Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1037: Di Jun's doubts

"Big Brother, why, it's a big deal. We use the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons Array, when Hongjun Daozu will not have the power to fight."

After Zhu Rong came back, some dissatisfied voice transmission said.

"Didn't you hear it just now? Hongjun Daozu started speaking."

"I heard it! Isn't it the third sermon? What does it have to do with us..."

Seeing Zhu Rongruo's enlightenment, Dijiang also understood what the other party had thought of.

Now it is different from before. His Dijiang is also the existence of Daluo Jinxian. Hongjun's preaching is not a matter of nothing to him, but an opportunity to enhance his own background.

Although there is a system, as long as he kills enough monsters, he himself can definitely grow into a quasi-sage, but what about the quasi-sage? This is up to him, and it is very necessary to listen to Hongjun's preaching.

The system has limitations, but it does not completely restrict Dijiang. It does not mean that he cannot continue to ascend when he reaches the quasi-sage, but the system cannot help him continue to ascend. He wants to go further on the path of immortality and has to rely entirely on himself.

"I will listen to the message, and then you will wait for my news. You will wait for me to go and kill the demon. Fight that when I come back, you will already be the Daluo Jinxian. You can't kill the Daluo Jinxian. You can still kill the Daluo Jinxian below!"

The voice of intrigue test sounded in the minds of other ancestor witches. Although some of them did not fit the personality of the witch clan, the other ancestral witches were inexplicably excited at the time. If they are fair to the monster clan, they have to use the conspiracy, otherwise, how can they be worthy of losing? The children.

"Brother, don't worry, after you come back, I will definitely be Da Luo Jinxian."

"At that time, we will see how dark Di Jun's face will be."

"Brother, you must be careful when you go to listen to the sermon, and don't be surrounded by Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi."

"Don't worry, don't you know my speed? Haven't seen anyone faster than me, and this is not the Taiyi brother, I think he should listen to the message, based on his relationship with the Houtu sister , He will not die."

"Brother, I don't have a relationship with Tai Yi to that extent, but I will get rid of him for help."

The sound transmission of the Twelve Ancestor Witch was originally impossible to be heard by other people, but it was no coincidence that Yi Shuihan heard their conversation.

This is not because Yi Shuihan’s strength is too strong, but because they are all system owners. These systems sold from Yi Shuihan are left behind by Yi Shuihan as a small back door, that is, a small back door is reserved by Yi Shuihan. Bit, eavesdrop on the sound transmission or something, this is to prevent the system from having any bad ideas, and you can also know how the customer’s experience of the system is. If the experience is not good, you can recommend the type of system they like. Of course The premise is that they have value.

Yi Shuihan, who was also at a loss, was experimenting with the original system, or a system based on his own evolution. The company could only arrange a fixed-point transmission, and the result would have failed. Otherwise, there would be this kind of backdoor, and Yi Shuihan would not expose everything. .

Hearing this, Yi Shuihan didn't intend to speak out, so when Hou Tu came to get rid of him when he was in danger in Dijiang, he appropriately expressed surprise, and then naturally agreed to it easily.

"Then please."

"It's okay. After all, you are my customers. Solving the troubles for customers is not what I should be doing. Maybe you have to look at the procurement system when you are happy?"

"If something really happens, I'm willing to give you the rest of the value points. I only ask you to bring Big Brother Dijiang back."

"Are you really willing?"

"Is there anything I can't bear, I can earn more if I don't have any value points, there is only one big brother Dijiang."

"Don't worry! Even if there is no value, I will do my best to help."

To be honest, for a moment, Yi Shuihan really hoped that Di Jiang would be unlucky, and then he rescued Di Jiang to get the remaining more than 100,000 value points.


"Big brother, I always feel that something is wrong, why would Dijiang cease the war so easily? According to his personality, at least he should try the bottom line of Teacher Hongjun."

"There are indeed weird, but the most important thing now is preaching. The others are secondary. As long as our strength improves, even if they have any conspiracy, it will not help. He can't take advantage of us not to slaughter the monsters under the realm. !"

Di Jun didn’t know, he had come to the point. People were using the idea of ​​slaughtering the Golden Immortal Demon Race. If the ancestors would not do this before, after all, it’s too much of a value, and other great powers would laugh at him. Now! Who made the system stipulate that killing monsters can improve the cultivation level!

By the time Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi arrived at Zixiao Palace, Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Jiuyin, Zhunti, Zhenyuanzi and other great powers had already arrived early, and they were all in the places where they stayed in the first two times. Sit down and get ready to listen.

The reason why Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi were a step slower to come was completely because they had dealt with some follow-up matters of the monster clan when they heard Hongjun's talk, instead of just coming directly like other great powers.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi are among the first batch of many great abilities. Even those who have seats are not afraid of them. After all, they are not sanctified. Really speaking of strength, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi are not afraid of anything. One, so when they came, many powers nodded to them no matter what they thought in their hearts, expressing kindness.

When Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi walked to the second row and sat down where they belonged, there was a loud noise from the direction of the door, and Di Jun looked back and suddenly looked dull.

What did he see? It seems to be Dijiang, no, it should not be Dijiang, but it looks like Dijiang. Dijiang is a witch clan and can’t cultivate immortals. It’s impossible to come here, but it really seems, no matter how it looks, demeanor, or Soul breath.

"Brother, isn't that Dijiang? And next to him is the Taoist who was with Houtu before."

Donghuang Taiyi said in surprise.

It's really Dijiang! ! Di Jun finally recognized the reality, and at the same time had a very unpleasant feeling in his heart. The Daoist came here and Di Jun didn't particularly care about it. After all, the other party also cultivated the Dao. Hongjun Daozu spoke normally, but Dijiang's words. .....

"What the **** does he want to do? Could it be that he wants to attack me and Taiyi outside of the Zixiao Palace after preaching? Isn't it afraid of dissatisfaction with other powerful people? Isn't he afraid of dissatisfaction with Daozu Hongjun?"

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