Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 124: Cataclysm and the final ceremony of the sword

When the progress bar of the imperial supreme pillar is full, the world's "planetary core" will be activated... and the normal steps, the supreme swordsmith they are waiting for will be ready long ago, supplemented by the power of the star core , To build the entire imperial supreme pillar into an unfortunate part of the sword.

   They have been calculating the time, so that the progress bar of the Supreme Column can move forward steadily, not in advance, and as far as possible not to delay, and achieve it perfectly in an accurate time.

   But now, everything is over.

   "At this time...Can the swordsmith come here in advance? Is there any way we can send the swordsmith directly? Who is responsible for contacting this one?" a member of the Diet asked.

"By the way, I received the message here. The message said: The transmission rune and signal of the swordsmith have been given to us. Let us contact through the transmission signal at any time." A dumbfounded councilor suddenly came to his senses. , Said loudly: "Who is the contact rune? Who received the rune?"

   But, members of the entire council, look at me, and I look at you.


  From beginning to end, they did not receive the information coordinates and runes from the swordsmith...

   "The contact rune may be in the national treasure NO.1 elder, but the elder is dead." At this time, a member of the council said. All along, a lot of information has been directed to the NO.1 National Treasure Elder.

   The audience is silent.

   The president of the council raised his head and looked at the sky, cursing the eighteenth generation ancestor genealogy of whose ancestors did not know in his heart.

   After a while, he slapped the table hard: "There is a conspiracy!"

   "Why do they know about the "Empire Supreme Pillar"? What can they do to improve the progress bar of the Supreme Pillar in advance?"

   "Even if they throw all the prisoners in, it is impossible to burst the progress bar of the Supreme Pillar in such a short time..."

  The range of white smoke on the head of the council is increasing.

   This incident reveals a weirdness from beginning to end.

   "Why is our most important scientific research base exposed?"

   "Our empire's No. 1 elder position, why is it known in advance that he is in the position, even most of the councillors don't know it!"

   "Why do they know how to use the Supreme Pillar?"

  The head of the council's gaze swept across all the members present: "Unless, there is a traitor among us."

  Someone revealed information to the human race...

   All the MPs shook their heads frantically. They knew that the President of Parliament was looking for a scapegoat. If the handle is caught at this time, all pots will be forcibly closed.

   No congressman wants to carry the pot. It is better to let the tall councillor carry these large pots.

   Actually-it's not impossible that things like hooking up with the human race and becoming a rape. As long as they are intelligent creatures, their ideas cannot be unified. Even among the Smoky Clan, there is a kind-hearted faction who refuses to kill.

   As long as the disguise is good, it is possible for such kind-hearted smoky people to become a councillor.

   But at this time, what is the point of discussing this issue? It is also impossible to really pull every member of the Council for interrogation.

   "How long does it take for the nearest fleet to arrive?" The council chief forced himself to calm down.

   "It takes fifteen cards at the fastest time." A member of the military management replied-no one thought that the most elite three-three fleet would be destroyed so quickly. It will take time for the fleet that is closest to the rear to rush over after finishing the assembly.

   "Why don't you arrange these frigate fleets closer?" The councillor was angry and hammered the table hard.

   Below, no one dares to answer this question.

   They are afraid that if they answer, they will be caught carrying the pot.

   "At this time, can anyone tell me what to do?" The head of the council looked up, and the white smoke above his head began to fall in pieces.

   It has gone from turning white at night to losing its hair. Every drop of white smoke has the same function as human hair tissue.

   "Let's land the cataclysm." A cold-blooded general congressman said solemnly.

   This is the way they are preparing to bring the last pain to the world... The mist formed by the black particles floating in the sky of the whole world, these particles cover the sun and make the world cold.

   But this is not the limit. Under their control, these black particles can still fall from the air and turn into a means of attack.

   As long as they come into contact with these particulate mists, living things will be corroded even if they inhale a little.

   Even the artificial humans transformed from this world are not immune to this kind of corrosion. The mechanical parts of the artificial humans will be burned and broken.

   Before the ‘star core’ had fully emerged, all the creatures in this world were driven to extinction.

   At most, there will be some remaining creatures deep in the ground.

   "This is not good, in this case, this planet will be completely destroyed..."

   "Do you dare to object? Are you collaborating with the enemy?" The head of the council suddenly became angry, shouting loudly, looking at the vocal congressman, his eyes brightened.

   "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" The congressman immediately said anxiously: "The order we received at the beginning is that the human race cannot be exterminated...After destroying their civilization, we must leave alive."

"Don't say it, I didn't leave them with the vitality." The council leader slapped the council table vigorously: "Let me fall the cataclysm, especially in the area of ​​the black pillar forest. I want that area to die. ."

   This is its last fight.



   Black column forest area.

   All the rescued 713 World Human Races were loaded into the black pillar. After a while, the black pillars in the black pillar forest rose into the sky and flew towards the ‘safe area’ position given by Qi Yishan.

   The first half of the rescue operation went smoothly.

   No. 616 at the other end of the Miracle Gate was moved to squeeze the oil.

   And Xuan Seventy-two and a group of clever testers were arranged by Xu Qiji into the captive starships, and they began to try to control these starships to see if they could be completely controlled.

   Xu Qiji used the "artificial eyes" to mobilize the authority of the Starship operating system as much as possible to cooperate with them.

   You only need to master the control of the starship, then it will be useful.

Dealing with starships, it will be very tiring to use the Sword Sword all the time...These three starships will be able to deal with the subsequent Black Smoky Empire After everything is ready, Xu Qiji’s clone is again Enter the **** pillar.

   The progress bar is full, so should there be some changes?

   Xu Qijing is waiting for changes to happen.

   In addition, he still has the transmission coordinate information of a ‘swordsmith’ in his hand, but he has not yet decided when to send the swordsmith over.

  He is not in a hurry~

   As long as he is not in a hurry, he will be the enemy in a hurry.

   "Sure enough, the change has come." After Xu Qi quietly waited for a long time, the **** pillar with the full progress bar really changed.

   ["The Sword Casting Code·End" is launched! 】

   Big Black Pillar is like Transformers, undergoing cool changes.

   The column in the middle is like being sliced ​​horizontally, rotating and unfolding, turning into steps.

The upper part of    is vertically cut into a pair of wings, which expand outward.

   The black pillar at the bottom turned into a sharp cone channel, straight into the depths of the ground... and finally turned into a platform.

   Caster platform?

   "Speaking of casters, I have to mention my teacher Su. My teacher Su has the best in the world." Xu Qijing blew.


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