Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 163: I want to overtake~

Did I give an order? Which ear of yours heard my command?

"Stop, stop now... By the way, cancel the order!" Xu Qijing had an experience after all, and this time was much more expert than last time.

【The instruction is wrong, please enter the correct instruction. Dressed up~]

In the energy package that made Xu Qijin desperate and carrying the pink of death Barbie, he finished dressing again.

Look up at the sky.

Coincidentally, Thrush and 713 happened to rub their eyes together, seeming to smell Xu Qijing's breath, and came to this laboratory in a daze.

They happened to see this scene.

Six eyes face each other.

"Huh? A Jie, do you have such a hobby?" Shumei and 713 said at the same time, apparently it was Shumei alone controlling the two bodies.

Xu Qijing turned her head and said, "I said it was an accident, do you believe it?"

"Don't worry, I can still accept A Jie's little addiction to women's clothing." Shumei comforted-she obviously didn't believe this was another accident.

The first time was an accident, this is the second time, how could you put it on again without giving instructions?

"It's really unexpected. This time I didn't give the'dressing' order, and it started on its own... and I couldn't do it even if I tried to remove the order." Xu Qijing sighed, her voice full of bitterness: "This How do you remove the gadget?"

"You have to call both 616 and 777, they need their help." Shumei smiled and replied.

While talking, Xu Qiji suddenly screamed, and her waist was strangled into a small waist. He can clearly feel that this ‘battle armor’ is angry-because he just called it ‘this thing’, so it’s unhappy?

"Sure enough, it is conscious? Advanced artificial intelligence?" Xu Qiji's heart moved, after all, he is also a modern person who has watched many science fiction movies.

Armored armor, Gundam, holy clothes, etc. have their own artificial intelligence or life consciousness. They are all basic exercises and nothing wrong.

"If you are smart, clap your hands? I relax and let go of the control of the armor?" Xu Qijing suggested.

As he spoke, his hands really raised, clapped his hands, and made a crisp metal crash.

When Thrush saw this, he became interested: "Is there really artificial intelligence? Or is it just that you reacted to the battle armor's command to "clap your hands"?"

"Speak, say something?" Xu Qijing reminded. This armor has a voice system, which is the cool electronic female voice system reminder.

But his response was a cold silence.

The most embarrassing moment in life is the sudden silence of the air.

"It seems that I only know to act according to the fixed'instructions'." Thrush's interest immediately lost most of it, and at the same time she began to greet No. 616 and No. 777, asking them to come and help remove Xu Qijing's armor Untie it again.

"If I follow the fixed instructions, why do I have such a clear instruction to'take off the armor' but no effect?" Xu Qijing sighed? Finally, he tried to say to the armor on his body: "Do you have something to find me? If something happens, please tell me quickly, or let me know what to do. Later? When the Iron Girl number 616 comes, you will be forcibly stripped from me."

"Reluctant to give up~" Qi Yishan and Thrush blinked at the same time? said to Xu Qijing.

Binaural, it really itches my heart.

It's a pity that Thrush and Qi Yishan can't get in touch with each other, otherwise Xu Qijing must make them pose cute? Cross fingers and fingers? Read cute lines face to face to satisfy his inner thoughts.

"Crack...crack..." Xu Qiji was thinking about it, and the armor on her body really made strange noises.

It seems that he really reacted to what he said before?

"This familiar feeling? Wouldn't you want to draw my blood again? Then which department should you go to open a trumpet?" Xu Qiji's heart moved.

But he didn't hate the feeling of opening a trumpet.

If he can open a trumpet in all races of the Nine Realms? Then he can directly develop friendship in all the Nine Realms.

While thinking about it? He felt a slight coolness in his eyebrows? Feeling sleepy.

Obviously just woke up? But sleepiness kept pouring out.

"I might have to sleep." In a hurry, Xu Qijing greeted the thrush, and just stood up straight and fell asleep.

——He knew this sleepiness was the guide of the battle armor, so he didn't refuse, but followed its lead? He took the initiative to enter a state of sleep.

The body falls into sleep, while the consciousness is drawn to travel through the world. This experience is not the first time Xu Qijing has experienced it? Mr. Mo has seen him twice, so he is not panicked.

After a few breaths of time.

Xu Qiji's consciousness came to a huge sky city.

This city in the sky is full of birds and flowers? Aura is abundant, and the road is paved with jade...just like the legendary "paradise".

And in this ‘heaven’, there are also human elders with kind faces and kind emotions from the bottom of their hearts.

The entire sky city is actually like an asteroid.

Among them, all the survivors were gray-haired elders, and they were all those who started at the age of 90. Both men and women have different races and skin colors...

Although Xu Qijing was brought here by the body of consciousness, he subconsciously curtailed his footsteps-so many 90-year-old human elders, both men and women, would fall down like a domino if one knocked down one.

Even if he was guarded by the overbearing female president Thrush behind him, he would not be able to afford it.

"Ancestor, you are here." When two old men in the distance saw Xu Qiji's consciousness from afar, they waved their hands and greeted enthusiastically. Obviously it was the first time listening to their language, but Xu Qijing could understand it. There are no barriers to communication.

Xu Qijing lowered her head, and she realized that her appearance at this time was wrapped in the'battle armor'.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is the messenger of human ancestors at this time.

【where is this place? Xu Qiji was puzzled in her heart, but she waved her hand to the old grandpa and grandma who said hello, and responded.

Why are there no young people?

However, these elders with an average age of 90+ are walking fast. Although their vitality is a little weak, they should have little lifespan, but they do not have the breath of disaster and are all healthy.

In summary, the quantity of vitality is not much, but the quality is very high.

After the'Human Ancestor War Armor' brought Xu Qijing here, there was no follow-up action. Xu Qijing had no choice but to control the armor himself and wander in this "city in the sky".

After walking two laps, he still didn't see a young man.

[Could it be... the human race here is the last generation of human race? 】Xu Qiji immediately remembered the "Senior Brother Luofa" Human Race Plan.

There are no young human races, all old people, which means that the human race has no descendants and disappeared.

Could it be that the ‘Envoy of the Ancestor’ here, like Brother Luofa, chose to personally sterilize the race?

However, along the way, he found that the identity of the human ancestor envoy was highly respected by humans here. Every old man will greet him enthusiastically. It didn't look like the human race was manually sterilized.

Having been walking, he finally came to the core position of Sky City.

There are two different passages here, connecting two doors...

A door was filled with cold air, depicting the seal formations one by one. From this door, an old man walked out from time to time. These old men were all around 90 years old, their complexion turned purple, and they seemed to have just emerged from the ‘ice-bound’.

After they came out, related service robots came forward, wrapped them in thick towels, warmed them up, and finally put on uniform white clothes to let them live in the "City of the Sky".

On the other door, there was an old man with a happy smile on his face, who seemed to end his wish. He also put on a brand new white coat, strode into the palace in the center of the city, and never came out again.

Xu Qijin's figure paused.

He already guessed what was going on.

Leave the hope of survival to young people and newborn children, in order to keep the race alive, so when human beings are getting old and their lifespan is about to end, they will choose to freeze themselves, and wait until the end of this era. Seal it out, live for a period of time in the city of heaven, the city of the sky, fulfill your last wish, settle your regrets, and then return to the center of the city. This time you will never come out again.

[Which world is this? ] Xu Qijing asked inwardly.

Among the nine realms, what he is currently in contact with is his own world, corresponding to the messengers of the gods. Then there is the 713 world, which corresponds to the beholder family. The last is the little skull world of the underworld...

Xu Qijing hadn't touched the other six circles, and had no coordinates.

The Terran Envoy Battle Armor did not reply to Xu Qiji, but gently drew Xu Qiji to the highest level of the palace building in the city center.

Xu Qijing ascended to the highest position.

In the next moment, his figure was projected, and the huge figure was projected across the city.

The projection seems to have deliberately enlarged the position of his'eyes'.

Xu Qiji: "???"

What is this?

The next moment, he noticed that the old men and grandmothers of the entire Sky City focused on him, and locked his eyes.

Xu Qijing subconsciously released a modified version of the ‘Friends from Nowhere’ spell—this was a sequelae after the speech of the clone.

As long as he feels locked in by countless ‘eyes’, Xu Qiji’s pupil technique will feel passively activated, and he can’t help releasing this pupil technique.

As soon as the pupil technique of ‘Friends in Nothing’ was launched, Xu Qijing reaped the friendship of the grandmother and grandfather of the sky city in the next second.

The friendship between grandma and grandpa in this city came very quickly.

It was almost just a breath of time when I was exposed to the ‘Umbrella Friend Pupil Technique’, and then I started in an instant, and then provided Xu Qijing with small star points representing the human camp.

In this blink of an eye, the number of stars in Xu Qiji's human camp has increased dramatically.

Xu Qiji's gaze flicked over this large group of grandparents over 90 years old with some doubts. Obviously these old men and grandmothers seem to be ordinary people, who have never experienced cultivation.

But as soon as he came into contact with the "Daxia System" exercises, he instantly started.

The qualifications are so terrible?

After a while.

The elders who have started the "Daxia System" have a stronger aura, and their strength has continued to improve after the introduction, bringing Xu Qiji the greatest degree of starlight feedback.

They have absolutely no resistance to the pupil technique of ‘Friends in Nowhere’...For them, the Ancestor Envoy is completely reliable.

Xu Qijin looked inside at the large stellar light that had emerged in her body, but she couldn't tell what it was like.

This is a completely different experience from a pit warrior.

After the old people in this city had completed the introduction to the "Daxia System", the Ancestor Envoy took Xu Qiji into the sky again... and took off straight and flew in a higher direction.

There, there is a ‘City in the Sky’ waiting silently.

Obviously, in this world, there are more than one similar ‘City in the Sky’. The human ancestor envoy wanted to take Xu Qiji to release the pupil technique one by one?

"In fact, it doesn't need to be like this." Xu Qijing said: "You don't need to come to the city of the sky one by one, as long as the members who have already practiced the "Daxia System" are scattered and distributed to each city, the "Xia System" spreads. The speed will not be slow."

The new features added by Mr. Mo can greatly ease Xu Qiji's troubles.

Hearing the words, the armor that was leading Xu Qijing to soar, paused.

Sure enough, is the War Armor now controlled by the ‘Ancestral Envoy’?

This suit of armor seemed to be owned by the female human ancestor envoy, and she was able to control this suit of armor remotely, which was also expected.

After the battle armor stopped, it froze in place for a long time.

Those who can't keep up, don't know what to do.

After a while, the battle armor disappeared with Xu Qijing's consciousness and returned to the body.

Before his consciousness dissipated, Xu Qijing also saw that in the previous "City of the Sky", the old men and grandmothers of that city boarded something similar to a flying machine and began to spread in all directions.

Not only the "City in the Sky", but also some aircraft that landed downward... Is this the rhythm of spreading Xu Qiji's "Daxia System" to the ground?

This is not the same as secretly spreading the virus in the Protoss camp. This operation is entirely official helping the spread. As a result, the speed of spread must be far faster than the rhythm of the Protoss camp.

Thinking of this, Xu Qijing couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch the position of his pubic area.

He can already foresee the future...

In the next few days, he may be awakened in pain every morning.

Moreover, he could not resist this pain.

No matter how hard and tired he is, he has to grit his teeth and persist.

How can you withstand the increase in strength without suffering?



In the end, Xu Qiji looked down at the increasing speed of the "starlight" in her body.

In the next period of time whether it is the starlight representing the human race, the starlight representing the ooze monster, or the starlight representing the protoss camp, all of them are increasing wildly!

There are some special starbursts in the ooze monster family's camp...that should be the ‘clones’ researched by the ooze monster family in combination with their special stunts, and they are also included in their camp.

So after that day, Xu Qijing never slept well again.

From waking up twice a night at the beginning to waking up three times a night...

Had it not been for his condition, Thrush would have doubted whether he had a bad kidney.

So, just a little more time for a month.

Xu Qijing reached the limit of four realms.

He is about to hit the fifth realm... One step faster than Shi Yihua's sister and brother!

He is not as fast as he overtakes in corners.

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