Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1034: The truth is thinking too much

Not to mention Dijiang and the others, even Yi Shuihan now doesn't take the value of this trivial 994 in his eyes. When he remembered that when he came to Honghuang, he had only 500 contribution points all over his body, and he was a little sad.

If something happened to the Witch Clan a few more times, he would really wake up in his dreams, but he also knew that it was unlikely that this kind of thing would happen again. It is impossible to have that great value.

The number of monsters far exceeds that of the witches, but there is no unity of the witches. If the witches are united by blood, the monsters are forced to merge together because of the demon king. Most of them have their own thought.

A large number does not mean that there are more good things in the treasure house of the Yaozu.

The first thing the monsters think about finding good things is themselves. Only those things that are not used or may be used in a long time will be handed in. The latter reason is mostly because of fear of being found in private.

The Wu clan is different. The treasures they collect are all put into the treasure house and distributed in a unified manner. There is no situation of private possession. By comparison, you can understand how much moisture the monster clan’s treasure house is.

In addition, compared with the monster race, the witch race does not rely much on those heaven, material and earth treasures, or that most of the heaven and earth treasures are useless to the witch race. It's one of them going down.

"If you think about it this way, it's a question whether the treasure house of the monster race can have 200,000 value points!"

Yi Shuihan thought of the treasure house of the demon race. From the perspective of Hou Tu, she was in a daze, but she didn't mind. She just looked at Yi Shuihan quietly with gentle eyes. As the ancestor of the earth, Hou Tu was the ancestor. The gentlest among the witches, and the most tolerant, with a broad-mindedness, if his eyes are really easy to make people feel good about him.

The room was not big. The other ancestor witches had also heard what Yi Shuihan had said before. Dijiang recognized the only quasi-saint-level system and overwritten the original system.

There was a small problem when covering the system. The aura in his body began to riot, but only the Jinxian-level aura riots completely did not pose any danger to his Quasi-Holy-level body, and even this novel experience made him It feels a bit comfortable.

After Emperor Jiang, other ancestral witches also recognized the master system one after another, all of which were of the Daluo Jinxing level, and finally left a Quasi-Saint level. There is no doubt that this is for Hou Tu.

"Brother, let's go out and find the demon cubs to kill! I have long wanted to experience the feeling of crazy improvement in cultivation."

"How about who is the first to become a big Luo Jinxian?"

"Compared, whoever loses has to answer one thing to the other side."

The other ancestral witches left the room as they spoke, leaving only Yi Shuihan and Hou Tu as well as the remaining Quasi-Holy System.

When Yi Shuihan recovered, he felt very strange and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Something's wrong! I'm in a daze, and I've been in a daze for so long? What's the impact of the accident? If you suddenly come like this during a battle, even if it's just one thousandth of a breath, it's a big disadvantage."

Thinking of this possibility, Yi Shuihan's mood suddenly became heavy.

It can affect him invisibly, the first culprit that Yi Shuihan thinks of is Tiandao, only Tiandao has this ability to affect him silently.

"Holy Spirit, is it the way of heaven?"



"Do you really want me to tell?"

"Say it! Tell me the answer."

Yi Shuihan didn't notice the weird tone of the Holy Spirit.

"The real reason is that you think too much."


"You think too much. This is a natural phenomenon of human beings. I fantasize about a scene I want, change moods, and enter my self-illusion. The external performance is just a daze. A more appropriate description is daydreaming."

Yi Shuihan stayed for a full 3 seconds, and then silently disconnected from the Holy Spirit.

This time it was really embarrassing. Yi Shuihan really didn't think that the fact was that he thought too much. In fact, this daze was just a normal phenomenon.

"Well, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

With the suspicious look in Shang Hou Tu's eyes, Yi Shuihan tried his best to speak calmly.

"Are you leaving? You just came, and you haven't stayed long last time. It's better to stay here for a while to experience the enthusiasm of the Wu clan."

Houtu retains the road.

stay? In fact, Yi Shuihan didn't mind staying with the Wu Clan for a while, but if he really stayed, I'm afraid the future will not be peaceful.

When I was thinking of how to refuse, a loud roar rang in my ears.

"Dijiang, do you dare?"

The face of the earth changed greatly,

"It's the voice of Demon Emperor Jun, no, I have to go and see."

"Let's go together!"

Houtu nodded, then flew out.

Above the void,

The 11 ancestral witches except Houtu were all gathered together. On the other side was the army of the monster clan. The leader was a man full of domineering, Demon Emperor Jun, who had roared before.

Next to Demon Emperor Jun is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who possesses the innate treasure of the Chaos Clock. He is the younger brother of Emperor Jun, and is a great power.

In addition, 9 big Luo Jinxian level monsters are behind them. They are nine of the ten great monsters under Emperor Jun's command. They are Ji Meng, Ying Zhao, Fei Dan, Fei Lian, Jiu Ying, Shang Yang, Bai Ze, Qin Yuan, Biao Tie, and a demon sacred ghost car were killed by Di Jiang just now, this is also the reason why Di Jun roared.

"Dijiang, don't you Wu Clan want to go to war with my monster clan?"

Di Jun asked with a look of anger, he was very annoyed about the death of the ghost car. The ghost car is also considered a general under his hand. A big Luo Jinxian is not so easy to find.

"If you start a war, go to war, bird, you treat us as afraid that you won't succeed."

Zhu Rong said disdainfully, the other ancestor witches did not speak, but their expressions were also indifferent, the witches were not afraid of the monsters.

If it hadn't been for the reaction of other powerful people, the Wu Clan would have waged a full-scale war with the Yao Clan, declaring who is the real protagonist.

Even if there is no system to cultivate immortality, the ancestor witches know that powers like Sanqing would not want to see the witch family dominate. ,, ..

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