Chen Feng frowned, wondering why these "puppets" haven't lost control.

The "puppets" looked at Chen Feng, and suddenly agitated, as if they had received an order, they all charged towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng frowned and thought, seeing the people lying on the ground in front of him, squatted down, and touched one of them.

However, when I touched it, I found nothing.

"Isn't it? According to Mouse San, shouldn't this have a control talisman? But why doesn't this person have it?"

0 ask for flowers

After touching it for a long time, let alone the talisman, I didn't even have any storage equipment.

Now those "puppets" have rushed over. Although Chen Feng is not afraid of them, there are too many people and it is too troublesome.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to get up and leave this place, flying towards the hall in front.

"Is there anyone in there? If you don't come out, your nest will be destroyed by me."

Flying to the front of the hall, Chen Feng shouted loudly.

In fact, he had just sensed through his divine sense that there were two people inside, and their cultivation bases were relatively powerful, almost at the peak of the Heavenly King Realm. One step further, that is, half a step to the Venerable Realm.


"Hmph, ignorant child, dare to speak madly, I'm afraid I don't know how high the sky is!"

With the old voice, the door of the hall suddenly opened, and two figures flew out from inside.

As soon as the two came out, the "puppets" behind them stopped, knelt down, and put their heads on the ground.

Chen Feng looked intently, but found that both of them were very old, but the difference was that the old man on the left had blank eyes and no expression on his face.

"Is this also a puppet?"

Looking at this old man, Chen Feng was puzzled.

On the other hand, the old man on the right had a much more vivid expression, and it was this old man who spoke.

"Boy, today the old man will let you see and see, what does it mean that there are people outside the sky!!"

Saying that, the old man rushed up with the "puppet".

There are some doubts about these two people, but now that they have rushed up, let's fight first.

I saw the old man and the "puppet" attacking Chen Feng from left to right, each with a sword, with a green light attached to the sword, which looked like a giant poison.

A bland slap, a strong palm wind, carrying majestic spiritual power, stopped the momentum of the two, and had to use their skills to resist this palm wind.

However, was Chen Feng's attack so easy to defuse?

When they resisted the palm wind, a huge fist fell from the sky and attacked the two of them. .

Chapter 3 No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly discovered something different.

Those two people seemed to have exchanged identities in an instant, with a blank look in their eyes, and a powerful aura erupted from their entire bodies as they stood there.

The other, the old man who was originally regarded by Chen Feng as a "puppet", moved aside.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

These two people originally wanted to replace the civet cat with the prince, so that the real one would be faked.

But are these useful?

Chen Feng sneered and went directly to him, about to kill the real leader.

Suddenly, there was a dark shadow in the corner of his eyes, and he quickly turned away.

I saw that the "puppet" had already resisted Chen Feng's blow and came to support him.

After feeling a little bit, the aura emanating from this "puppet", Chen Feng was a little surprised to find that this guy "Zero Two Three" actually reached the cultivation realm of a half-step upper realm.

"Hahaha, boy, just stay here obediently!"

With the help of the "puppet", the hall master ran to the group of "puppets" and said with a big laugh.

After speaking, he took out a talisman, injected spiritual power into it, and then began to cast spells.

On Chen Feng's side, he didn't stop him, he just fought with his "puppet".

But secretly he has been watching, wanting to see what he is going to do next.

I saw that with his spellcasting, green spiritual power gradually emerged from the "puppets" around him, and these spiritual powers were condensed in the talisman in his hand.


When he was in doubt, the "puppet" who was fighting with him suddenly screamed in the sky, and his aura suddenly soared.

Under Chen Feng's astonished gaze, this guy jumped directly to the cultivation level of the upper realm, and it was still rising.

When the cultivation base reaches the upper realm, there is no grade point, but it is divided into three major grades.

They are, the small honored seat, the upper honored seat, and the large honored seat.

And the cultivation of this "puppet" has clearly reached the upper-ranking position, and it also means that he wants to break through to the great-grand-ranking position.

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