Opening his eyes, he looked at the door of the room in surprise, a little surprised.

She did all kinds of calculations, but she never thought that Fang Qingtong was actually the saintess of the Ming clan.

Thinking that she was still Fang Qingtong's student, and Fang Qingtong wandered around in front of her every day, so she didn't realize it, wasting three months outside in vain, and thinking about it, she felt stupid.

But after thinking about it, unless the saint is awakened, otherwise, it can only be found by the appearance of the stigmata and the aura of the saint on the night of the full moon.

Thinking about it like this, I feel that I am really too powerful, a prophet.

He knocked on the door softly, but after a while, he got no response.

Shisha'er put her hand on the door, pushed it gently, and the door opened with a slight sound.

This sound may be small, but in the ears of the hookah, it is no different from the explosion of thunder.

He stopped quickly, the whole person jumped up, jumped to the roof, and absorbed it with spiritual power to prevent himself from falling.

Chapter 3 Stealing? (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

He stopped quickly, the whole person jumped up, jumped to the roof, and absorbed it with spiritual power to prevent himself from falling.

"Bang dong, bang dong..."

Shisha found that her heart was beating fast.

Although she is not stealing, she is here to steal people! !

It was my first time doing something like this, so I was very nervous.

After waiting for a while, I found that there was no movement, and the hookah slowly floated down.

He wrapped the whole door with spiritual power and slowly opened it.

Pushing the door open, I saw Fang Qingtong, who was lying on the windowsill, sleeping soundly.

At the same time, he also saw the silver imprint floating in the air in front of Fang Qingtong's forehead, and he suddenly cried out with excitement.

But fortunately, she held back in time, covered her mouth forcefully to prevent herself from making a sound, and slowly approached Fang Qingtong.


If it were normal times, Fang Qingtong would not have even this vigilance.

Everyone ran to her side, still sleeping soundly.

However, today she experienced a psychological trauma first, and because of Yuehua, she didn't react at all to the arrival of Shisha.

Looking at Fang Qingtong in front of her, Shisha'er showed a hint of guilt.

But this guilt was quickly replaced by firmness.

For the future of the Ming clan, she could only do this.

Take a clear bottle out of the ring, through which you can see some purple gas inside.

She opened the bottle and put it under her nose, and she inhaled wisps of purple gas into her body.


A strange purple flashed across his face, and then returned to normal.

But Shisha'er knew that Fang Qingtong's current state, even if someone was in her ear and shouted loudly with amplifying magic, she couldn't wake her up.

The wing mark on Fang Qingtong's forehead returned to her forehead after she inhaled the purple gas, and then disappeared.

After doing all this, Shisha took out a bag again.

This bag is a storage bag that can hold living things.

Such storage bags have very little space inside and are very scarce.

However, because the space is so small, generally, few people will want it.

So, even if it is very rare, the price is very cheap.

Generally speaking, hunters who spend years catching spirit beasts and beasts for sale will have such bags, and others will basically not want them.

Opening the bag, Shisha'er read a few formulas, pointed at Fang Qingtong, and then saw that there was a strong suction from the bag, which sucked Fang Qingtong into the air.

In the process of entering the bag, Fang Qingtong's body continued to shrink, and finally became only the size of a thumb, and was sucked into the bag.

Tie the mouth of the bag and put it in the ring, and the hookah went back to her room.

I took all my things and left here in the dark. .

Chapter [-] is missing (add one more, please subscribe, please customize)

The next day, since the competition started today, everyone got up early.

Everyone was assembled, and when they were about to leave, they found that there was one person missing.

"President, Fang Qingtong's mentor hasn't come yet."

Yulan Meng looked around, but did not see Fang Qingtong's figure, so she hurriedly said to the dean in front of her.


The dean looked around suspiciously after hearing the words, but did not find Fang Qingtong's figure.

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