Feeling that the atmosphere was a little too dull, Chen Feng said directly.

When the voice came, everyone looked up.

When they saw that the person who came was actually Chen Feng, a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"Chen Feng!!"


Yulan Meng didn't care that there were many people around, so she jumped up and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Seeing this, Chen Feng quickly reached out and hugged her.

Han Yide ran over and saw Yulan Meng hugging Chen Feng, he immediately opened his arms and was about to hug him.

Chen Feng took a look, how could he really be hugged, and kicked out with one kick.

"Go away, I didn't see your sister-in-law and I were hugging."

Han Yide rolled on the ground, stood up, patted the ashes on his body indifferently, and smirked at Chen Feng.

"Dean, where is Instructor Fang? Why haven't I seen her?"

Patting the pretty back of the beautiful woman in his arms, Chen Feng glanced around, but did not find Fang Qingtong's figure, and asked a little strangely.

"Fang Qingtong, she..."

When the dean was pondering whether to say it or not, Han Yide said it directly.

"Mr. Fang is missing."

"Well? Missing? No way?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"Is she still missing? Did she go somewhere?"

With that said, Chen Feng turned to look at the Dean, wanting to get the exact answer from him.

The dean shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Chen Feng, come with me."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards a place where no one was there.

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After speaking, he turned and walked towards a place where no one was there.

Looking at the dean's expression, Chen Feng's expression changed, and then returned to normal.

Pat Yulan Meng's back, Chen Feng whispered in her ear.

"I'll go first, and I'll come to accompany you later."

After listening to his words, Yulan Meng left his arms, nodded obediently, and kissed him gently on the face.

Chen Feng smiled and turned to look for the dean.

At the moment he turned around, his face quickly darkened.

Following the dean, I came to a place where no one was there.

"what is the problem?"

Looking at the dean with the same gloomy expression, Chen Feng asked coldly.

For Fang Qingtong, he has regarded it as his ban.

If Fang Qingtong just hid by himself, that's okay to say, but looking at the dean's expression now, the situation should not be so simple.

Hearing this, the dean took out two bottles and handed them to Chen Feng.

Seeing these two bottles, Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

He just saw that the dean took it out.

"what is this?"

"This is what I found in Fang Qingtong's room."

The dean sighed again and said with a heavy face.

"This kind of thing is the gas extracted from Netherworld Flower."

"Once a person inhales this gas, unless you are immune to all poisons, even a person with a high level of cultivation will instantly lose consciousness and lose all cultivation in a short period of time as long as the amount is sufficient."

Saying that, the dean pointed to the bottle on the right.

"I caught this in Xiaofang's room, and this bottle was found in Shisha's room."

Suddenly hearing an unfamiliar name, Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

"Who is this hookah, and what does this have to do with her?"

"Oh, it's a big deal."

The dean sighed again, and said with some melancholy.

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