Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 178: Compile 1 exercise on the spot!

Xu Qijing almost regarded Mr. Mo as Dora A Mo, Shenlong Mo, Shen Lan Mo...

"I think the world is invincible." Xu Qijing expressed her innermost wish.

In fact, there is no need to be truly invincible, as long as the nine ancestors can be tied together and rubbed on the ground, it should be almost the same. As for the end of the epoch, it was not in Xu Qiji's consideration-mainly because he had a way out.

His circle of friends has developed beyond the Nine Realms. If the Nine Realms don’t keep the master, the master will go to the outside world for development~

Mr. Mo: "..."

I just asked what you want, is "the world invincible" a thing?

Invincible is not a thing at all!

The atmosphere was awkward for a few seconds.

"Are you sure you want Invincible under Heaven?" Mr. Mo gently pushed his glasses, and then his eyes looked at a large pottery jar he had made.

This large stoneware jar has a beautiful name, it is called Tianxia.

If the young man in the mask insists on wanting the world to be invincible... Then he will put this guy and a group of small ants into this big tank, and then turn the big tank upside down to make Xu Qijing'the world is invincible'.

"No, no, I just talked about my own inner ambitions." Xu Qijing also took aim at the big tank of ‘Tianxia’ and waved his hands again and again.

Then he said earnestly and righteously: "Mr. Mo, I actually thought about it before I came here. Do you have anything similar to the legendary Buddhism's "method of crossing people"? It's an article about crossing people through forcibly. The one in my own Buddhist country?"

"Didn't you have ‘friends from nothing’?" Mr. Mo wondered, this method of crossing people and friends from nothing in function overlap.

"Friends from nothing is an operation skill that can make me feel like a fish in the enemy's camp. But the'method of crossing people' allows me to have a batch of combat power that belongs to me." Xu Qijing explained.

He needs to gather a group of powerful combat power quickly, relying on the awakened in his own world to grow a little bit, but the speed is still a bit insufficient, he needs a batch of combat power to replace it, as a transition to make the local awakened stronger.

"Your idea is very good, but unfortunately, I don't have a similar technique here." Mr. Mo regretted.

If he had a similar technique, an article that passed through the people, forced a large number of enemies to cross... Then the little guy in front of him would have no chance to communicate with him so peacefully.

Xu Qiji's big eyes of the ‘beholder’ showed an obvious disappointment.

"However, follow your idea and give me some time, maybe I can come up with a plan with similar functions. I will see you next time, if you can find me next time... I might be able to give you one. About the same ability." Mr. Mo pinched his chin-the mud on his hands also stained his chin black.

In fact, Mr. Mo has a way to infect the enemy on a large scale, making the enemy into a frenzy. However, this method has a low rank and cannot affect powerful creatures.

Changing this method, improving it, and adding some of his real name to suppress it, may be able to achieve the effect of ‘passing through people’ that the little guy in front of me wants.

But he is not sure whether his ideas will succeed, he has to experiment. As for the real name, he promised to give two pages of his real name when he first met, but he hasn't given it yet. Just wait until the experiment is successful.

"Mr. Mo 666." Xu Qijing gave a thumbs up to the boss, no exercises? Then give me some time and I will create one!

This is the world in the eyes of the big guys standing above the 90th floor.

"Other than that, do you have anything else you want?" Mr. Mo asked again-he had to experiment with a program like'The Crossing of the People'. He didn't know if it would be successful, so he changed something this time.

Combining the calculations, it is equivalent to Xu Qiji having a ‘thing’.

"Well, if I want to say, I do still have a method I want. Mr. Mo, do you have a clone technique here? It's not the kind of clone, but divides your body into several parts without affecting your life. Then can I assemble it back like a building block?" Xu Qijing proposed his second desired technique.

Mr. Mo: "..."

What's in your little head? I really want to knock it open to see your boiling brain. What are you thinking about all day without a normal need?

Seeing Mr. Mo's expression, Xu Qi asked timidly, "Isn't there?"

"Let me think about it, I have too many exercises... I have to search for it." Mr. Mo went to the side to wash his hands and saw the mud on his face in the mirror.

Then he glanced at the little masked guy in his glasses.

Do you want to kill?

Forget it, this kind of trivial matter is not at the level of killing people. At most, find a chance next time to see if you can delete the memory.

With a sigh, Mr. Mo took off his glasses and washed his face.

Xu Qiji's pupils shrank slightly behind him—this was the ‘creepy’ movement of the beholders. For a moment, he suddenly felt a little hairy, the reason is unknown.

Then, he saw Mr. Mo washing his face.

Something like glasses can seal things like face value, and he actually met him in reality. After removing his glasses, Mr. Mo, who was originally elegant and temperament, changed his temperament greatly and was full of vigor.

While washing his face, Mr. Mo quickly designed a ‘gong method’ in his mind.

He coded on the spot and compiled a set of "Splitting the Corpse Method".

——Xu Qijing asked twice about the exercises, but he didn't have it, and he couldn't get it out. How could he live with this face?

Compared with the complicated things like the'Duren Jing', the'Clone' exercise method Xu Qijing wanted was simpler in design.

Mr. Mo has a tyrannical body training method. When he cultivates to a high place, he can divide his body into five equal parts according to the attributes of the five elements, and construct a "world" in each part of the attributes of the five elements.

The ultimate goal is to unify the five elements and refine the chaotic body.

In theory, when the body is divided into five equal parts, they are in a state of ‘separated’ from each other, but they are connected to each other. It meets the requirements... However, since ancient times, no one has tried to separate their "Five Worlds". If you make trouble, you will die. No one will joke about your body.

Therefore, it has to be revised, re-deduced, and added the function of'dividing the world'.

Furthermore, the cultivation threshold of this exercise is too high, and the eighth realms can start cultivation.

Therefore, we have to simplify this exercise so that it can begin to lay the foundation from the 5th level...

The more you think about it, the more it feels possible.

Mr. Mo washes his face very meticulously-mainly to delay time.

After washing, he just wanted to give himself another face mask or something to delay the time.

【almost. In my mind, the simple idea is finally completed.

Mr. Mo reached out and raised his glasses, but after thinking about it, he changed the glasses and put on the glasses that the little masked guy sent here this time.

These glasses have only frames and no lenses. Mr. Mo cut out the lenses from the original glasses and filled them into the new frames-in this way, he won some time and allowed him to perfect most of the simple ideas in his mind.

Then he returned to Xu Qijing to sit down without any haste: "I have a technique here, which really meets your needs."

Xu Qijing's eyes lit up, and his spherical body bounced, making him sitting upright.

"But you want to practice until you turn your body into several parts. It's not that simple. You need to practice this exercise to a very high level to do it." Mr. Mo put on another patch just in case.

I have given you the exercises, and this exercise does meet your requirements, but if you fail to cultivate, it is your own problem.

"I'm mentally prepared." Xu Qijing nodded, this kind of exercise is actually equivalent to half an'immortal body', and it's definitely not easy to cultivate.

"It’s good if you have enlightenment. This practice is called "Body Transformation in the World of Great Freedom". It refines the body into five worlds, or even more worlds... The ultimate goal is to combine these different worlds. And being one, you have attained the Chaos Divine Body. As long as you refine your body into five worlds, you can split the body as you wish.” Mr. Mo said while continuing to think of this new in his mind. The named exercises are simplified and deduced.

Xu Qiji moved her body seriously with a serious face. He probably understood a little bit-that is, the more worlds cultivated in the body, the more the body can be divided into more pieces. The five worlds are the starting point, at least it can divide the body into five equal parts!

As for the latter ‘Chaotic Divine Body’, it sounds tempting, but it’s definitely not in his consideration for a short time. With his realm, he certainly didn't cultivate to the ultimate realm so quickly.

As expected to be Mr. Mo, this kind of side-by-side technique can be possessed.

"Please also Mr. Mo to teach me." Xu Qiji said sincerely.

"This exercise will be a little complicated..." Mr. Mo began to talk to Xu Qijing a little bit about the exercise he just compiled.

While compiling and talking, while still deducing the subsequent exercises.

Mr. Mo was very thorough, after all, he also brought in some details of his perception of "compiling this exercise".

These nodules of perception are the same as the narration explanation, so that Xu Qijing can also understand.

After an hour...

Finally, Mr. Mo was relieved to talk about the complete exercises.

He simplified and split the "Chaos Divine Body" exercise method. Otherwise, the strength of Xu Qiji's 5th realm king level is simply not enough to practice this exercise, so the previous practice basis is deduced on the spot by Mr. Mo.

Then he added the attribute of'split body'. Considering that Xu Qijing's focus is on the function of'split body', he forcibly added the'five worlds' to more worlds... As for Xu Qijinneng How many worlds he cultivates depends on his own good fortune.

The simplified method is definitely not as good as the original one in terms of combat effectiveness.

But the victory is that he can fool the little guy with the mask.

"How much do you understand?" After the explanation, Mr. Mo asked.

"I have written down... Mr. Mo, what you said is very detailed, and I understand it theoretically. But whether there will be any specific problems, it depends on the status of my cultivation." Xu Qijing replied.

I understand the eyes and ears, but I will know if I will encounter problems in actual operation.

"Then you try, taking advantage of this time I am here, you first get started with this "Incarnation of Great the Law of Heaven and Earth"." Mr. Mo almost uttered the name of this exercise, and he almost came up with it. Didn't remember.

Xu Qijing nodded a little, and then began to try to get started with this ‘splitting magic’.

First, lay the foundation, cooperate with special meditation ideas, meditate on the transformation of one's body into five or even more than five worlds, but there must be a core.

The core connects all the ‘meditation world’.

It sounds difficult.

But when operating, Xu Qijing found that it was unexpected...simple?

Because he has a template in his body.

Dantian romantic star sea!

His dantian romantic star sea is based on his own ‘core golden pill’, and then it extends into several areas and camps.

Human Race, Ooze Monster, Beholder, Protoss, Underworld... At present, there are exactly five camps that meet the lowest base.

Therefore, Xu Qijing succeeded in meditation to construct the world.

In Mr. Mo's eyes, the body of the little guy with the mask in front of him began to blur. A core suppressed the center, and then five star fields appeared in different parts of his body.

Mr. Mo: "???"

Is this successful?

Is there such an easy way to get started with the exercises I created temporarily?

[Among the five major camps, there are currently four major camps that have an ‘Ancestor Golden Pill’ to suppress, but the Protoss camp still lacks the Ancestor’s Golden Pill, which makes the five divisions not so perfect. It's a pity...] Xu Qijing was practicing while secretly regretting.

I don't know when the divine ancestor who has been in contact with him the most will become his ‘friend’?

After the first step of meditation on the world was completed, Xu Qijing discovered that this "Incarnation of the Great Free World" began to strengthen his body.

And he originally learned from Dawei Teacher Dawei in the "Fighting Four Arts", UU Reading www. was also stimulated and began to actively cooperate with this exercise.

Fighting the golden body itself is a very basic method of refining the body. It can continue to practice continuously, and on the basis of it, you can practice more sophisticated body refining methods.

When you change to other practice methods, the fighting and fighting golden body will become the cornerstone, adapting to higher and deeper techniques. It is similar to the "Basic Qi Refining Method" that most cultivators practiced since childhood.

With the fighting and fighting golden body as the basis for promotion, Xu Qijing gained strength, and after a few breaths, she successfully introduced the "Body Transformation in the World".

In a burst of crackling sound, Xu Qijing's beholder body turned into pure gold, but on this golden body there were more stars shining like diamonds, turning stars into his body.

It looks very expensive, and people can't help but want to seal him up as a collectible-for example, Mr. Mo in front of him, his arms are a bit eager to move, and he almost wants to burn Xu Qijing into pottery for storage in his collection. Go in.

At the moment when Xu Qijing started this exercise, his body, skeleton trumpet, and beholder incarnation all had the same changes in the three worlds.

The body of the main body and the trumpet strengthened simultaneously, and began to frantically devour the surrounding energy.

Skeleton trumpet is in the forbidden realm. Although it is a world of volcanic lava, it has sufficient energy and does not worry about energy problems.

The place where the beholder incarnation is located is also the area carefully selected by the divine ancestor, so there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

As for the body, it is even more worrying, not to mention the large amount of energy stones he recently obtained from the divine ancestors, just his dantian star sea, and the energy of a penny from each star is enough for Witt to consume!

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