Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 120: I just happened to have a problem that can be solved

   As the main designer of the Empire Starship operating system, is it not a matter of course to leave a back door that only you can enter in the operating system?

   Although the national treasure No.1 may not use this back door for a lifetime, he still quietly left this back door.

  ——Some things, I may never use them, but they just can’t be without!

   At this time, the aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes flowed. When his eyes were locked on the three-ship starship, the start of the ‘back door’ emerged in his eyes.

He doesn’t know anything about the starship’s operating system. After all, his world does not have a driver’s license to test a starship... but that’s okay. The starship’s operating system is a semi-artificial intelligence type, which can receive simple assignments for starships. Smart operation.

At this time, Xu Qijing tried to reach out and tap on the complicated operation interface-if the National Treasure No.1 is personally on the field at this time, as long as it is within the signal reception range, even if it is operated from the air, it can also control this Three ship starships play out.

   Xu Qijing can't do this level, he can only make some simple commands.!

   Now, as long as he gives an order, the three starships can pour out all the ammunition and energy irregularly in one breath, destroy everything around the hull, and let them kill each other.

   But this approach is wasteful, and it's so wasteful that it hurts.

   These are three ready-made cosmic starships, thousands of times more expensive than an aircraft carrier. Matched with his ‘artificial **** eyes’ permission, as long as the operation is correct, you can drive them directly into the cosmos drag racing~

"Boss Xu, let's see you next time. To be honest, I think it's quite fun here." Xuan Qi-two looked at the sky like a goddess's attack, a standard leap, which blocked Xu Qijing. Several beams.

   After blocking the attack, his body fell to the ground, shrinking into a ball of pain and fatigue, but still talking to Xu Qijing with a smile on his face.

   It was a smile from the heart, but because of the pain, the smile was a little distorted—Xu Qiji was almost moved to cry, and almost inspired the ‘Prison of Tears’ technique to send him on the road.

   "Don't give up, this is not the time for despair." Facing the three starships, Xu Qiji gently rubbed his temples.

   It's unrealistic to operate all the starships in one go. He doesn't have that in-depth mastery of the'artificial **** eye', and his mental power is also limited. It's a bit brain-burning to perform too many operations at once.

   So, let's give up a small guarantee.

   Find a way to get the three starships over.

  The first step is to kill those small ‘frigates’ first.

   "Lock the frigate and set the fire!" Xu Qijing tried to give instructions to the three main ships.

  The simpler the instruction, the better, which is convenient for semi-artificial intelligence execution.

   As the aurora in his eyes rotates rapidly, simple instructions are transmitted to the three main ships.



   "Another wave of bombardment will directly kill this group of human dead men. No matter how high their individual combat power is, they will never want to fight against a standard crusade star fleet!" Among the three main ships, the postponed captain said coldly.

   Three main battle starships + standard formation frigate, this is their previous military power against lower civilization planets. As long as the ammunition and energy are sufficient, and there is more time, enough time to destroy all small planetary civilizations.

   If it weren't for the Black Pillar Forest to be very precious to them, and if they could not destroy as much as possible, they would carry out the main ship's "Destroying Artillery" this time, and fire a shot.

   The command was issued by the captain, the entire fleet received the order, and countless members of the fleet began to operate, preparing to launch the third wave of bombing.

   But at this moment, all of the operation interfaces and projection screens suddenly lit up a huge circle.

   In the circle, there is a rune rotating, which means "No Pass".

   In an instant, everyone lost their authority to operate the starship.

   "What's the matter?" Even the captain lost control.

   "The starship system was invaded...No, it was the starship system that suddenly locked automatically, and it refused to accept any instructions!" the crew member anxiously said.

   "Switch to manual mode." The captain said calmly. At the same time, he took out a three-dimensional triangle, inserted it into his captain's seat, and twisted it forcefully.

  Operating system is invaded, then switch to manual. Although it will be more complicated to operate, it can at least land without crashing.

   "Failed to switch manual mode, the system prohibits this operation! No access!"

   "All weapons of the starship are locked to the target...the target is the frigate!"

   "The background highest authority switch failed."

   "The frigate's armor is being lifted, warning, the frigate's armor is being lifted!"

   The black smoke body of the captain became unstable, but as a well-hardened captain, he still remained calm: "Let the members of the frigate forcibly escape and eject and escape."

   Forced escape is the last life-saving plan. The starship is very precious, and the personnel operating the starship are also very precious.

   "No, forced ejection to escape is invalid, manual ejection is stuck..."

   "In attacking energy storage, three, two, one..."


   The three starships displayed large and small gun barrels and beam crystals, which activated hundreds of attacks in an instant, and each attack locked the frigate.

   At this moment, the Smoky crew members on the frigate were so desperate that they could not speak.

   The shield is automatically released, the ejection escape method is stuck, and even the escape pod cannot be opened. At this moment, they could only stare blankly at the main starship they were protecting, and carried out a merciless massacre on them.

  The artillery and defense of both sides are not of the same level.

   It is impossible to survive.

   The dazzling fireworks bloomed in the void, and there was nothing wrong with it except for the smoke.

   "Wait, what's going on?" The testers, the elite on the island, and some survivors of the 713 World Prison, all stared blankly at the Smoky Fleet in the sky that suddenly turned against each other and killed each other.

   Everyone's brains are down, and they can't understand what happened before them.

   Why suddenly they started fighting by themselves?

   And it's a killer when you shoot?

  Xuan Seventy-two was a heart He slightly raised his head and looked at Xu Qijing, the man who had just told him not to give up. At this time, the aurora in his eyes was circling rapidly. These eyes were so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to pick them off and take them for himself.

   "You did it, Boss Xu?" Xuan Qi-two asked in disbelief.

   "Slightly applied sub-scheme." Xu Qiji raised her head proudly, refusing to look down at Xuan Qi-two-mainly because she could not let the tears fall from her eyes.

   At this time, his eyes were hot, so hot that his tears came out.

   As long as he bows his head at this time, the teardrops must roll down, which will damage his image at this time.

   "Boss Xu, are you omnipotent?" Xuan Qi-two was somewhat admired.

   "I'm not omnipotent, I just happened to have a problem that can be solved." Xu Qijing closed her eyes and relieved the soreness of her lower eyes.

   After a while, he closed his eyes again.

   The second step...Remove the members of the three large starships.

  The solution is also very simple.

   "Forced ejection command."

   Command range, all members of the Smoky Clan in the starship, one is not bad, all ejected!

  At the same time, the firepower on the ship is ready to go...


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