In the eyes of the third mouse, an excited look flashed.

Chen Feng's words fully showed that he already regarded himself as his own, how could this make him not excited.

Although his heart is excited, the cultivation of the Venerable Realm is not for nothing.

With an incomparably flat face, he took a step forward, saluted the dean, and then retreated behind the crowd again, his eyelids slightly closed, and he stopped talking.

The dean naturally saw that Shu San's cultivation had already reached the Venerable Realm, which made him even more frightened and curious.

He was very curious, what Chen Feng had done in the past two months, and he even hired a subordinate of the Venerable Realm.

Although curious, he also knew that these things, if Chen Feng wanted to say, would naturally say.

Since Chen Feng didn't say anything, then he didn't have to take the initiative to ask. Even if he asked, Chen Feng wouldn't answer.

After thinking for a while, the dean said to Chen Feng.


"Let's go, I'll take you to the academy's residence, but a few of them..."

"What? Can't you? If it doesn't work, then forget it. I won't go to the station anymore. I'll just find a place to live outside."

When Chen Feng heard the dean's words, he knew what he wanted to say and said it directly.

"Uh, don't, there are many students in the college who want to meet you, the great god, you don't know, there are rumors about you everywhere now..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the dean immediately became anxious.

Because the rumors of Chen Feng circulating outside have been exaggerated many times, the students in the academy are now looking forward to seeing this big guy who went out of their academy.

When the academy held the internal competition, in order to motivate the students to do their best, the dean even said that Chen Feng should guide them.

Now that I have finally seen Chen Feng, if he is letting Chen Feng run away, where will he put his face.

"Meet me? Can't we meet at the time of the game? Is it necessary to meet now?"

After listening to the dean's words, Chen Feng could not help frowning. He knew that things were definitely not as simple as the dean said.

"Uh, hehe...hehehe..."

The dean smiled awkwardly and turned around.

"I'm not, didn't I spread fame to you, so, so I said, let you guide and guide some things in their cultivation.".

Chapter 3 Where to live? (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Looking at the dean speechlessly, Chen Feng shook his head resolutely.

"Leave me an address. When the time comes, I'll go over by myself."

"You... ugh..."

Seeing Chen Feng's resolute attitude, the dean could only sigh helplessly, then passed the address to Chen Feng on a jade slip, and then left.

"Just say no, you have to send any message, really."

Taking a strange look at the dean's leaving figure, Chen Feng muttered softly and took out the jade slip.

In Yu Jian, in addition to the address, there was a sentence in the message just given to him. This sentence made Chen Feng silent.

"The address is... Also, come here if you can, there are people who don't think about tea and dinner for you every day now, alas, evil fate..."

Seeing this last sentence, a figure flashed across Chen Feng's mind in the sea of ​​"[-]".

This figure was exactly what Fang Qingtong looked like.

It is impossible to say that there is no trace of Fang Qingtong in Chen Feng's heart. After all, he has already kissed and touched others, so he can't be irresponsible.

However, due to a lot of things going on during this time, and then a few women were with Chen Feng again, but for a while, he didn't think of it.

Now that I think about it again, I can't help but feel a lot of thoughts in my heart.

And Yulan Meng, this girl has always meant a lot to him.

Thinking about it now, it’s okay to meet them in the past.

But then, Chen Feng shook his head sharply and put the thought aside.

"let it go."

With a sigh, Chen Feng looked again in the direction where the dean left, as if he could see the figures of the two women.

"What's the matter, Brother Feng?"

At this moment, Liu Xia'er's voice pulled his thoughts back.

"it's okay no problem……"

Chen Feng, who had regained his senses, said quickly.

He couldn't possibly tell her that he was thinking of other women, right?

This kind of thing can only be done by a fool, and he is not stupid.


Liu Xia'er replied obediently, then wrapped her arms around him and stood aside.

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