Fang Qingtong walked behind Chen Feng with a look of discomfort, and said timidly.

Just as Chen Feng was about to explain to her, a senior student walked by and looked at Fang Qingtong and Chen Feng with admiration.

"Then, that, that, are you Fang Qingtong's mentor?"

The student came over, looked at the two and said excitedly.

"This, is this the legendary man of heaven, Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng was stunned when he heard the words. Did he meet a fan?

He smiled slightly and said.

"Yes, I am Chen Feng, and this is Teacher Fang."

Saying that, he pulled out Fang Qingtong, who was hiding behind him.


Fang Qingtong exclaimed, standing in front of him a little embarrassed.

"Hello, I'm Fang Qingtong."

"My God!!! Is it really the two of you?"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the student became even more excited and exclaimed loudly.

As soon as he called out, Chen Feng had a bad feeling.

The test field, which was still lively, was instantly quiet after his exclamation.

Everyone turned their attention to Chen Feng and Fang Qingtong.

Fang Qingtong is okay, her reputation is only widely spread among senior students.

But Chen Feng was put in the promotion by the academy, and the statue on the square was not put up in vain.

Besides, the things Chen Feng did in the various prefectures made people yearn for it.

Repel the tide of millions of beasts by one person, behead the city lord of Ten Thousand Demons City, the spies of the Tianmo Palace, etc., etc., have become the goals that people long for.

"That's Chen Feng? Is it true or false?"

"I, I feel it's true, have you forgotten the statue in front of the entrance square?"

"Don't say it, it's really similar."

"Te Niang's, it's not a statue, it's a statue of someone else!!"

"Fuck!!! It's true!!"

The above is the reaction of the male students. As for the reaction of the female students, it is even bigger, even more crazy than the star chasers.

"Ah!!! It's actually Chen Feng!! He, he is really handsome!!"

"God, Xiaofang, please help me, I, I feel like I'm going to die."

"Liu Niannian, you have a nosebleed..."

"Shut up, you're not the same..."

"Man!! The man looked at me!! The man smiled at me!!!"

Most of the female students were stunned after seeing Chen Feng, and then all screamed, and for a while, they directly covered the boy's voice.

Some people actually watched Chen Feng shed a nosebleed, and what's more, when Chen Feng looked over with a smile, he fainted.

Chapter 2 The Terrifying Star Chaser (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Some people actually watched Chen Feng shed a nosebleed, and what's more, when Chen Feng looked over with a smile, he fainted.

As for the teachers in charge of the test, they didn't know what was going on at first. They were unhappy when they heard Chen Feng's name.

Chen Feng's reputation is known to everyone in Qimu Academy and even in the Immortal Realm.

No. [-] on the Heavenly Ranking, No.[-] on the Earth Ranking, and No.[-] on the Tianjiao Ranking.

Generally speaking, people who are on the Earth Ranking will no longer stay on the Tianjiao Ranking, and those who are on the Heavenly Ranking will not appear on the Earth Ranking.

But because Chen Feng's cultivation speed is really fast, and his talent is unmatched, so the people from Jishu Pavilion simply put Chen Feng at the top of the three list.

Of course, if someone behind him can be more enchanting than Chen Feng, then he will be replaced.

However, this possibility basically does not exist.

The teachers in charge of the tests on the testing ground all sat in their seats with wry smiles, staring at each other silently.

With Chen Feng now, the test can't go on.

Looking at the students who focused their attention on Chen Feng's side, they helplessly leaned on the back of their chairs, watching the development on the field with interest.

When Chen Feng saw those students, they all came over, and without thinking about it, he left here with Fang Qingtong.

However, there were already people standing behind, all of them students, looking at Chen Feng and Fang Qingtong with bright eyes.

Finally, someone rushed over, holding a pen and paper and trying to get Chen Feng to sign.

His rush caused everyone else to rush up.

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