As expected, after Fang Qingtong heard what he said, she said nervously like a cat with frizzy fur.

Seeing her excited look, the dean could only helplessly shake his head and wave his hand.

"Hey, go, go, gather the students, get ready to go, hurry up today, the game will officially start the day after tomorrow."

Fang Qingtong also realized that she was too excited at this time, so she walked out angrily and called the students to go.

On Chen Feng's side, he had already obtained the address given by the dean, but since he didn't know the location, Fu Ying steered the flying boat towards the destination.

On the way, I easily destroyed the sects that didn't even send anyone, and made a small profit.

At this time, since the ruins are about to open, a large number of people poured into the hidden world during this period of time.

Almost every inn in Hidden Realm towns and cities is full, especially in the cities next to the ruins. Basically, all the vacancies are already occupied. What's more, they directly bought the nearby residential houses.

"Hey, have you heard?"


At this time, in an inn in Haotian City, everyone was discussing something.

"Shen Yanzong and the Qi family were destroyed, and even several small sects were destroyed, do you know that?"

"Hey, I thought you were talking about it. It turned out to be this matter. Why don't you know? This matter is now known to everyone in the hidden world, okay?"

"Who is it? I only heard about it. I don't know who it is."

"I heard that it was done by a sixteen-year-old boy named Chen Feng who came in from the outside world."

"Where are you flickering, sixteen-year-old? Just kidding."

Chapter 1 All parties gather (3/1 for subscription, for customization) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Where are you flickering, sixteen-year-old? Just kidding."

"That's right, a sixteen-year-old exterminates Shen Yanzong? You might as well lie to me, the Ming clan is about to invade."

Listening to the words of the people around him, a bearded man said suspiciously.

However, she didn't know that what he said would become a reality in the near future.

"Who lied to you, I have that kung fu, so I might as well eat more."

These kinds of remarks are now being used in inns in various cities as a talk before and after meals.

The people who came in from the outside world were very surprised when they heard these rumors.

Because of (bjbd), Chen Feng's rumors have spread outside.

However, these things in the hidden world, they do not know.

As soon as he came to the Hidden Realm at this time, he heard Chen Feng's rumors again, and he felt very inconceivable.

"Damn it! It's this Chen Feng again!!"

In a luxurious courtyard, a young man in Chinese clothes suddenly threw the jade slip in his hand to the ground.

This young man was the former No. [-] on the Earth Ranking List, and now Hua Ye, who has been downgraded to No. [-].

"Brother Hua, I came here on purpose, not just to tell you the news."

A young man wearing a green robe and holding a folding fan beside him said slowly.

"What do you think, the two of us will join forces to get rid of this Chen Feng, what do you think?"

"Can it succeed? He wiped out the Shen Yanzong."

Huaye looked at the young man suspiciously and asked.

"Hahaha, nothing is impossible, as long as there is this."

Saying that, the young man took out a transparent bottle, and in the bottle, there was a strange bug, lying quietly at the bottom of the bottle, motionless.

"This, this thing, how can you have it!!"

Huaye looked at the bottle in his hand with horror, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Don't care how I got it, just say, cooperate or not cooperate."

The young man snapped, closed the folding fan, looked at Huaye and asked.


Huaye thought for a moment with a hesitant look on his face, then gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, I agree."

"Pleasant to work with."

Seeing that he agreed, the young man immediately flashed a hint of joy in his eyes and stretched out a hand.

"Cooperation is fine, but his secret treasure must belong to me!"

Huaye looked at the young man vigilantly and said.

"Okay, I just need to get rid of him."

The young man readily agreed and ignored him, took his hand and shook it twice, then turned and left.

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