But so many people, nearly two or three thousand people, are like this, then something is wrong.

However, this did not affect Chen Feng's decision at all.

In the wave of his hand, the cold flames were born out of thin air and fell downwards.

And those people also took out their weapons and attacked Chen Feng. .

Chapter [-] Divine Consciousness Amplification Array (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

"Sir, you are back."

Sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, he spread his consciousness and probed the surrounding situation. When he found Chen Feng back, he immediately got up and said respectfully.

Chen Feng, who flew over from a distance, ignored him and landed on the deck, thinking about something.

"Shu San, do you think there is a magic technique in this world that can affect thousands of people and turn them into beings like dead men, without feelings and thoughts?"

Suddenly, Chen Feng looked at Shu San and asked.

"No feelings, no thinking, like a dead man?"

Hearing the words, Mouse San was stunned for a moment, and then he also frowned and remembered.

After a while, Chen Feng saw that he was still thinking, so he couldn't help shaking his head. When he was about to speak, Mouse San suddenly raised his head and said with a slap.


"Young master, in the situation you mentioned, there is only one technique, and that is the puppet technique!"

Mouse San looked at Chen Feng with a serious face and said.

"Puppet art?"

Chen Feng looked at the mouse three blankly, obviously he had never heard the name of this technique.

"Yes, puppet art, a very evil spell."

When the mouse San said this puppet technique, his face was very ugly, thinking that this technique is a very bad thing.

"This technique can wipe out all the feelings and thoughts of the subject, and is under the control of the talisman holder. If the talisman holder does not die, they will not stop moving, and this technique has no limit on the number of people."

Speaking of this, there was a look of fear on the three mice's face.

"It is rumored that someone used this technique to control tens of thousands of people in the early days. At that time, the hidden world was in chaos and almost destroyed."

"Is it so scary?"

Chen Feng muttered with some doubts, and suddenly, he was stunned.

Because he remembered what Mouse San had just said.

"Shu San, you just said that the bearer of the talisman will not die, and the recipient will not stop moving, is that so?"

"Uh, yes, what's wrong with your son~~?"

Mouse San looked at Chen Feng blankly, wondering why he asked this.

"Tsk tsk, it's hidden quite deep."

With a meaningful smile on his face, he flew out again.

Floating in mid-air, Chen Feng closed his eyes.

It didn't take long for his eyes to open suddenly, his pupils turned golden yellow, and then his hands waved in the air.

One by one golden characters appeared in the air, floating there quietly.

After drawing nearly a hundred runes in a row, Chen Feng stopped.

With a wave of his hand, these runes scattered, floating around Chen Feng, and arranged according to a certain pattern.

Seeing that these characters started to move on their own, Chen Feng's hands moved again.

One by one, he cast out the spiritual skills.

As time passed, a large formation gradually took shape.

Mouse San watched from the side, his mouth opened wider and wider.

This formation is not any formation he knows.

Moreover, Chen Feng's method of forming the formation, he did not understand at all.

He had guessed right on this point. No one knew about this formation at all. It could be said that there was no such formation before Chen Feng arranged it.

This formation was created by Chen Feng himself. It can expand the detection range based on the cultivation base of divine consciousness, and can also increase the strength of divine consciousness.

After the formation was formed, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the void and closed his eyes.

Chapter 1 Divine Consciousness Amplification Array (Add 2, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page [-]/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After the formation was formed, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the void and closed his eyes.

The sense of knowledge and the arrogance of seeing and hearing spread out again, and under the increase of the formation, it instantly enveloped the entire Hidden Realm.

The Hidden World, although it is a small world, is also one-third the size of the Earth Immortal World.

This formation of Chen Feng directly increased his consciousness to a size that could cover the entire Hidden Realm. If other people knew that his accomplishments in formation had reached this level, they would definitely be shocked.

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