden world.

As for Chen Feng, he focused his attention on how the seal of Tianyan, that is, the divine seal of martial arts, fell to the Xuanjie. .

Chapter 3 Nine-pattern enlightenment leaves (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)


The sound of the door opening sounded, and Xiao Er walked in with a tool for making tea.

The moment the door opened, Chen Feng removed the formation, so Xiao Er didn't notice anything unusual at all.

"Master Rat, the Cuiyu Lingye Tea you asked for is here."

The tea here is all freshly brewed, I won't say it's for you~ Okay, I'll bring it here.

After a skillful operation, the rich aroma wafts in the entire courtyard.

"You guys, please take your time, I'll go down first, if you have something to do, just call, I'll be right outside the door."

Xiao Er bowed and backed out.

After Xiao Er left, Chen Feng set up the formation again.

Mouse three continued to talk while pouring tea.

"In the battle a hundred years ago, Tianyanzong was destroyed, and other sects and sects suffered a lot of losses. After dividing up Tianyanzong's resources, a hundred years has already allowed them to recover. come over."

Mouse San sighed, picked up the cup, and took a sip of tea.

"Today Yanzong..."

Chen Feng pondered, he didn't listen to what Mouse San said afterward.

"System, can the people here go to the lower realm??"

【OK. 】

Hearing the system's words, Chen Feng's face sank.

The system's answer confirmed Chen Feng's thoughts. If he could go down, then the seal of Tianyan appeared in the Xuanjie, then the explanation would make sense.

[Earth Immortal World is connected to each of the lower-level worlds below by a one-way channel. If there is great energy, it is not impossible to open the channel and forcibly pass through. 】

"That's going to cost a lot, right?"

Just like the one-way channel mentioned by the system, Chen Feng, as a young man in the new century, has long been familiar with the bombardment of novels.

The retrograde one-way channel will definitely pay a huge price. As for what the price is, Chen Feng has no idea.

[Yes, if the cultivation base is not enough, if you forcibly break through, there will be only one result, and that is death. Even if the cultivation base is strong enough, forcibly retrograde passage will result in major damage to the cultivation base, and in severe cases, the body will die and the soul will be dissipated. 】


After getting the answer, Chen Feng couldn't help taking a breath.

"what happened?"

Liu Xia'er next to him saw Chen Feng's strangeness and asked with concern.

"Uh, it's okay, drink tea, drink tea."

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