The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the most important place for a cultivator, not only because it is the place where the spiritual consciousness and spiritual sense are located, but also the location of a person's soul.

If the sea of ​​consciousness is destroyed, then this person will become a mindless person, and it may even hurt the soul and die completely.

"Then, what should I do? This seal, after I set it up, I never thought about going out. Even if I go out, it will be a hundred years later."

After listening to Fang Qingtong's words, Chen Feng almost fainted.

What the hell is this, I don't know how to get rid of it, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng groaned inwardly, and asked with a stiff face.

"You, don't tell me, you don't know how to get rid of it."

Fang Qingtong was stunned when she heard the words, and then whispered a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, I don't seem to know."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Feng couldn't help but be speechless.

"Okay, look at these 20 characters, do you recognize them?"

In desperation, Chen Feng had to show the character he just saw again, and show it to her.

"En, I know this. This is a hyphenation, which represents the meaning of hyphenation in the words of the Ming clan."

Seeing this character, Fang Qingtong pondered for a moment, recognized it immediately, and then said.

As soon as Fang Qingtong's words fell, the system's voice came out immediately.

[Ding, the host learns the runes of the underworld. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the level of the underworld rune has been raised to the entry level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the level of the underworld rune has been raised to the realm of Xiaocheng. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the level of the underworld rune has been raised to the realm. 】

As the voice of the system fell, a lot of information appeared in Chen Feng's mind again.

Chen Feng, who was accustomed to this, did not read the information carefully, and explained it to Fang Qingtong, and once again enveloped his consciousness on the iceberg.

The characters I just saw appeared in Chen Feng's eyes again.

However, just looking at the unfamiliar runes, they all began to become familiar.

As long as you know the principle, everything will be fine.

The arrangement of these runes is in a certain order, but it is difficult for Chen Feng, whose formation skills have reached the realm of transformation.

After a little thought, Chen Feng understood the working principle of this seal.

Disrupting the order of these runes with divine sense, and rearranging them by the way, this became a new large formation.

After doing this, Chen Feng directly moved his consciousness away from the iceberg, came to the side, and dragged the "Fang Qingtong" who was imprisoned by the golden light just now, to the iceberg.

The iceberg that was rearranged by Chen Feng was slowly shrinking.

Under the constant struggle of this "Fang Qingtong" personality composed of many distracting thoughts, Chen Feng fixed her on the shrinking iceberg.

"You, what are you doing? Why, why do I feel like I'm getting weaker?"

After "Fang Qingtong" was fixed on the iceberg, his face changed constantly, and finally became extremely pale and began to weaken.

"Hehe, nothing, just let you become the nourishment for Tong'er's recovery."

Chen Feng laughed and explained casually.

After he just changed the structure of the seal, he also added a function to absorb other energy and supply Fang Qingtong inside to restore his strength, and the excess can also nourish the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chapter 1 Personality Fusion (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After he just changed the structure of the seal, he also added a function to absorb other energy and supply Fang Qingtong inside to restore his strength, and the excess can also nourish the sea of ​​consciousness.

"What!! How can you do this!!"

"Fang Qingtong" heard Chen Feng's words, and suddenly panicked and screamed loudly.

During this period, he kept scolding Chen Feng, but Chen Feng stood aside, looking at her coldly, letting her scold at will.

After a while, she stopped scolding, and began to beg Chen Feng instead.

"I, I beg you, don't, don't kill me, don't let me disappear, okay? I beg you!!"

"I, I can give up everything, just please don't let me disappear..."

"Please, I'll get out of her body, will you let me go?"


Chen Feng still ignored her begging for mercy.

It didn't take long for "Fang Qingtong" to lower his head and stop talking, his breath rapidly weakened.

Finally, it turned into a brilliance and was absorbed by the iceberg.

With the disappearance of "Fang Qingtong", the iceberg melted completely, leaving only Fang Qingtong's original personality surrounded by thorns.

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