Chapter 2: Overseas Sect (Add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The one who seemed to be the leader waved his hand and took back the Seagod Guardian Order floating in the air.

"Tell me, what is the mission?"

After receiving the token, the head of the Sea God Guard said coldly.

"Lord Protector said that the outsider who invaded the sea should be killed."

The person who summoned the Sea God Guard showed a hint of timidity in his eyes, and then he acted boldly and pointed to the Heavenly Emperor in the distance.

The head of the Sea God Guard glanced at the Tiandi in the distance and turned back.

"Okay, we know, you can go back, and we will report to the Dharma Protector afterwards."

"This, this is not good?"

Hearing what the head of the Sea God Guard said, he hesitated a bit. After all, this was done, and that was his credit. Now that the head of the Sea God Guard was pulled away with a single word, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

"Hey, the merits of our Sea God Guard are not justified by these little things, and we don't need to take your credit."

The head of the Sea God Guard glanced at him disdainfully, then stopped waiting for him to speak, and dived directly into the sea, and the others followed.

The man stood there, looking at the distant water waves, was stunned for a while, then shook his head helplessly and dived.

The nine Sea God Guards quickly caught up with the slow-moving Tiandi.

They didn't know who was on the Heavenly Emperor, and what kind of cultivation they had. They only knew that this person was removed by the Dharma protector.

However, even if they knew the cultivation base of Chen Feng and others on board, they would still rush up without hesitation.

Because their duty is to guard this sea area and prevent outsiders from entering the sea area.

On the Tiandi, Chen Feng, who was about to start a new round of battle, suddenly changed his face and paused for a moment.

Obviously, he had already felt the aura of the nine Seagod guards outside.

However, these individuals, he did not pay attention.

With a thought, a clone appeared on the deck.

After the clone appeared, it flew straight towards the position of the nine people.

For Chen Feng, a clone is enough for this group of people with the highest cultivation level in the Earth Emperor Realm.

After releasing the avatar, Chen Feng left these things behind, and continued to focus his attention on the six big white sheep with blushing bodies and blurred eyes.

The clones flew for a while, then stopped, and the nine Sea God Guards, it seems that 4.7 also discovered the clones floating in the air, and they also jumped out of the sea and stood on the sea.

Sea God Guard, their power all comes from the sea, and naturally they will not leave the sea easily.

At sea, their power can be multiplied several times.

Originally, the cultivation base of the Earth Emperor Realm, with the increase, can exert the strength of the Heaven King Realm.

"Outlander, you've entered a place where you shouldn't, so damn you!"

The head of the Sea God Guard looked coldly at the clone above and said with murderous intent.

The clone only had the fighting instinct, so he ignored his words. On the contrary, after he spoke, he rushed straight towards the nine people.

Seeing the clones rushed over, Sea God Guard raised the trident in their hands one after another, and the streams of water rose from the sea and wrapped around it. .

Chapter 1 Little White Shape (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The battle was over soon. For the clone with Chen Feng's [-]% strength, these nine Seagod Guards were completely scum-like existences.

After solving the nine Sea God Guards, the clone dissipated on its own.

Under the deep sea, the inside of Weihai Hall was still pitch black.

But just when the nine Seagod Guards were killed, all of a sudden, a group of faint blue flames lit up in the middle of the hall.

If you count it, you will find that there are exactly nine groups of this faint blue fire.

"Well? Have all nine people been killed?"

The deep voice of the protector rang again, and then a tall figure slowly came to the front of the nine groups of firelights.

Through the faint rays of light from these nine groups of firelights, the appearance of the protector was also revealed.

The tall figure, the exposed skin is blue, and the mysterious lines extend from his clothes.

On his right hand, he was holding a 20 trident that was exactly the same as the one held by Poseidon, but with a slightly different appearance.

"It seems that the outsider this time is not that simple..."

With that said, the protector used a trident to pick up one of the firelights.

The faint blue flame was picked up and floated in the air. When he stabbed it with a trident, it exploded directly, and then a picture appeared in this flame.

In the picture, it is the period from when they meet the avatars until they are destroyed by the avatars.

After seeing this scene, the guardian fell silent.

"It seems that the sea is not calm again."

The voice fell, and the remaining eight firelights and the pictures floating in the air suddenly darkened, and the Weihai Hall fell into darkness again.

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