The ransom is small, and some people don't even bring it.

What's more, after coming here, the attitude is exactly the same as that of the Great Elder.

However, these individuals did not need Chen Feng to take action, and the three mice took care of them all.

By dusk, there were only two or three left in this group.

These people are all abandoned, or people who have been deprived of their original positions.

Chen Feng saw that it was not too early, he winked at the third mouse, and took the four daughters to the Heavenly Emperor.

The mouse three nodded understandingly and walked to the front of those people.

After that, Chen Feng doesn't have to worry about it.

After calculating the time, it is almost time to hold the Earth Immortal Academy Competition.

He took out a jade slip. This jade slip was exactly the jade slip he was when he entered the Qimu Academy.

Since he came out, this jade slip has been forgotten by him in the corner of the storage ring.

As soon as he penetrated his divine sense, the overwhelming information was used towards him, and he was so frightened that he quickly retreated.

After calming down, Chen Feng probed his divine sense into the jade slip again to check the news.

The one who sent the most messages was the dean.

Keep asking him where he is, reminding him not to forget the game.

The rest is the news of Han Yide and Yulan Meng, Yulan Meng is okay, just ask him how he is doing.

But there are more Han Yide, and there is any news.

Chen Feng glanced at it roughly, basically one message a day, and even a little bit of reporting on his daily feelings.

Silently withdrew his consciousness, just when he was about to send a message to the dean, Yu Jian lit up.

With a sigh, Chen Feng probed into his divine sense again.

"Boss, we are in the hidden world. Although the eldest sister doesn't say anything, I can see that she misses you. Also, the old dean has been talking about you and asking us about your news, but I...々'... "

It was Han Yide's news again. Chen Feng held his forehead helplessly and read the news that was nearly a thousand words long.

After reading it, Chen Feng thought for a while, sent him a message, then sent a message to the dean, and then shoved the jade slip into the ring again and ignored it.

On the other hand, because it was getting late, the people from Qimu Academy who came to participate in the competition set up camp in the wild.

At this time, some relatively unpopular techniques came into play.

For example...

"The art of civil engineering!"

Han Yide pinched the spiritual art and pointed at the open space in front of him, and then the land began to bulge.

Over time, a stone house rose.

"Hey, this thing is quite useful."

Han Yide smiled proudly, then opened the door, which was also made of stone, and wanted to go in.

As expected, as soon as he opened the door, a large pile of soil poured out and buried him directly below.

"Han Yide? Where are you, Han Yide?"

Yu Lanmeng came to look for him at this time, but he didn't see anyone else, only a strange stone house and a large pile of dirt. After looking around, he still couldn't find anyone.

"Strange, I just saw him here."

Yulan Meng muttered to herself with some doubts.

Chapter 1 Chen Feng's news (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Yulan Meng muttered to herself with some doubts.

"woo woo woo woo……"

At this time, Han Yide's voice came from below the mound.

"Is that you? Han Yide?"

When Yulan Meng heard the voice, it was a bit like Han Yide's voice and asked quickly.

"Help woo woo woo..."

This time, she heard clearly, it was Han Yide's voice, and quickly moved the pile of dirt away with her spiritual power, revealing Han Yide inside.

"Huh, I almost explained it to this pile of dirt."

As soon as Han Yide came out, he immediately gasped for breath.

At this time, Han Yide seemed to sense something, climbed up from the mound with difficulty, and took out the jade slip.

"Who, I don't know, sir, I..."

Impatiently, he poked his divine sense into it, muttering dissatisfiedly, while checking the news.

Just halfway through, the whole person stayed where he was.

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