The man in the room, Qi Yu, heard the words and asked curiously.

"Speak slowly, speak slowly, don't rush."

With that said, he poured a cup of the tea on the table and handed it to him.

After he drank tea and took a deep breath, he asked again.

"Speaking of which, what's the good thing? What treasures have appeared?"

"Big, my lord!! The Nine-pattern Enlightenment Leaf!! The Nine-pattern Enlightenment Leaf has appeared!!"

Master Fang said excitedly.

"Nine pattern enlightenment leaves? Nine..."

At first hearing this news, Qi Yu hadn't slowed down yet. After repeating it again, he remembered what the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf is.

"Really? Is it really the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf?!!!"

After thinking about what the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf is, Qi Yu was also excited, and the calm appearance just now disappeared without a trace.

"Yeah!! My lord! It is the legendary nine-pattern enlightenment leaf!!!"

Master Fang was also very excited.

After all, the nine-pattern enlightenment leaves can only be the legendary spiritual plant by now.

"Then what are you waiting for, take me there!!"

While speaking, Qi Yu had already walked out.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Master Fang responded repeatedly, and then walked out quickly.

However, what they don't know is that someone has already gone ahead.


After Master Fang left, Chen Feng followed him to the eighth floor, but at this moment, there was a noise outside the door.

"Third, third master, you, don't embarrass us. Master Qi Yu said that if there are guests here, they are not allowed to enter."

"Go away! This young master has seen his fiancée, come and have a look!!"

With an arrogant voice, the door of the appraisal room was opened.

A young man walked in with a face full of arrogance.

There were two people behind him, one in white and the other in black.

"Apart from this young master's fiancee, arrest everyone else for me!!"

After his words fell, the two people behind him walked up with a cold face, reaching out and grabbing Chen Feng and the others.


Chapter [-] The Unusually Confident Qi Yu (plus three, please subscribe, please customize)

"Hmph, these two are the cultivation bases of the peak of the True Monarch Realm. This time, this young master wants you to live rather than die!! And these few people around you are nobody, let this young master take care of them!!"

Listening to the tone of these words, Chen Feng remembered a person.

"Are you the idiot who was dressed in strings by me in Tianren Mansion?"

Chen Feng's words suddenly reminded him of the feeling of being pierced to death by Chen Feng's sword before returning to the Hidden Realm. His eyes suddenly turned red, and his breath became a little unstable.

"You, damn it!!! Get on me and kill him!!"

With a roar, Qi Sheng, no, it's time to call him Qi Huan, angrily yelling at the black and white two people.

The two people heard the words, accelerated their speed, and rushed towards the crowd.

"Che, if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, hum!"

As he said that, Chen Feng didn't even stretch out his hand, he just stomped his foot.

A large amount of cold mist quickly floated out from his body and attacked the black and white two who were rushing.

Mouse San, who was on the side, had already stayed where he was when Qi Huan came over.

The Qi family is going to marry the Fu family, and the news has spread all over the hidden world.

However, not many people have seen Fu Ying's appearance, so no one has come out. The woman next to Chen Feng is the heroine in rumors.

Now that Qi Huan came over and said those words, he only knew.

It turned out that this woman was Fu Ying.

And what Chen Feng said later surprised him even more.

A large crowd had gathered outside the door to watch the excitement, and when they heard Chen Feng's words, they were all talking about it.

"This guy is so fierce? You want to kill the third son of the Qi family?"

"Who can tell the younger brother why? What's the situation here now?"

"You just came here, let me tell you, it is said that Qi Sanshao has been given a green hat."

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