Chapter 2 Raiders Successful (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

When he reached the demonic aura, Chen Feng took out the sword he got in the Sword Tomb of the Ruins.

Facing the tumbling layer of demonic energy, a sword slashed past.

A sword qi flew out, creating a gap on the magic qi layer.

"Go up!"

As soon as the gap appeared, Chen Feng shouted loudly to the third mouse.

When the three mice heard the words, he accelerated and rushed through the magic layer.

The layer of seal blocking the demonic energy is slowly healing, and some demonic energy has already floated out.

Chen Feng dodged and flew out of the closing gap.

Looking at the demonic energy that was scattered around because of the demonic soul, Chen Feng directly let out the cold air.

As soon as the cold air came out, no matter whether it was demonic energy or demonic soul, it was instantly frozen.

After it was frozen, it fell, and it just fell out of the gap that had not been closed by "[-]".

If the devilish spirit and devilish soul really let this thing fly out, I'm afraid it would not instantly demonize many people.

These demonic energy has a history of millions of years, and it can no longer be condensed. Although it is only a little bit, it can demonize the people of a city.

Moreover, through the demonized person, the demonic energy can be generated again. This thing is like an infection, which can continue to infect and expand its team.

As for the demon soul, although it is not as powerful as the demonic energy, it will still be a scourge if it is allowed to fly out, secretly kill people, and cultivate.

Although Chen Feng claimed that he was not a good person, if he caused such a situation, it would be better to solve it directly now.

Looking back at the bottom, Chen Feng turned and flew upwards.

Just below the magic layer, the gap just closed, and several figures gathered here.

When they saw the lifeless city below, they were all a little surprised.

"The Black Emperor, I can no longer sense his breath."

A man who was covered in demonic energy and had two red lights in his eyes looked at the city below and said.

"Hahaha, isn't this better, there will be one less person grabbing the site."

The person who said this was a tall man with a ferocious complexion.

There are mysterious lines on the naked upper body. If you look closely, you can see that these lines are moving slowly like they are alive.

There was a huge blood-red double-edged axe on his back, and blood dripped down from time to time on the blade of the axe.

"Well, this is also true. Let's discuss how to divide this Black Rock City."

On the other side, another person surrounded by demonic energy said.

"Hey, the little demon girl didn't come?"

The devil with a giant axe looked around and said with some doubts.

"It's not just that she didn't come, you didn't find out, is there someone missing?"

The first devil to speak, the black mist on his body dissipated, revealing a skeleton frame full of white jade-like bones.

The mouth opened and closed, and the hoarse voice came from here.

"Who's missing?"

Hearing this, the giant axe was stunned, scratched his head and asked.

"The Hydra guy, didn't he come too?"

"Oh, this guy, didn't he say retreat? Isn't it normal not to come?"

Chapter 2 The strategy is successful (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Oh, this guy, didn't he say retreat? Isn't it normal not to come?"

The giant axe demon said with a sudden realization.

"Oh, forget it, it doesn't make sense to talk to a guy like him."

The other person wrapped in demonic energy never dissipated the demonic energy from his body. He sighed, turned around and left here.

Skull saw that the man was gone, glanced at the giant axe demon, shook his head, and also left.

The giant axe scratched his head and stared blankly at the two who left. He didn't understand what was going on, so he could only leave here with a belly full of doubts.

After Chen Feng returned to the top, he went straight to the Dean. No one knew what the two of them talked about during that time, but after the conversation, the Dean left here with the rest of the people.

This time, although Chen Feng was teleported in the middle of the trip to the ruins, everyone had some gains, although they didn't reach the more critical places.

In the central hall of Tianjun's mansion, Chen Feng's figure reappeared on the throne.

As soon as he sat firmly, a figure rushed up.

He opened his arms and held Yulan Meng in his arms. Before he could speak, he heard the sobbing of the jade man in his arms.

"Chen Feng!! You bastard!!! Don't do this again next time, do you know how worried I am about you?"

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