

There were bursts of sharp hissing noises behind him, and Chen Feng turned his head to take a look.

I saw dense white shadows screaming at Chen Feng in the demonic aura layer, but they did not dare to leave the demonic aura layer.

Comparing them with his middle finger, Chen Feng continued to fly downward without turning his head.

Chen Feng estimated that he was almost [-] meters underground, but when he looked down, it was still dark.

The following situation is still unknown until now. If it is delayed for a while, the third mouse may be in danger.

With a straight face, Chen Feng directly transformed into a light element, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I can't see his figure, but I can only see that a ray of light extends straight down, and it hasn't dissipated for a long time.

After flying for another quarter of an hour, just when Chen Feng doubted whether he had reached the center of the earth, he saw a little red light below.

Seeing these red lights, Chen Feng was overjoyed and accelerated again.

Not long after, the true face of Hongmang below appeared in front of Chen Feng.

It was an eerie forest, with grey trunks and red leaves.

And the little red light that Chen Feng saw was the light from these leaves.

Although it was strange in his heart, Chen Feng didn't care about these trees. Instead, he spread out his consciousness and used the contract to contact Xiao Yi.

"Lord.... I'm.... so strange... three... ~々..."

It seemed that something was interfering with the contract. Chen Feng called several times before contacting Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi's voice was intermittent and could not be heard clearly.

After saying it several times, he still couldn't hear it clearly. However, from the intermittent words, Chen Feng could hear that Mouse San should have been picked up by it and protected.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to let it protect Shu San and wait for him in place.

The combination of domineering and divine sense of seeing and hearing spreads around.

This is Chen Feng, the first time he has fully used his divine sense and arrogance, and in just an instant, the bottom of the abyss has been enveloped.

Chen Feng was surprised to find that the bottom of the Demon Abyss was actually much wider than the one above, and there were still many cities and towns.

The auras of Mouse Three and Little One were also captured by him, and they were in a city that Chen Feng had detected.

It's just that Mouse San's breath is not very stable now.

Chapter 2 Under the Demon Abyss (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

It's just that Mouse San's breath is not very stable now.

After identifying the direction, Chen Feng flew forward rapidly.

Just after he left the place, a few dark shadows appeared in the woods. They looked at the place where Chen Feng had disappeared, looked at each other, and chased after them.


Outside the hidden world, in the underground city where the Ming clan is located.

Fang Qingtong slowly woke up in a luxurious room.

That night, she inhaled the gas extracted from Netherworld Flower in her sleep, and she slept until today before slowly waking up.

"Here, where is it?"

Fang Qingtong looked around with bewildered eyes, still somewhat confused about the current situation.

Suddenly realizing something, she suddenly lifted the quilt on her body, only to find that she was not wearing her own clothes, and her face changed drastically.

After perceiving for a while, I found that there was no other change on my body except for my clothes, and my face softened a little.

It seemed that she noticed that she had woken up, and the door creaked and was pushed open.

Shishaer walked in from the door, holding a plate.

"Saint, you are awake."


Fang Qingtong looked at the hookah in surprise, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

"The saint? Who is the saint? What do you mean?"

Shisha'er came to the table, put the things on the plate in his hand on the table, looked at her and said.

"¨'You haven't eaten for four days, holy maiden. Let's have some porridge first. I'll explain it to you later."

After speaking, he bowed, and then walked out with the plate.

Although Fang Qingtong was puzzled, the aroma of the food on the table, coupled with the sudden hunger in her stomach, made her unable to think about these things.

After getting out of bed, he came to the table, looking at the crystal clear porridge, Fang Qingtong swallowed.

"Ah!! It doesn't matter, let's eat it first."

After struggling for a while, Fang Qingtong sat on the chair and devoured it.

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