The pinnacle of heaven...

True Monarch Realm...

The pinnacle of the True Monarch Realm...

Venerable Realm...

It was not until the peak of the Venerable Realm that it stopped.

After the fluctuation of spiritual power stopped, Shisha'er put down her hand and opened her eyes to look at Fang Qingtong.

When she saw Fang Qingtong's current appearance, she was shocked.

Chapter 3 Bloodline Awakening (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When she saw Fang Qingtong's current appearance, she was shocked.

Because, at this time, Fang Qingtong's image changed so much that she was a little scared.

I saw Fang Qingtong, the blue silk on his head turned silvery white.

The imprint of the wings on the forehead appeared again, and the eyes also turned into a strange silver-white color.

"Guide, teacher, you, you have awakened..."

Looking at Fang Qingtong, whose image had changed drastically, Shisha'er said with some fear.


However, at this time, Fang Qingtong didn't seem to hear her shouting, and she was a little out of control.

The sharp scream made the hookah cover her ears in pain, and she fell to the ground and curled up.

Fortunately, however, Fang Qingtong's awakening did not last long.

After a while, Fang Qingtong's eyes returned to their original state, and when they rolled over, they fainted.

At this time, the people outside seemed to have also noticed the movement inside the house.


With a loud bang, the door was slammed open.

The general wearing jet-black armor and a grimace mask walked in first.

Followed by two teams of black armored soldiers, they filed in with black long guns.

When he saw the hookah on the ground, his expression suddenly changed, he stepped forward quickly, and asked with concern.

"Yan'er, are you alright?"

Shisha'er let go of her hands covering her ears, and the bright red blood flowed out from her ears.

Staring blankly at the blood on his hands, Shisha'er ignored the general.

"Yan'er, Yan'er?"

The general shouted twice again, and Shisha'er said with a dull expression as if he had just heard it.

"Father, General, there is nothing wrong with this subordinate, but I was just stimulated by the sound wave."

Hearing Shisha'er say it's fine, the general took a deep breath.

He patted her on the shoulder, then walked to Fang Qingtong, who was lying on the side.

Looking at Fang Qingtong, whose hair was still silver-white on the ground, and the silver wings imprinted on his forehead had not dissipated, the general sighed.

He could see that Fang Qingtong had woken up because he was stimulated too much.

But because he couldn't bear the burst of power when he woke up, he fainted.

"However, it might be a good thing to pass out."

With a wave, two female soldiers came over, lifted Fang Qingtong, and put him on the bed again.

Later, another female soldier helped the hookah up in the past.

"let's go!"

Following the general's order, the soldiers left the room, and Shisha'er was also helped out.

The general took a last look at Fang Qingtong, who was lying on the bed, frowning, turned and left the room.

After the door was closed, the general took out a stone from his bosom, crushed it, and threw it towards the house in front of him.

The crystal powder did not fall on the ground like this, but turned around the house under the influence of a force.

Then, a formation appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

The general pinched a few strange spirits, and made a few strange sounds from his mouth.

The silver light flashed on the formation, and then it was hidden in the air.

Everything that should be done has been done, the general waved his hand and took everyone away from the small courtyard. .

The three hundred and fifty-seventh chapter is a big gift (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

Chen Feng flew forward quickly, getting closer and closer to the city, and Chen Feng fell to the ground.

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