Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 131: Physical crossover

   In short, just like the beholder swordsmith thought, the Ooze Monster Messenger just wanted to keep it and cooperate with them for new research.

   Xu Qijing moved his body slightly, agreeing to let the beholder swordsmith continue to stay with the ooze monster for a while.

He is generally supportive of the Ooze Monster Messenger’s “Clone Project”... The cloning project is still cruel. Even the “human” that is copied cannot be regarded as a complete person at present, with low intelligence, and the whole The process is still uncomfortable.

   is just in comparison, it's better than the human being directly "sacrificed".

Moreover, in Xu Qijing's view, what is more important is the intention of the Ooze Monster Messenger-as long as they are willing to innovate, as long as they have the willingness to change... The cruel robot plan, the future can also be step by step. Make improvements.

  The most fearful thing is the other Nine Ancestors, who are abiding by outdated plans and rules. They don't innovate, refuse to innovate, or even dare not try to innovate, just thinking about stability.

"Thanks." Seeing Xu Qiji's consent, the ooze monster messenger squirmed slightly and gave its people a remote command to keep the hopeful beholder swordsman in their own world. 'In, Haosheng entertains.

After setting up the swordsmith, the ooze monster messenger moved in his heart again, saying: "Yes, the eye ancestor messenger. You have been closer to the human race all the time... You are easy to get started with, as long as you can quickly move people. Is there any eyebrows for the exercises that are accumulated to the first state by analogy?"

   Simple exercises for getting started?

   The first thing Xu Qiji remembered in his mind was the combination of "Miracle Gate + Daxia System Basic Edition".

   Qi Yishan's miracle door can open the door for ordinary humans to practice, so that ordinary people can also access extraordinary realms.

   Next is the Daxia System...As long as you practice the "Daxia System" step by step, it is only a matter of time from getting started to stepping into the first state.

   But "Daxia System" matters a lot, and Xu Qijing hesitates. He didn't dare to hand over the basic version of "The Great Summer System" easily before he could thoroughly understand the Ooze Monster Messenger-even if this exercise had a back door.

   He has to think about it.

   "Do you have eyebrows?" The Ooze Monster Messenger looked at the calm Eye Ancestor Messenger and asked curiously.

   Xu Qijing controlled the water drop body, shaking and shaking.

"So, you are not quite sure whether the exercises are effective? Then you first experiment, and if it works, recommend it to me. I still owe you one more favor." The Ooze Monster Messenger issued a hearty laughter.

   Well, it understands again!

   Like the old giant messenger, the ooze monster messenger is also very sensible.

After    and other ooze monster messengers also left the field, only Xu Qiji was left in the space of the Nine Ancestor messengers.

   He stayed alone for a long time, this time the human ancestor envoy did not appear again.

   Xu Qiji is a little regretful, retreating from the messenger space.



   The next day.

  Xu Qiji’s clone is with the assistance of Le Saintess Projection, portraying the cross-border teleportation rune given by the ‘Divine Ancestor’.

   The Saintess of Yule was very interested in this kind of rune that could be transmitted across borders within the'Nine Realms', so she projected it into the 713 world and helped Xu Qiji, the young island owner, smoothly.

   After helping to draw the runes, she lost interest after a little research... Then, she ran to the ‘dungeon’ world to see if she could help.

  The strength of the projection of the Saintess of Yule is enough to go to the first floor of the dungeon and arrange some enchantments.

   Xu Qiji guarded the cross-border transfer of coordinate runes, and soon a large amount of resources came from the divine ancestor.

   Twenty boxes of pure spirit stones—similar to those taken from the Black Smoky Empire Hound Beast, but of higher quality. And it looks good in taste, so thrush should like it very much.

   Then there are ten large barrels of "Holy Spring" secret medicine, a treasure that can enhance spiritual power.

   and two boxes of "Holy Core Pills", the number is nearly 500 pieces.

   Wealth is strong.

   These are all just ‘advance payments’—if the ancestors of the eye can see significant results when the support comes, then the amount of rewards provided by the ancestors will be at least ten times more.

   Xu Qijing used the internal storage space of the Great Sword as a transit, and transferred this batch of materials back to his world.

The ancestor envoy spent a great price, and used the "cross-border transmission" channel at all costs to send this batch of advance payments to the eye ancestor envoy of the 713 world... As a result, the supplies were still warm, and Xu Qijing sent him back to his world .

   In the old house of the Xu family.

   Xu Qiji first opened the bucket of holy spring and filled a small cup.

   "Brother Miao, do you think you can drink this thing? There will be no sequelae?" Xu Qijing held the cup, a little cautious.

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao stretched out his paw.

   This time I don’t need to translate the thrush, Xu Qijing also knows what Miao means.

   He put the small cup in front of Brother Miao.

   Brother Miao stretched out his small tongue and licked the liquid medicine of ‘Holy Spring’ gently.

   The bitter taste made it stick out its tongue uncomfortably: "Squeak~"

   Xu Qiji looked at his cell phone - at this time, his cell phone was video chatting with Thrush.

   Thrush is sitting in the office, and beside her is the shy secretary-general Le girl.

   "Miao Miao is talking about suffering~" Shen Shumei smiled and translated.

   "Are there any other problems?" Xu Qijing looked back at Brother Miao. He had already turned on the ‘artificial **** eye’ function, but the ‘rat language’ function was not recorded in the god’s eye, which required a lot of initial data recording.

   Brother Miao shook his head, and pushed the small cup back to Xu Qijing.

   "No need, Brother Miao. You have already drunk, so we don't want to kiss indirectly. You and me are different." Xu Qijie politely pushed the small cup back.

   Brother Miao: "……"

   The next moment, in the shocked gaze of Miss Le Mei, secretary general of the thrush, Brother Miao's body suddenly became bigger, and Xu Qiji was pressed under his claws.

   Its other claw pinched the small cup and forcibly poured the ‘Holy Spring’ liquid medicine into Xu Qiji.

   "Tough hard~" Xu Qiji didn't struggle either-after all, this is his home. If you struggle, if you break the furniture, how much money will it cost?

   Shengquan medicinal liquid has a bitter taste in the mouth, and the thick grass gas is in it, just like drinking grass juice.

   Although the taste is not good, the effect is immediate.

   Xu Qijing only felt a refreshing mind in his mind, and then slightly increased pain. Just like eating too many ice products in one breath in summer, the head hurts from being iced.

   After a long while, Xu Qijing's headache recovered.

   And his mental power has obviously increased a bit!

   This is just a small cup. The more he drinks before he develops the drug resistance, the stronger his spirit will be.

   If he can continue to avoid side effects such as drug resistance, his mental power can directly hit the strength of the fourth realm as long as he drinks half a bucket.

   "This effect is more exaggerated than I thought." Xu Qijing rubbed her temples: "Brother Miao, you can let me out~"

   In the video on the phone, Thrush turned off the video with a smile-you can't be seen by outsiders making a fool of yourself, even her little secretary.

   Brother Miao put the small cup aside, shrank, and showed a disdainful expression at Xu Qijing.

   Indirect kissing? You think beautifully, don’t think I just stuck out my tongue and licked it before, but before I licked it, I had already used mental force to roll up the'Holy Spring' liquid medicine. From head to tail, the tongue of the hamster did not touch the liquid body. .

   You want to kiss me indirectly?

Xu Qijing took the small cup and patted the barrel of holy spring medicinal liquid lightly: "Brother Miao, you said that if I let ordinary people drink a little'Holy Spring' secret medicine first, they will increase their spiritual power, and then Using the'Miracle Gate' to stimulate them, can it increase the chance of ordinary people's awakening ability?"

   "Squeak~" Brother Miao nodded.

   It looks like Brother Miao agrees with him.

"Then these ten barrels of'Holy Spring' medicinal solution, I have to leave a barrel for Qi Yishan to speed up their world's human awakening." After Xu Qijing waited for her head pain to ease, she poured another cup for herself: "Bitter bitter~ but so good~"

   Brother Miao stuck out his tongue silently.

   After drinking more than 20 cups of "Holy Spring" medicinal solution, Xu Qiji still didn't feel the side effects of "drug resistance".

   "It seems that the intensity of stacking mental power to the fourth level first is not a problem." Xu Qijing rubbed his stomach-instead, his stomach could not bear it, which restricted the rhythm of his mental power to continue to strengthen.

   I'm full and can't drink it for the time being.

   Now Xu Qijing feels that as long as he smells the scent of grass, his tongue will tingle and even nausea.

   "Slowly first." Xu Qijing said, and then took out a ‘Holy Core Pill’ from the big sword space: "This thing, just wear it on your body, right?"

   Brother Miao brightened his eyes when he saw this ‘Holy Nuclear Pill’.

   It has seen huge business opportunities from it.

   "Squeaky~" It raised her hair and asked-Miao brother wanted to know how this thing was born?

   Although he didn't understand what Brother Miao was talking about, Xu Qijing watched Miao Brother staring at his own'Sacred Core Pill', and he had a kind of'understand' research.

   may be infected by the messenger of the old giant and the messenger of the ooze monster.

"Brother Miao, are you curious about where this thing comes from? Hey, I feel good about it." Xu Qiji held a precious'Sacred Core Pill' and said, "This thing is actually from our heaven. The products of that group of invaders of'spiritual civilization', they are civilizations called'Protoss'. Brother Miao is interested in this thing?"

  If Miao is interested, the value of "Protoss" will increase again~

   "According to the news I found in the Nine Ancestor Space, as long as this thing is worn on the body, the energy will continue to play a role. There is no need to wear more than one. One person can bring one." Xu Qiji laughed.

   The action of ‘laughing’ involved the facial nerves, but for some reason it drove his finger movements, so he squeezed it gently.

   With this pinch, the sturdy ‘Holy Core Pill’ was crushed.

   Xu Qiji: "???"

   Brother Miao: "Squeak!" Prodigal stuff!

   As this ‘star core pill’ was crushed, the power of the star core pill did not dissipate, but was ‘sucked’ in along the arm along Xu Qiji’s fingers!

   The energy of the Star Core Pill was originally intended to dissipate, but Xu Qiji's lower abdomen and heart beat vigorously at the same time, curling up a suction force, and forcibly ingesting it.

   The whole process is as natural as ‘breathing’.

   With one exhale and one inhale, the part useful to Xu Qijin was pulled into the pubic area, and the impurities that were useless to Xu Qijin were exhaled from the body.

   After a while...

   In Xu Qiji's dantian, there was a little more "starlight" beside the vortex that was being twisted. Originally, the "starlight" belonged to Doctor Miehuang, and Xu Qiji stabbed the wool.

   Moreover, the volume of the second starburst is much stronger than that of Doctor Miehuang.

   As the two starlights transported around the cyclone, Xu Qijing obviously felt that the efficiency of the cyclone quilt had improved a lot.

   Once this vortex is rounded, it is the rhythm of opening the door to the next realm.

   But... different from the starburst that represents'Doctor Mie Huang', the strong starburst that the Star Core Pill incorporates will be worn out and become smaller in size after repeated rotations.

   But the starlight of ‘Doctor Miehuang’ actually grew stronger-it was like absorbing the starlight of ‘Star Core Pill’.

   Xu Qijing opened his eyes and took out a few pieces of ‘Holy Core Pill’ from the big sword space.

   In the painful eyes of Brother Miao, Xu Qijing crushed another one.

   Sure enough, as before, there was a little more "starlight" in his dantian, rotating around the vortex, speeding up the process of beading.

   "The starlight in the pubic field still hides this effect...The size of the starlight of Doctor Miehuang was too small to induce any actual effect."

   "But you can make more if you accumulate less..."

   If the effect of one Doctor Miehuang is not enough, then ten more?

   And, if the initial ‘Astral’ is not big enough, can the ‘Holy Core Pill’ be used to grow it?

   is to consume Star Core Pill.

   Before going through specific conversions, I’m not sure whether using the “Star Core Pill” to expand the starlight in the body will lose money.

   But it can be regarded as a way to speed up the promotion, please write it down first.

   After pinching the two star core pills, Xu Qijing did not make Brother Miao any more heartache, but only took the third star core pill with him.

   "By the way, Brother Miao, I owed you the money before, this matter can be repaid to you." Xu Qiji remembered the arrears of the'Energy Stone' again, and proudly took out several huge energy stones and handed them to Brother Miao.

   These days, there are not many people who pay back money like him.

   Brother Miao tangledly took over these energy fell into a tangled state...

   Its original plan, thinking about making Xu Qiji owe it a large sum of money, failed at the start. In the future, I don't know if there is a chance for Xu Qiji to owe a huge sum of money again?



  713 world.

   The technology that originally belonged to the Black Smoky Empire is being gradually taken over and absorbed by Qi Yishan with the assistance of Xu Qiji's clone.

   The transformation of ‘Miracle’s Gate’ went well.

   As long as we find a solution to the "black fog catastrophe" in the sky, the world of 713 will be officially back on track.

   At this time, Xu Qiji's clone looked at the rune of'Cross-border Teleportation Coordinates', quietly in a daze.

   In his pupils, the aurora of the artificial god's eyes circulates in circles, analyzing the structure and passage of this rune.

   ‘Artificial God’s Eye’ itself contains knowledge related to space.

   If the analysis is successful, then the artificial **** eyes and the miracle door may be able to do what Xu Qiji has always wanted to do-the physical body crosses the boundary!

   At least, within the scope of the ‘Nine Realms’, the physical crossing can be carried out smoothly.

   In that way, leaving him room for manipulation, at least a few more large suites.


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