Taking Xiaobai into his arms, Chen Feng touched its head and said.

But what surprised him was that Xiaobai twitched his nose a few times in his arms, showing a look of disgust, and finally jumped up from his arms and jumped to the side.

"You smell so bad, don't hug me!!"

This sentence made Chen Feng feel a little dumbfounded.

"What does that smell like, are you too sensitive?"

"Hmph, I don't care anyway, you can do it yourself."

Chapter 1 Xiaobai Returns (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hmph, I don't care anyway, you can do it yourself."

After speaking, Xiaobai jumped directly onto the table, turned his back to him and ignored him.

Some depressed smelled his body and found that there was indeed some smell.

However, these smells are not as unpleasant as Xiaobai said.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Feng picked up a clean magic formula.

A stream of spiritual power flowed from the surface of the body, cleaning up the odor and dust that did not exist on the body.

He got out of bed, stretched out his hand and waved, he was already wearing a set of clothes.

He walked to the table and hugged Xiaobai.

"It's alright now, tell me, where have you been these days?"

Xiaobai's nose twitched a few times again, and found that there was no odor that made him feel embarrassed, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Didn't you give me an elixir that day, and then I was about to advance, so I found a special place and went to advance quietly."

Hearing Xiao Bai's answer, Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

"Is it really?"

"Of course, of course it's true."

When he spoke, he felt a little guilty.

Just when Chen Feng was about to break the casserole and ask to the end, Xiao Bai had already seen what he was thinking, and his little paw slapped his face directly.

"Oh, are you annoying? I told you that this is what it is, that's it, love it, believe it, pull it down if you don't believe it, hum!!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his little face to another place, as if ignoring you.

Chen Feng laughed dumbly, shook his head, and touched it lightly.

"Believe, why don't you believe it?"

Glancing at Chen Feng secretly, Xiaobai's face showed a faint blush.

"Hmph, people won't tell you, I've changed shape."

Chen Feng looked at the girls on the bed and said.

"Let's go, today, there is still something to do."

Without disturbing them, he took Xiao Bai directly and disappeared into the room.

In the barbecue shop, Mouse San is eating barbecue and drinking wine brought from the hidden world.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and he was shocked, and the spiritual art in his hand was completed in an instant.

Just as he was about to start, Chen Feng's voice came over.

"it's me……"

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, the three mice relaxed and scattered the magic art from his hands.

"Master, next time you come out, don't be so sudden, it will scare people to death!"

Saying that, he also made a look of lingering fear.

"Okay, I don't know you yet?"

Rolling his eyes, Chen Feng said angrily.

"Now, take a trip to Fu's house with me."

Saying that, he walked out directly.

Mouse San was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed.

Just two steps away, Chen Feng suddenly found that Xiaobai was gone.

Looking back, this little guy was lying on the table eating barbecue and enjoying himself.

Mouse San has just started eating, and there are still a lot of untouched barbecued meats on the table.

"Let's go, let's eat enough after finishing the work!!"

Hearing his words, Xiao Bai reluctantly left the dining table and jumped into Chen Feng's arms. .

Chapter 2 The groveling old Fu family (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

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