
Unprepared, the old man spat out a mouthful of blood and was crushed to the ground. .

Chapter 1 Mo Yuan (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

"You, you are definitely not only the cultivation base of the upper sect, who are you? What kind of grievances do you have with me, Hai Lanzong, to embarrass us like this?"

The old man raised his head with difficulty and looked at Chen Feng with a look of horror on his face.

Only then did he know he was afraid.

Looking at the old man on the ground, Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain and looked at him with contempt.

"Now I know I'm afraid? Where did the arrogance just now go?"

Walking in front of him, Chen Feng stepped on it.



With a crisp sound, the old man cried out in pain.

"Shu Zier dares to deceive me!! Believe it or not, my Hai Lanzong will send troops to your Hidden Realm and slaughter all the sects of your Hidden Realm!!"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment.

Is this Hai Lanzong so good?Could it be that this Hai Lanzong is also a top overseas sect?

But what does this have to do with him?

Shrugging, Chen Feng lifted his foot on the old man's twisted thigh.

Just when the old man thought that Chen Feng was scared, his foot dropped 20 again.

However, this time Chen Feng stepped on the other leg.

"Ah!!!! You can't die!!!"

A shrill scream came out of the old man's mouth again.

Looking at the old man, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

It's good for a cultivator to have a sense of consciousness. If it were an ordinary person, if he was trampled on and broke his legs, he wouldn't faint or have such a high spirit.

"Seeing that you are in good spirits, do you want to come again?"

Chen Feng said, but his foot was crushed twice.


After these two strokes, cold sweat broke out on the aching old man's head, but he still clenched his teeth and stared at Chen Feng.

"Wait, although my Hai Lanzong is not comparable to the top sects, it is also the top ten sects, and you can't compare with any sect in the hidden world!!"

"My sect will definitely wash your hidden world with blood, and destroy everyone related to you... uh!!!!"

Listening to his words, Chen Feng frowned, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

With a cold smile on his face, he kept his feet, starting from the base of his legs, inch by inch, crushing all his leg bones, even his feet were not spared.

"You bastard!!!"

Because of the pain, the old man's gums began to bleed.

It is estimated that he couldn't bear it anymore, and he fell to the ground, and there was no movement.

Chen Feng saw that he was not moving, and used his divine sense to investigate, only to find that he had fainted from the pain.

A bit boring to put away the momentum, Chen Feng kicked him into the abyss.

When I was about to turn around, I suddenly remembered that Xiao Yi didn't seem to come up yet.

"Is this abyss really as deep as they say, bottomless?"

This abyss, Chen Feng overheard someone say it, he just didn't remember it for a while, but now he suddenly remembered it.

It is rumored that this abyss was created by a top power of a demon race in the ancient times. Inside the abyss, the demonic energy filled the air, and it never dissipated after such a long time.

Someone has gone down before, but no one has ever been able to come back.

At this moment, a shrieking sound suddenly came from the abyss, and then Chen Feng saw a red light rushing towards the sky, and then disappeared.

"what is this?"

Chapter 1 Mo Yuan (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"what is this?"

He looked suspiciously at the place where the red glow disappeared, wondering how that thing could fly out of the abyss.

Walking to the cliff, Chen Feng looked down.

The bottom of the cliff was dark and bottomless.

With his current strength, he can vaguely see that there are countless demonic energy below, constantly wandering back and forth in this abyss that is nearly ten miles long.

"I haven't come up yet? Isn't there any trouble?"

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