Then, I saw them spew out a mouthful of flames, spraying them on the demon core.

Chen Feng was curious and couldn't help but ask.

"Heizi, what are they doing?"

"Master, this is the cultivation method inherited from our bloodline. Because the spiritual pill that Master has bestowed this time has a strong medicinal effect, they are now using the excess spiritual power to refine their demon cores even more solidly. ."


Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly realized that he turned his head to look at the Thunder Beast held by Yu Lan Meng in his arms.

"What about you? Do you have a demon core?"

Lei Beast glanced at the guards who were cultivating, and turned his head in disdain.

"My thunder beast family, born to raise, is a spirit beast! Cultivation requires the power of thunder, how can you compare me with them?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly remembered Xiao Bai and asked Lei Beast.

"Then, do you know the nine-tailed fox?"

I thought that Thunder Beast didn't know about the nine-tailed fox, after all, it has always lived in the ruins.

As soon as he heard the nine-tailed celestial fox, Thunder Beast immediately became excited.

"Nine-tailed celestial fox? How do you know about the nine-tailed celestial fox? Have you encountered it? Did you meet it there?"

Chen Feng stared blankly at the Thunder Beast, wondering why it was so excited.

Wen Yan pointed to himself and said.

"Is there a nine-tailed celestial fox? I have one, what's the matter? You two have a grudge?"

"My Thunder Beast Clan and the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox Clan belong to the same spirit beasts, so how could they have hatred."

At this time, the thunder beast also calmed down and explained.

"My Thunder Beast Clan is an elemental spirit beast, while the Tianhu Clan can awaken the talent of the Elemental Law. Each of their tails represents a kind of talent."

"If it awakens the talent of the Thunder Law, it will be beneficial for both of us to cultivate."

Chapter [-] The main hall (plus three, please subscribe, please customize)

"However, our elemental spirit beast clan should be affiliated with the nine-tailed celestial fox clan."

After listening to Lei Beast's words, Chen Feng realized that there is still such a layer of connection between this Lei Beast and Xiao Bai.

When his feet moved, Chen Feng looked down, but Hei Zi was biting his trouser legs.

"what happened?"

"Master, they have been strengthened."

Hei Zi turned his head to look at his subordinates and gestured to Chen Feng.

"Oh? So fast?"

Chen Feng looked at the wolves in surprise.

The first to look at it must be the guard of the wolf king next to him.

I saw those guards, the flames on their backs became darker, the blue flames in their eyes became pure, and there were small horns on their heads.

"Five One Zero"

However, these corners cannot be seen unless you look carefully.

Looking from the back, it is those ordinary wolves.

The changes are also quite big. At least Chen Feng seems to see that, except for those that are too small, they are basically the same as the strength of the Wolf King's guards before they were strengthened.

"Well, yes, you first take your subordinates into my secret realm, and after you go out, I will let you out."

Nodding with satisfaction, Chen Feng said.

"There are also spiritual plants and spiritual fruits in it. I will get some for you when the time comes. Remember, you must restrict them and don't let them run around in it."

"Yes, Master."

Kuroko bowed his head respectfully.

Seeing this, Chen Feng stopped talking and put them into the secret realm.

A lot of time has been wasted in this place just now, and Chen Feng is a little anxious now.

Since Mouse San fell off the cliff, it means that the entrance to the ruins is unstoppable, and there must be many people who will come in.

If this is the case, then the people of Qimu Academy will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng thought of Han Yide. With his little strength, I am afraid that he will be KO'd when he encounters someone, so Chen Feng does not want to waste any more time.

"Meng'er, let's go."

Turning his head to look at Yulan Meng, he went up and took her hand and said.

"Now that many people have come in the ruins, let's see if we can find our people."

Yulan Meng nodded, and the two of them rose into the air, flying in the direction pointed by the thunder beast.

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