Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 152: The man who wants to be Kao

   During the speech, let the audience look at him, right?

  As long as the eyes of the members of the Protoss meet him... Then it will be more expensive to fight, and he will also launch the "make friends" pupil technique, and strive to make every member of the Protoss a good friend.

   As long as he has enough energy, pupil skills and friends from nothing can also become area skills.

   Xu Qiji was very heart-stirring inside, but he couldn't show his heartbeat so as not to arouse the suspicion of the divine ancestor.

   So after a moment of silence, he slowly moved his body. Then, he shook his lower body again.

   "I understand that when he recovers from his injury, I will arrange for him to give a speech. After the speech, I will definitely give him a reward." The divine ancestor understood Xu Qiji's heart very well.

   Anyway, add money!

   Xu Qijing blinked his eyes satisfied when he heard this.

At the same time, he slightly changed his plan. Originally, he was planning to let the clone No. 1'six-level beholder' pretend to be sick for a period of time, and while he was seriously ill, he would find a chance to stay with the spiritual civilization for a while. , And see if you can find the opportunity to use the'Mystery of Myriad Changes' to mix into the enemy's interior.

   For example, kill a lonely logistics star beast or a member of the Protoss, replace it, and gradually mix into the enemy group.

   It is addictive to mix into the enemy. After doing it once, you can't help but do it a second time.

   But now, after hearing the arrangement of the divine ancestor, he decided to let the ‘Clone 1’ stand for three to five days, then climb out of the treatment room and prepare the speech script.

   Before being exposed, try to develop the ‘friends’ of the spiritual civilization as much as possible.

   After the exchange between Xu Qiji and the divine ancestor was over, the old giant emissary showed a gratified smile: "It looks like, the eye ancestor and divine envoy, the cooperation between you two is very smooth."

   This is the situation it wants to see.

"Everything is going well... on my side, the key defensive person is dead. We can quickly complete the part of the'Sword of Humanity'." The divine ancestor crossed his fingers and believed: "Then, I will arrange the successor first. Preparations for sword casting. Everyone, let me go one step ahead."

   After that, the divine ancestor's body slowly dissipated and left the space.

   "I also have to deal with some matters in the clan, the ancestor of the eye...Whenever I have time, we will meet up." The messenger once again sent an invitation to Xu Qijing.

   Xu Qiji slowly moved his body, expressing his consent.

   got Xu Qiji's reply, and the mechanical messenger also left this space.

   The messenger of the old giant walked through the scene this time. Seeing that there was no conflict between the messengers, it also slowly went offline.

"Eye Ancestor...Thank you for the exercise that you left me last time." The Ooze Monster Messenger nodded to Xu Qijing, and stretched out his sticky hand: "That exercise is really easy to get started. I have tried a batch of clones. As long as you use the technique of'passing power', even clones can get started in a short time."

   Xu Qiji heard this, secretly relieved. He also hoped that the Ooze Messenger's plan would succeed sooner.

   "This time, I want to get your permission." The slime messenger continued: "The exercise you gave, I want to spread it among my ethnic group."

   It wants its own people to learn this introductory simple exercise in large quantities, and then this group of slime people will pass it on to the cloned lifeforms through the means of ‘passing gong’.

   This can greatly increase efficiency.

  【There is such a good thing? 】Xu Qijing did not expect that the Ooze Messenger would be so cooperative, and actively began to add a ‘friend chain’ for him to expand his business.

   How could he refuse such a good thing?

   Then, the envoy of the eye ancestor Xu Qiji transformed into nodded vigorously. And in order for the slime messenger to let go and do it boldly, Xu Qijing nodded with great force, and almost twisted his whole body with the movement of "nodding".

   "Thank you." The Ooze Messenger smiled.

   It read the other's kindness from Xu Qijing's actions.

  Moreover, it can feel that since it started with the techniques from the Eye Ancestor Messenger, it has become more intimate with the Eye Ancestor Messenger... originally it was a good friend, but now it is a friend on a friend.

   "Then I can safely spread the exercise on my side." The slime messenger squirmed: "Does this exercise have a name?"

   This is so difficult for Xu Qijing, it has always played the role of silent eye ancestors, speaking this kind of thing involves his functional blind zone.

"Forget it, I want to hear from you. It's more troublesome than I want to wake up the ancestors. I decided on the name myself. I will call it "Friendship Secrets" here. It is a testimony to the friendship between you and me." After the mud messenger said, before Xu Qiji could respond, her figure began to disappear.

   [This name is unexpectedly appropriate. 】Xu Qiji secretly said in her heart--then if he wants to publicize "Daxia System", he can apply the name "Friendship Jue" taken by the Ooze Messenger, so that everyone will not think of Daxia.

   In this way, the ooze messenger realm and the spiritual civilization realm among the nine realms can begin to spread friendship.

   There is also the ‘mechanical messenger’ realm that is in a pending state. When the spiritual civilization is over for a while, he will go to the mechanical messenger to take a look to see if he has the opportunity to develop cross-border friendship in their realm.

   May his friendship spread all over the Nine Realms and blossom everywhere, so that his ‘friends’ can be found everywhere in the Nine Realms.

   Xu Qiji, he wants to become the flower of the Nine Realms, the man who becomes the Kao.

   [I just don’t know if the other races can adapt to "Friendship Secrets" except for the Protoss and the Ooze Messenger. If I can't adapt, then I have to spend money to ask Brother Miao to help find a master to change this exercise. 】

After   , after staying alone in the'Nine Ancestor Envoy Space' as usual, Xu Qiji's figure also withdrew from the Envoy Space...

   He can't wait to withdraw the payment from the divine ancestor.

   But he can't be so anxious, at least take it easy for a while, and it won't be too late to withdraw the money after a while, so as not to make the divine ancestors doubt.


   The scene where Xu Qiji was killed.

   At this time, the shadow worlds began to close, leaving only a small shadow world exit, hidden in the sea, left to continue monitoring the scene.

   Xu Qiji's dark guards who were originally involved in the shadow world also broke free from the shadow world one by one... and contacted the headquarters of Daxia as soon as possible. Acting still has to be a full set, and cannot be done halfway.

   About half an hour later, several teams of elite "Awakened" rushed to this sea area at the fastest speed.

   After the news of the killing of Xu Qiji, the national treasure of Great Xia, many of these elite awakeners shed tears of sadness.

   A few people even knelt down on the beach, crying bitterly-these are the members who are not good at acting and can only play the crying role with no technical content.

   Because "Xu Qiji" was bombarded to pieces by a big move, he didn't even leave his body. In the end, these few Daxia elite awakeners only found a few pieces of clothes and took them back to prepare a cloak mound for Xu Guobao.

   Then the two human rapes who were sealed in the "Tear Cell Art" were also taken back by Daxia Awakener.

   These two traitors have been exposed, and they have no value for reuse. In the original plan of the protoss beheading operation, there were no steps to take them back.

   The members of the Protoss even thought these two rapes were dead... Afterwards, they didn't notice them at all.

   It was not until the small monitor left behind that they discovered that the two rapes were not dead, but were captured alive, and the members of the Protoss responsible for ‘developing the rapes’ did not notice this.

   However, it didn't care about it either-the four Human Race insiders selected this time were all carefully selected independent insiders, and they didn't communicate with each other.

   Every insider doesn't know each other, and even if they are caught alive, it doesn't affect them in any way. Don't worry about your own "intranet" will be touched.

   However, this person in charge of spiritual civilization may have underestimated human communication ability and curiosity.

Human beings are very curious creatures. Even if they are determined to destroy the world, their curiosity will still instinctively. Let them subconsciously ask for some intelligence and information, and send them to the circle. friend'.

   The beach area was cordoned off by humans, and people were sent to station here.

   A large number of awakened people came in and out of this area, and many surveillance cameras were arranged.

   This area can be chosen by the spiritual civilization as the place to assassinate Xu Qiji, and naturally has its special features. This area, which has been repeatedly nourished by the shadow world, is a treasure land for smuggling.

   Such a place must be vigilant.

   The small monitor left by the Protoss took everything in their eyes, and then reported it.

   As long as they see those crying and desperate human beings, the members of the spiritual civilization can't help but feel happy.

   After a while, the defense can no longer hold humans.

   They have been waiting for this time for too long.



   On the other side, Xu Qiji and Thrush’s body temporarily moved away from the Xu family’s old house, and moved to the headquarters of the Daxia Awakener—the Xu family’s old house. The enemy knew it. If Xu Qijing continues to live here, the spiritually civilized people will know the fact that Xu Qijing is still alive for the first time.

   Before being exposed, Xu Qiji had to say goodbye to the old house with the pain.

   However, the headquarters of the Awakeners is less than fifty kilometers away from the Xu family's old house-all for the care of Xu Qiji.

   For Daxia, where Xu Qijing is, where is the headquarters of the Awakened. If Xu Qijing wants to live in another city someday, the headquarters of the Awakened will also have to be relocated.

at this time.

   Xu Qiji and Thrush were sitting side by side in a sightseeing car. Under the leadership of Doctor Mie Huang, they visited the huge underground research base of the headquarters of Awakener.

   "Has anyone been promoted to Level 2 recently?" Xu Qijing asked aloud.

"Yes, since the "Daxia System" was successfully upgraded to version 2.1, our headquarters alone has three more awakened people who have been promoted to the second level." Dr. Huang Huang nodded: "In addition, guess with Mr. Xu The same, the awakened colleagues have all encountered the'crossing the catastrophe', and in that catastrophe they all encountered the cloud of the catastrophe that you transformed by Mr. Xu Qiji."

   Xu Qijing squeezed his chin—I didn’t expect that the ‘Heaven’s Tribulation’ he had transformed had an automatic mode?

   In the past few days, there are indeed a few more small stars in his dantian, which are bigger than the stars of "Beginner". I think it was provided by those Daxia Awakeners who had successfully advanced.

   But unlike the first Doctor Mie Huang who crossed the Tribulation, the "Xu Qijing" faced by these subsequent 1st Jin and 2nd Awakenings were all automatic modes, and Xu Qijing's own consciousness was not mixed in.

   However, in the automatic mode, there are Xu Qijing's reaction and data for the Tribulation of Extinguishing Phoenix. Anyone who crosses the Tribulation in Daxia will be given preferential treatment at 1st Jin 2nd.

   [The world of 713, you can become a star after getting started in the "Daxia System". But back to their own world, the awakened people still have to be promoted to the second stage before they can provide me with the starlight. It seems that the local world he is in is still somewhat different. 】

   "In addition, regarding the'Energy Stone'...We have not found any mineral deposits yet" Dr. Huang Mie said with some regret.

"It's okay, it's not in a hurry." Xu Qijing waved his hand: "Next, I will provide a part of the energy stone to the awakened in the second realm, as an initial practice and action. Then I will teach you a new spell to blend in Go to "Daxia System". In the future, I will also arrange a series of tasks, and I will be rewarded with energy stones after completing the tasks."

   What Xu Qijing wants to teach to Sister Miefeng is the "Summon · Didi Beating" technique adapted by the big guy. This spell template can now be integrated into the "Great Summer System" to enhance the combat power of the awakened in Xu Qiji's world.

   He wants to improve his world's combat effectiveness as much as possible...

  Didi hitting people can not only call masters to help hit people, but also call masters to guide practice. As long as you have enough energy stones.

   In terms of energy stones, Xu Qiji will distribute them in the form of ‘task’ in the future. There are many ancient relics in Daxia and the world... At the end of the present era, these relics will emerge and open.

   It is impossible for Xu Qiji to explore all the ruins alone, he needs someone to help detect the ruins. If there are special items in it, they can be exchanged for energy stones.

   also has the title of ‘Lord of Ten Thousand Dharma’. Collecting more ‘Blessing Runes’, everyone has to help.

  Sometimes, more people are power!


   A long day is over. UU reading

   This night, the husband and wife rested in the key underground protected area of ​​the headquarters of the Awakened.

   It may be that the underground environment is different from the ground surface, and it is different from at home, so it will be exciting? Anyway, this night, Xu Qiji and his wife spent most of the night before falling asleep.

   After falling asleep deeply...Xu Qijing's consciousness appeared'dripping water'.

   The water drops kept dripping, and a wave of water waved in his consciousness space.

   After a while, something in the water wave began to'rebirth'.

   a cute, drop-shaped body + a pair of big eyes.

   is exactly the appearance of the ancestor of the eye.

  The consciousness of the ancestor of the eye was photographed to death by the ‘Rolling List’ before, and it took more than a month to ‘reborn’.

   But after this rebirth, it seems to have lost a lot of things, and only confusion in its eyes.

   hasn't waited for it to completely recover...A thick book flew again.


   The Ten Thousand Realm Point List smashed down again, and directly slapped the water drop eye monster.

  After the beholder was shot to death, its body spread out and turned into pure energy, nourishing Xu Qiji's spirit.

   Xu Qiji's mental power has risen from the beginning of the 4th realm to the level of the 4th realm in one breath!


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