Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 110: The charm of the wrong way to open

   Xu Qiji just got the technique of ‘artificial **** eyes’, and for the time being, he hasn’t figured out how these eyes can evolve the Smoky Clan as a whole...The thinking of an alien researcher is not something he can adapt to at once.

   What he can be sure of at present is that this pair of ‘artificial god’s eyes’ contains the ‘space technology’ he has longed for.

   With the words of these divine eyes.

   "The door of miracles!" Xu Qijing opened the purple door.

The dazzling aurora in the eyes of   , the artificial divine eyes automatically cooperate with the ‘door of miracle’ to open the door, allowing the door of miracle to complete the stage upgrade.

   On the purple door frame of the “Miracle’s Door”, more complicated lines appeared.

   Its strength has increased a lot, and its functions seem to have been strengthened-the strength of the current Miracle Gate is completely enough to send energy stones from here to another world in large quantities.

   Not only that, as Xu Qiji's thought moved, a small ‘Miracle’s Gate’ appeared beside the elite islanders who were still alive and did not display their final art.

   These are the sub-doors of the miracle door, like clones or branches.

These small'Miracle Gates' can only be accessed by the islanders themselves based on the hair clone. They can use this to send the energy stones they harvested back to the body through the'Miracle Gate'——Xu Qijing Around.

   To maintain this small ‘Miracle’s Gate’, Xu Qiji’s mental power and liquefied gas can be extracted; it can also be done by consuming black energy stones. The consumption level is very low, and one black energy stone obtained from the black smoke tribe can maintain two hundred small ‘miracle doors’ for a long time.

   And, if you just open the small ‘miracle door’ when you need to transfer items, and close it after the items are transferred, it will be more economical.

"It's like in the game, the player has opened the'portable warehouse' function. Moreover, being able to use the black energy stone to maintain the small miracle door can also liberate me." The aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes circled round and round. This pair of eyes seems to have a fascinating collateral power.

   Now there are only 200 islanders projections, Xu Qijing can support the consumption of the small miracle door by herself. But in the future, if the number of projected people reaches 10,000, 100,000 or more, the consumption of opening and closing the small ‘Miracle’s Door’ alone will be enough to squeeze him out.

   "The space function of this portable warehouse, I believe that Saintess Yule and the other partners that Miao brother finds should like it. As for the extra energy stone that needs to be consumed, naturally I don't need to worry about it." Xu Qijing said.

   He is poor and white, and still owes Brother Miao money.

  Moreover, if hundreds of thousands or even more projections are then used to maintain the consumption of the small miracle door, it will be a large number.

   Xu Qijing couldn't afford it even if he thought of this part of the cost.

   The wool comes out of the sheep... This part of the cost must be paid by the player or Miao brother themselves.

   "Today, the teleportation function of Miracle Gate is mature."

   "The plunder of the Energy Stone has been brought back to this world."

   "The internal calculation is successfully completed."

   Next... is the public beta, and even the direct service!

   713, the last page of the history of world invaders is slowly being opened.




   On the opposite side of the miracle door, Xu Qiji's body also opened his eyes.

   Aurora also appeared in his pupils.

  The dazzling aurora revolves around the pupils, as if special effects have been added-such beautiful eyes seem to have the ability to charm, people can't help but want to pick them out and save them!

   "Brother Miao, Saintess of Yule...The internal test was successfully completed. After the upgrade of the Miracle Gate is completed, we can enter the next stage." Xu Qiji said from the body.

   The elite islanders under the Saint Virgo, in the end returned a lot of black energy stones and some scientific research materials of the black smokers. Although Xu Qijing couldn't understand it, Qi Yishan understood. Translation is not a problem.

  Unfortunately, at present, living creatures cannot cross the ‘Miracle’s Gate’. Otherwise, it would be more meaningful to catch a scientific researcher directly.

   Xu Qiji divided these black energy stones into thirteen parts according to their sources, and pushed them to the Saint Yule—this was the trophies of the last 13 islanders who survived.

  After some thoughts, the Saintess of Yule drew a piece of black energy stone from each trophy and handed it to Xu Qiji: "This is your share, it's a toll."

   "It doesn't need so much, I only need a part of the energy stones to maintain the consumption of the small "Miracle Gate" later." Xu Qiji shook his head, after all, he had negotiated at the beginning and he would not charge extra.

"If you want to cooperate for a long time, it would be better for everyone to benefit. Otherwise, in the end, I always feel that I owe you the favor, and gradually I will feel uncomfortable. Moreover, to take a step back, you are the young island owner. It’s justified to collect some of the islanders’ harvest. Even if you collect all the spoils, it’s okay. They even own everyone, let alone the energy stones they harvest." Saint Yule hopes to make Xu Qijing Really appreciate the benefits brought by the identity of the'Little Island Lord'.

   Although Boss Miao said that Xu Qiji's life span may be limited, and it will be about a hundred years at most like ordinary humans.

   But in her heart, she still hopes that a miracle will occur, so that the young island owner Xu Qiji can truly inherit the broken island.

   "Everyone is mine? Is the island a slavery?" Xu Qijing was a little bit dumbfounded when she heard this, what age is it.

   Brother Miao: "Squeak~"

   "A harem of 80,000?" Translated by Thrush.

   "There are men in this." Xu Qiji replied immediately.

   Brother Miao: "Squeak~"

   "Boss Miao said, Mr. Xu, your eyes are very beautiful, do you want to consider selling it?" This time it was translated by Saint Yu Le.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   He couldn't help being far away from Brother Miao.

   Following the "Ranking List", Brother Miao finally set his sights on his body and coveted his body organs!

   "But Ah Ji, your eyes are so beautiful now." The thrush stepped forward and gently stroked Xu Qiji's eyelids: "I really want to collect them."

"The charm value of this eye must be in the wrong direction." Xu Qijing also vaguely knew that these eyes have the ability to charm - but normally speaking, the ability of charm should not be'electric eye compelling' or'secret sending autumn waves'. Does the class enhance the overall charm of the owner? Why is the charm of this "artificial **** eye" focused on the eyeball?

   Then, Xu Qijin looked at the thrush gently: "If you like the thrush~"

   Yule Saintess: "Will you pick it out and send her off?"

"This is an artificial **** eye technique...that is to say this thing can be copied. As long as the public formula of the'artificial **** eye technique' is extracted and the raw materials are added, I can give Thrush also has a pair of divine eyes." Xu Qijing believes.

   After that, his eyes turned to the unclosed "Miracle Gate".

   He can sense that all 200 elite islanders have experienced a wave of ‘death’.

   This closed beta ended successfully.

   Now, he let the avatar go for a walk to see if he can pick up some energy stones and come back, show his face, and end this activity.

   Xu Qiji’s artificial **** eyes look at the world of 713 through the door of miracles...

   The next moment, the aurora in God's eyes suddenly circulates quickly.

   The gaze of the artificial god's eyes penetrated the laboratory base... Constantly see through, the vision zoomed out.

   Finally, Xu Qijing saw a forest of black pillars that stretched across the sky.

   Beside every black pillar to reach the sky, there is a prison that holds the humans of the 713 world.

   In the middle of this black column forest, stands a particularly strong column, which continuously draws energy from the ground.

   From time to time, human captives were sent to this thick black pillar.


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