Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1002: Insect King’s Hard Backstage

With the gambling appointment, the spirits of the seven elders have been refreshed a lot, and they are paying close attention to the situation of the secret realm. Even if they know that they are unlikely to win, they are also looking forward to a miracle, if the miracle is true. If it happens, it will make a lot of money.

There was a ripple in the door of the secret realm. The elders knew that someone was about to come out, and immediately stared at the door of the secret realm closely. Even if the first to come out does not mean victory, they still hope that the first person to come out is them. Disciple of the younger generation.

As soon as Yi Shuihan appeared, he was shocked to see the Seven Great Elders staring at him closely.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen it before."

"Old drunkard, so many people go in, you can't remember every one of them! He shouldn't be yours, so you don't have to make a fuss."

"What do you know? I can already remember all the natural auras that enter the secret realm before. I am pretty sure that he is not any of our seven schools. Well, neither is the woman who comes out later."

The other elders knew that the old drunkard would not lie about this kind of thing, after all, this kind of remark was too easy to dispel.

Looking at each other, they all expressed one meaning, not their people.

"Could it be the natives in the secret realm?"

Thinking of this possibility, the elders released their aura and locked on Yi Shuihan and Shangguanrou. Yi Shuihan didn't feel anything about it. You can't expect an ant's fierce dance claws to scare someone.

Shangguan Rou's face turned pale, and the aura of the Seven Great Elders was a bit too strong for her. She looked at Yi Shuihan, who was completely indifferent, and her nervous heart calmed down.

Without waiting for the elders to take other actions, Dongfang Ruo also walked out. After she came out, she was also taken aback when she saw the situation on the scene. She knew that Yi Shuihan was much better than these elders, and she couldn't control others. Her aunt didn't want any accidents because of offending Yi Shuihan.

That's right, the only middle-aged beautiful woman among the seven elders is Dongfang Ruo's aunt and pro-aunt. It's just that this relationship is unknown to other people, and it is hidden deeply.

Dongfang Ruo walked to the middle-aged beautiful woman and began to communicate with the middle-aged beautiful woman by voice.

After a while, the face of the middle-aged beautiful woman became very ugly. As the leader, a few people who brought out died, and no one would say anything. This is normal. After all, it is a treasure hunt in the secret realm, but only the dead are left. Next, this belongs to the category of abnormality. If those disciples died in the treasure hunt, this can be said to be the past. The problem is that they finished the treasure hunt and died of the insect king's slaughter when they were about to come out.

A golden light shot from the hands of the middle-aged beautiful woman and flew towards the black butcher quickly.

"Bitch girl, what are you doing, you actually used Desperate Cone to deal with me."

The black butcher did not expect that the middle-aged beautiful woman would take action, although he barely avoided it, he was still a bit injured.

The Destroyer Cone is a very insidious sacred weapon. It is so fierce that even the soul will be annihilated by it. This is a weapon that attacks the body and soul together, and if it is attacked until it is not treated in time, the wound will be Will quickly expand.

The black butcher was only rubbed a little on his arm, so he chopped off his entire hand directly to prevent the wound from expanding.

The hand that has been brand new has grown rapidly. For people in the semi-world realm like the Black Butcher, it is not difficult to regenerate from a severed limb. As long as the important parts of the heart and head are not in position, other places can be used. Feel free to discard.

"The Insect King killed all the disciples I sent except her. What do you say I want to do? If you don't give me an explanation today, I will never die with you."

The other elders were still thinking about making peace. When they heard this, they all shut up, and even saw that the black butcher was a little dissatisfied. The insect king did not do the right thing, and he didn't give the Qingfeng school face, after all, the Qingfeng school. It is also one of the seven schools.

"The insect king did it. You can find him. I can't control him. But I want to remind you that the insect king is actually the illegitimate son of my head. If you kill him, I don't know it will happen. what."

"What? The Insect King still has this status. He is actually the **** son of the head of the evil faction. There hasn't been any news before. That person is a world realm."

An elder said in shock.

The evil sect leader Cthulhu, in the name of Cthulhu, is extremely arrogant, but his strength is worthy of this arrogance. As a world realm, his recent record is one enemy three, and he killed a loose world. The environment is still in the small world of others.

You must know that it is a world realm. The world realm of this world is very difficult to kill. The strength of the same level is not much different. As long as you hide in your own lair, you need at least 10 of the same level to defeat.

Cthulhu, as the head of the evil sect, is himself a cruel and ruthless guy. Not to mention illegitimate children, even his own sons have hundreds of them. For these sons, except for a few who receive his attention, he generally does not ask other people. .

But the question is one aspect, but if anyone kills his son, he will definitely retaliate. Although Cthulhu is an illegitimate child, his talent is very good, he has the opportunity to achieve the world realm. Such a talent, even if he is an illegitimate child. , Cthulhu will also attach great importance to him.

If you kill the Insect King, you will endure the anger of the Cthulhu. The seven schools are all of the same level. The entire sect is not afraid of the Cthulhu, but it will not be willing to fight the Cthulhu for some disciples. These disciples can be said to have died in vain.

The black butcher looked at the changing complexion of the middle-aged beautiful woman with indifference, and while feeling refreshed in his heart, he was also a little dissatisfied with the Insect King. If it weren't for the Insect King to kill, he would not be injured, even if it was a minor injury.

"Not bad, there is such a hard backstage, why didn't he move out in front of me just now?"

Yi Shuihan was also a little surprised. After thinking about it, he felt that the insect king was smart. After all, the backstage is only the backstage. If he is killed, even if someone gives him revenge, it will not help. The insect king does not dare to gamble, just in case Yi Shuihan Willingly go it alone?

After coming out of the secret realm, he also heard the black butcher's revelations. He was in a good mood and suddenly broke down. His backstage was actually not much worse than the Insect King. Because of this, he knew that the Insect King would definitely be absent today. thing.

"Unless this old monster makes a move, the existence of the world realm, as long as people don't know the coordinates of the small world, the evil **** can't help him."

In the end, Bu Er still didn't make any moves. He was also afraid of setting himself on fire. If he didn't get the insect king, he would cheat himself if he got in. ,, ..

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