After so many years of recuperation, the Ming clan has a lot of people who have cultivated above the real monarch realm.

Walking to the throne and standing still, Fang Qingtong turned around, looked at the crowd below, and glanced roughly, there were about two hundred people.

After she was seated on the throne, a person stood up, it was Shui Minghua.

Shui Minghua, as the general of the Ming clan with the highest cultivation base and the power second only to the saint, stood up and shouted loudly.

"Reporting to the Holy Maiden, the existing one hundred and three True Sovereign Realm, fifty-four Venerable Realm, thirty-two Earth Sovereign Realm, and eight Heavenly King Realm monks in our clan have all arrived, please give instructions! "

After speaking, he knelt down on one knee and lowered his head.

The people behind him also knelt on the ground, lowered their heads and shouted loudly.

"Congratulations to our saintess, the birth of the Ming family is just around the corner!!"

Fang Qingtong looked at the people below with satisfaction, raised her hand gently, and the people below immediately became silent.

"The warriors of the underworld, raise your heads and look at me!"!"

Hearing Fang Qingtong's words, everyone raised their heads and looked at her with burning eyes.

"I am your saintess, Fang Qingtong! I have awakened. My Ming clan has kept a low profile for so many years. Now, it's time to take back what belongs to us!!"

Although Fang Qingtong's face was flat, the tone of his speech was not so high.

However, in the ears of the people below, her words seemed to carry a kind of magic power, which made people want to take up the sword now, rush out of the ground, and fight for the underworld to kill the enemy in the immortal world.

This is the prestige that only belongs to the Holy Maiden, and, in the paragraph just now, she also used a spell, similar to that of hypnosis.

Shui Minghua also looked at Fang Qingtong above in surprise. He was naturally very clear about Fang Qingtong's actions when he was talking.

As the only half-step high-ranking realm of the Ming clan, the second person in power, he must have some understanding of some of the abilities controlled by the saintess.

However, what abilities of the saintess are not so easy to control.

Fang Qingtong can control some abilities in such a short period of time, can he not be surprised?

"Water General!"

Just when he was stunned, he suddenly heard Fang Qingtong calling him, and quickly stood up and replied respectfully.

"Subordinates are here!"

"In the past few days, count the battle strength of our clan, and prepare all the materials. After three days, we will attack the Earth Immortal Realm!! At that time, you must be the general and help everyone!"

Chapter 1 The battle is coming (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"In the past few days, count the battle strength of our clan, and prepare all the materials. After three days, we will attack the Earth Immortal Realm!! At that time, you must be the general and help everyone!"

Fang Qingtong frowned slightly, then stretched out and said lightly.

Although it was only for a moment, Shui Minghua still felt a faint coercion, directed at him, and could not help but shed a few drops of cold sweat from his forehead.

Hearing what she said, he hurriedly agreed.

"My subordinates will live up to the high expectations of the Holy Maiden!!"

Seeing that he agreed, Fang Qingtong nodded in satisfaction.

In the following time, Fang Qingtong got acquainted with the people here again, made some arrangements for the war in the next few days, and then left the discussion hall.

Back in the bedroom, Fang Qingtong let Shisha'er leave, went back to the room, sat on the bed, crossed his knees and continued to check the inheritance information in his mind.

Among these inheritances, there are many techniques, which are used in wartime. In order to reduce some casualties, she must hurry now.

Shisha'er returned to his home. As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw his father, who was sitting in the yard, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, Shui Minghua had already removed the mask.

In his middle age, his face is still handsome, but a scratch on the bridge of his nose makes him a little more fierce.

"¨'Father, I'm back."

Coming to Shui Minghua obediently, Shisha saluted and said.

"Yan'er, what happened to the saint?"

Nodding, Shui Minghua asked.

"The saint seems to be still comprehending the inheritance, so let me come back, everything else is fine."

"Well, now the battle is imminent, I understand the saint's mind, this is to reduce the casualties of my son of the Ming family."

Lifting his head and sighing, Shui Minghua said with some emotion.

As I said before, the current Ming clan, the blue and yellow are not connected, the cultivation base is high, and the low is very low.

Those with a high level of cultivation are the same group of people standing in the discussion hall today, while those with a low level of cultivation are basically below the Heaven and Human Realm.

The cultivation base below the Heaven and Human Realm is basically used as cannon fodder when placed on the battlefield.

In fact, Shui Minghua is also a little headache now, how to arrange the arrangement three days later. (Zhao is good)

Put those with low cultivation in the front as cannon fodder, but those are the future of the Ming clan.

But if the person with high cultivation base is placed in the front, it will consume a lot. When the opponent with high cultivation base comes out, he will not be able to beat him, so he is very headache now.

If it is not arranged well, I am afraid that Fang Qingtong will be blamed.

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