Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1032: Introduction to the Secret Art of the Three Lights

"Big brother, did you really let him go like this?"

The Twelve Ancestral Witch personally sent Yi Shuihan out of the Witch Clan. No one in the entire prehistoric witch has had this honor. The ancestral witches are proud, and there are too few people who can recognize them at the same time. Yi Shuihan is only because of the system. The relationship makes these ancestors pay so much attention.

"Otherwise what do you want."

Di Jiang looked at Zhu Rong and asked rhetorically.


"Don't worry! If he doesn't come in 10 years, even if he leaves Honghuang, I will make him pay, even if I pay my life."

Di Jiang said decisively that he is an ancestor of space speed. No one knows except for himself. Although he is not a saint, he can attack across the timeline. If he saves his life, he thinks that it is not a problem to die with Yi Shuihan.

Time and space, time and space, time and space are originally one, and the way of space has reached its limit, which can mobilize the power of time. This is the principle that Emperor Jiang can attack across the time line, just like the Flash of the DC world, so fast that he can travel directly through time and space. .

Yi Shuihan didn't know what Dijiang's idea was. If he knew that Dijiang wanted to use the timeline attack, he would definitely not care. There was a system of protection, even a real saint, he would not be afraid to attack him with the timeline method.

Di Jiang's vision is not high enough. If he knew the true background of the company, he would probably not think that he could die with Yi Shuihan.

But it was said that Yi Shuihan left the Wu Clan and flew all the way east, flying for more than a month, and came to the East China Sea.

"Just look for a small island in the East China Sea as a place to stay for the predecessors. Maybe I'm lucky enough to meet Sanxian Island?"

The so-called Sanxian Island is the three islands of Penglai, Dongying, and Abbot. The environment of Sanxian Island is no worse than that of Kunlun, and it can be regarded as a top-level dojo in the prehistoric land.

Facts have proved that Yi Shuihan’s luck is still a little bit worse, or Tiandao doesn’t want Yi Shuihan to discover Sanxian Island. After spending a few months in the East China Sea, he hasn’t gained much. In the end, he had to find a relatively ordinary island. settle down.

Anyway, Yi Shuihan spends more time in the portable world, and he is only slightly disappointed that he has not found Sanxian Island.

"The next step is to exchange treasures that are useless to me into exchange points."

I emptied the Wu clan's treasure house, some of these treasures are things that are useful to him now, so he does not intend to exchange contribution points, but keep it for himself.

Different from using a tester to test the value point, it is more complicated to find treasures that are useful to you from many treasures. Basically, Yi Shuihan needs to take a look at everything, and then carefully confirm whether it is useful to him. .

Pain and happiness. The reason for the pain is that there are too many things and it is difficult to complete the inventory in a short time. The happiness is that you can find things that are useful to you.

For a full month, Yi Shuihan's time was spent on counting the treasures. Many treasures useful to Yi Shuihan needed to be confirmed and tested by Yi Shuihan, so the time was extended a lot.

Except for the treasures that are useful to him, Yi Shuihan exchanged most of the other treasures for points, and finally exchanged 250,000 points. This number is enough to buy those systems. If the ancestors are not satisfied with the remaining treasures, it is completely enough. Return the remaining value points.

"Since it has been said that it should be less, it will be better if it is less than 17 points. Each system is 1 point less, and it is regarded as my Yi Shuihan."

It sounded that I originally wanted to sell the 1,000-point system for 999 points, but now it is 9.5 percent off, which is less than 1 point. Yi Shuihan simply loses 1 point for each system on an overall basis.

It's only 17:00, drizzle, and Yi Shuihan said that he is not bad at contributing points.

"Exchange the Three Lights Secret Method, and then start practicing."

Because the contribution points were enough, Yi Shuihan did not continue to exchange the remaining Sanguang vines, so he still had 4 Sanguang vines in his hand. He decided to keep them. In the future, if one of his wives becomes the first to become a saint Level, let him practice the Three Lights Secret Method.

As a sage-level method, the Secret Method of Three Lights cannot be practiced by Yi Shuihan according to the truth, but who made Yi Shuihan systematically help, and spent some cultivation points, and it was easy to solve this problem.

No matter how powerful the Three Lights Secret Method is, it can't match the power of the system. In the 9th year, Yi Shuihan successfully practiced the Three Lights Secret Method and reached the entry level, and he still only used one Sanguang Vine Fruit.

Don't underestimate the entry-level three-light secret method. After all, it is a saint-level secret method. Now Yi Shuihan's resilience is comparable to that of a saint, and it is probably a hundred times stronger than before.

If Yi Shuihan is able to cultivate the Three Lights Secret Method to a small level in the future, it will skyrocket to five hundred times, and the big one will be five thousand times to perfection, which will be ten thousand times.

According to this calculation, the resilience of the quasi-sage Yi Shuihan is equivalent to one percent of that of the sage, and it really is a far cry from the sage.

Tianyuan Realm Yi Shuihan gained a hundred times the attack power and one hundred times the defense power. With the addition of the hundred times the recovery power brought by the current three-light secret technique, the current Yi Shuihan could completely fight the saint head-on.

The pressure of the prehistoric heaven and earth on Yi Shuihan has been resisted by the system, and the strength that Yi Shuihan can exert is far from the time when it was against Kunpeng.

Considering that the saints in this world are all heavenly saints, they will be blessed by the heavenly path. If the battle is protracted, Yi Shuihan will still lose in the end, but this does not affect Yi Shuihan's status. Run, there is no need to fight against the saint at all.

It’s almost the 10-year period. Yi Shuihan didn’t continue to practice and went straight to the Wu Clan. If he continued to practice, he would have to practice for at least a thousand years to break through to the Secret Technique of Three Lights, and it would take longer for him to cultivate to Dacheng. Now, he is not a saint after all.

Coming to the Wu Clan familiar with the road, Yi Shuihan saw a small Lich War. Thousands of Wu Clan vs. tens of thousands of Monster Clan, the two sides fought against the sun and the moon.

The number of the Wu Clan is smaller than that of the Monster Clan, but the individual strength is stronger, so even if the Monster Clan and the Wu Clan are ten times more powerful, they still fall into a disadvantage and are quickly repelled.

"Recently, the demons have become more and more rampant, and they all ran to our tribe to take the initiative to attack. It is true that our Wu tribe is in a muddle. In my opinion, we should gather to launch a war to kill the demons. Knowing that our Wu clan is the overlord of this world."

The speaker was Yi Shuihan's acquaintance, Xingtian Great Witch. He was covered with blood after just experienced a battle. The blood from the monster race looked like a **** general. ,, ..

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