Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1011: Acquire the power of the four beasts

"not him."

When Po Zu pointed out the existence of Yi Shuihan, Bai Hu looked at a pair of tiger eyes.


After seeing Yi Shuihan, Bai Hu was puzzled. He couldn't see through Yi Shuihan. In his eyes, Yi Shuihan's breath was constantly changing, clotting blood for a while, stepping on the sky for a while, and another for the world.

Such a miraculous thing Bai Hu encountered for the first time in his life made him curious about Yi Shuihan.

Bai Hu's method of judging his realm is only based on the strength of his breath. Naturally, he cannot tell that Yi Shuihan is not in the same system with them at all, and Yi Shuihan did not intend to proactively say that he is from the outside world. , The less people know the better.

"How did you find me?"

Bai Hu attaches great importance to the answer to this question. After all, what he faced initially was to hide from others. If Yi Shuihan's method was repeatable, he would have to find another way to hide himself.

What I didn't say, I took out the white tiger phantom directly, briefly talked about his method, and finally Yi Shuihan asked the news that he and Po Zu wanted to know, how did this soul white tiger lose?

A flash of remembrance flashed in Bai Hu’s eyes, and then he said, "I actually don’t know very well. It was a sunny afternoon. I was talking with a tigress about the tiger’s life. Then I had a headache for some reason, and then I found myself The soul was missing a little, and I didn't care about it at the time."


Well, what Baihu said was not constructive at all.

"Should someone take control of the soul's supernatural powers without touching it! If this is the case, it would be too scary. You don't even know where he is. As long as the other party takes action, your soul will be damaged. The power is greater, isn't it straightforward to kill and invisible."

Yi Shuihan thought of some curse-like strange arts, such as the famous book of nail head and seven arrows, which directly dissipated the three souls and seven souls.

"If you can use magical powers indefinitely, then the other party shouldn't only take away a trace of soul, there should be some restrictions."

Originally, Yi Shuihan thought that he could get benefits from Baihu, but found that he thought too much, and there was no sign of any benefits. On the contrary, after Baihu knew about this historical Yi Shuihan portable world, he asked to stay here. , Unwilling to go out.

The portable world that can move, Baihu and Phoenix are shocked. The world of this world is not immobile, but it takes a lot of time and energy to move each time. Generally speaking, it is unnecessary to not move at all. How easy is it? Shui Han's portable time can be moved so easily, and there is no consumption at all.

When he just learned that Yi Shuihan could move with him in the world, Bai Hu thought that Yi Shuihan was actually not a human like them, but belonged to a certain kind of beast.

Lingjue was urging Yi Shuihan to continue searching for the remaining two mythical beasts. The chance did not disappear, so Yi Shuihan continued on the journey.

On a desert island in the sea, Yi Shuihan found Xuanwu, and also asked about the soul, and got an answer similar to that of Baihu. It was discovered when he woke up from a deep sleep.

Also in the sea, Yi Shuihan found the Qinglong sister on the bottom of the sea. Yes, it was the Qinglong sister. Yi Shuihan didn't expect that the Phoenix is ​​not a sister among the four beasts, but the Qinglong is actually a sister.

When the Qinglong was found, she was hiding in the blood of an ordinary fish.

A quasi-sage master is actually hidden in the blood of a fish that has no cultivation base. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yi Shuihan would never believe that such a thing would happen.

According to Sister Qinglong, she is a kind of self-made magical power. If she wants to, she can even hide in any creature with dragon bloodline. This hiding is the kind that changes once in a while.

The blood of the so-called dragon is actually the Qinglong sister who sprinkled a little blood and let some creatures eat it, and then the blood of these creatures was infected with dragon blood, and the offspring produced in the end can be called dragons.

The dragon's nature is obscene, and the dragon bloodline created by the Qinglong girl turned out to be this method. To be honest, Yi Shuihan was a little surprised at first.

Yi Shuihan asked the Four God Beasts a question, that is whether there are other Four God Beasts in this world, but the answer is that since the birth of this world, the four of them have always existed, and they are similar creatures. Does not exist,

The relationship between the four sacred beasts is also very good, equivalent to four brothers and sisters, and Phoenix Pozu also admitted that in fact, the reason why he gave him Nirvana's life essence and blood was partly because Yi Shuihan was looking for other sacred beasts.

Speaking of the four mythical beasts, the relationship is irreversible, but when they hide, it is very difficult to find each other.

For Sister Qinglong, the same question was also asked. This time the answer given by Sister Qinglong was even more vague. If she hadn't seen a trace of her soul, she wouldn't even know that she had lost it.

"The assembly of the four mythical beasts?"

After taking a look at the information prompted by the system, Yi Shuihan finally knew what was going on in his spiritual sense.

It turned out that when he found the four beasts, he completed a hidden task, and the reward of the task was to give him some abilities of the four beasts.

What Yi Shuihan got from Phoenix is ​​the enhancement of fire immunity, coupled with his body of the sun, which makes him completely immune to all fire skills below the saint level.

What he got from Xuanwu was in the defense. It can be said that his defense was increased by a hundred times. It is estimated that the quasi-sage was truly achieved, and the sage could not break his defense. Of course, this sage deserves to be an ordinary sage.

What Bai Hu obtained from Bai Hu was the same as Bai Hu's ability to burst out a hundred times the attack for a short time. It can be said that when he reaches the quasi-sage, he can make a saint-level attack, but it consumes a little bit.

The last one is Qinglong. Yi Shuihan has the kind of hidden supernatural power that is Qinglong. Although it has no effect for the time being, Yi Shuihan will not underestimate it. This supernatural power is indeed against the sky, but he can travel through the heavens and worlds, as long as he has This supernatural power is able to leave behind in the Candlestick Neng Ten Thousand Realms, greatly enhancing the life-saving ability.

Great chance, indeed, great chance. He immediately increased Yi Shuihan's strength to several levels. Coupled with the existence of a drop of Nirvana's life essence, Yi Shuihan hasn't been in this world for long, and it is already a big profit. Special earn. ,, ..

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