Just when everyone thought that the light curtain was about to be broken like this, the incident suddenly took a sharp turn.

I saw Chen Chusheng gritted his teeth, beat his chest violently, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Reaching out a hand, a spiritual force, with this blood essence, flew to the magic treasure above.

The magic weapon that was contaminated with blood essence suddenly shines brightly, but Chen Chusheng seized this opportunity and turned his hands up again.

One by one, he kept pinching out the spirits.

The spirit energy transformed by the aura floated in mid-air, and in a short while, it filled all the space around him...  


Only when Chen Chusheng shouted, all the light blue spirits transformed by spiritual energy moved quickly.

According to certain rules, the light curtain is surrounded from top to bottom, and it keeps rotating around the light curtain.

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a look of interest.

He crossed his chest with his arms and stood aside, wanting to see what other moves he could use.

I saw that those spirits were spinning faster and faster, and they actually drove the three light curtains around Chen Feng's body to start spinning.

As the magic weapon began to rotate rapidly, a formation suddenly appeared above the magic weapon.

At the same time, the sky was overcast, with purple thunder and lightning protruding from it from time to time.

At the beginning, the people around thought that the power of the magic weapon had only increased.

But I didn't expect that Chen Chusheng could actually mobilize the power of thunder in the sky to increase the power of his magic weapon.

Feeling the pressure coming from the sky, it is actually not much weaker than the power of Jieyun.

For a while, everyone's face was full of horror.

You know, that is thunder and lightning. Since ancient times, the power of thunder tribulation has been high in people's hearts.

When it comes to thunder robbery, almost everyone's color changes.

It's all because the power of Thunder Tribulation is really too great. Even if 1.0 is fully prepared, once there is a small mistake, it may kill Huangquan.

Moreover, it is still soulless, and there is no chance of rebuilding.

Therefore, at this moment, I was very surprised to see that Chen Chusheng was able to provoke Lei Ting.

But fortunately, the scope of this thundercloud is not too wide, it just covers the arena of Chen Feng and the others.

"Chen Feng, I've lost my source and used this trick. If you can still take it, I, Chen Chusheng, will be convinced!!"

Chen Chusheng looked at the thunderclouds in the sky and shouted at Chen Feng.

Hearing this, Chen Feng rolled his eyes and pouted in disdain.

How old are you, I still use it to find you to be convinced by me?Are you kidding me? .

Chapter 2 Time Domain Reappearance (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Glancing at Chen Chusheng casually, Chen Feng clenched his fist.

"I'm afraid, you haven't experienced true despair, have you?"

Chen Chusheng was stunned when he heard the words.

He didn't understand what Chen Feng meant when he said this.

Is Chen Feng confident, or is he just bluffing?

You know, the power of thunder, although it is motivated by the formation, is no different from the real power of catastrophe.

It can be said that it is only slightly weaker than Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not much weaker.

If Chen Feng can really resist the catastrophe, it means that the previous rumors are all true.

The people around were also nervously watching the stage, wanting to see what Chen Feng would do next.

However, because the light curtain was rotating too fast, it was impossible to see what was inside, and only Chen Feng could hear it.

At this time, Chen Feng's words were also heard by everyone.

In the light curtain, Chen Feng hit the light curtain with a punch, but due to the too fast rotation speed, this blow had no effect.

"Oh, is that okay?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised that he missed a hit.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng waved his hand and summoned Xiao Yi.

As soon as Xiao Yi came out, he started rubbing against Chen Feng, and made a low whistle.

"Stop, stop! Work first, and then talk about other things when you're done."

Chen Feng reluctantly pushed Xiao Yi aside and said.

This spirit tool has an artifact spirit, but it is different. The flexibility is not comparable to ordinary spirit tools, but it is also much more troublesome than ordinary spirit tools.

Hearing the words, Xiao Yi turned around reluctantly.

Seeing this, Chen Feng said helplessly.

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