Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1041: Fenbao

Yi Shuihan naturally noticed the changes in the eyes around him, but he didn't care about it. What he said was the fighting power of saints. It's okay for these people not to make an idea. If they dare to come, Yi Shuihan will let them know what the truth is.

The big fist is the reason, this is the so-called truth.

He took the Hongmeng Ziqi away indifferently, it looked as if the Hongmeng Ziqi was an ordinary magic weapon.

"Tao Yi Daoist is really amazing!"

Tongtian's eyes showed admiration, knowing that he was very cautious in the face of Hongmeng Ziqi, for fear of something wrong.

"Shit luck."

Yuan Shi had dissatisfaction in his eyes. He was dissatisfied with Yi Shuihan’s acquisition of Hongmeng Purple Qi. In his opinion, how could Yi Shuihan, an outsider, He De, possess precious Hongmeng Qi. In fact, in his eyes, this Hongmeng Purple Qi No one should own it after they are Sanqing.

It was Lao Tzu with a blank face and thoughtful eyes. From Yi Shuihan's abnormality, he seemed to feel something.

Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jiuying looked at Yi Shuihan's eyes very friendly, faintly implying friendship.

After knowing the meaning of saints, those who are destined to be sanctified have already separated themselves from those who cannot be sanctified in their hearts. They feel that they are inherently superior to them. It is estimated that Fuxi is still in Nuwa's heart. Can maintain the original position.

"Wait, do you have any questions to ask?"

Under the weird atmosphere, Hongjun's voice sounded again, with a special charm, making everyone who heard it trembled and temporarily calmed down.

But for the thirst for the holy place, and thinking about how to obtain the grand and purple qi, these great abilities have no intention to ask any more questions, and they are silent.

"In that case, this preaching will end here. In the end, I have some treasures that I have used for the current me, so I will give it to you."

Hearing that he was going to give a treasure, the great powers raised up again. The treasures that Hongjun could admire were no ordinary goods.

In Honghuang, a good magic weapon must occupy at least half of its own combat power. Xiangdonghuang Taiyi’s Chaos Clock, with the Chaos Clock, directly doubled his strength.

"Lao Tzu, you are my great disciple and the leader of the Sanqing. This is a Taiji diagram, so you are in charge."

All the great abilities were shocked, watching Lao Tzu happily put away the Tai Chi diagram, his eyes were red with envy, that was Tai Chi diagram! The Chaos Clock and Pangu Flags are known as the three best innate treasures. They have the power of calming the earth, wind, water and fire, and can transform the power of the five elements of Yin and Yang.

Even Yuanshi was jealous when he saw his brother got this treasure, but the next moment he looked at Hongjun looking forward to it, because if there was nothing wrong, Hongjun would give him the treasure next.

"Yuanshi, you are my second disciple, and you are also transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. The function of this pangu flag breaks through the chaos and is handed over to you. I hope you will use it for your life. This can be used as a treasure for your future suppression of air transport."

Pangu banners, the last one of the three best innate treasures, are now ready, and the object of the envy of all the great powers has been replaced by Yuanshi. This pangu banners is not inferior to the chaotic clock and the Taiji diagram, and has the tearing Hongmeng Chaos. Might, crush the power of time and space, dominate the power of ten thousand laws and uprights, and open up the world. And can control the power of the heavens and the earth, attacking and good fortune are ranked first in the heavens.

Yuan Shi's heart was now balanced, and he looked at the great abilities triumphantly. With this pangu banner, who was he afraid of?

When it comes to the gift of treasure Tongtian, there is excitement and excitement on Tongtian's face. The ancestor Hongjun made an extraordinary move. The first two are the innate treasures, and it must not be bad when he gets here!

"Tongtian, this is the four swords of Zhuxian and Zhuxian's array. Although they have no ability to suppress the luck, they can form the first killing array of the heaven. A saint will set up an array. Non-thinking saints will not break together, so they will be handed to you. Don't It has cut its reputation."

Solemnly hand over the Zhuxian Four Swords and the Zhuxian Formation to Tongtian. Tongtian had long been happy with his sluggish eyes. The first kill formation of Heaven's Path, what a big name! It fits his personality too well. Although he doesn't have the power to suppress Qiyun, he doesn't change even if he takes Pangu flags and Taiji pictures.

"This is too partial! Sanqing obtained such a treasure, who else would dare to think of them. When they are sanctified, wouldn't it be invincible? The three sages in the three clears can be used as three saints, and the other two treasures are in charge. And Pangu is definitely not the weak among the saints, and the alliance with other saints is not necessarily their opponent."

Even if you know that if you don't become a saint, it's the same whether facing the saint's opponent or not, the great powers still can't help thinking in this direction.

Moreover, Hongjun Taoist ancestor said that there are nine saints under the heavenly way, and Hongjun one occupies seven positions, plus Yi Shuihan may occupy one, and there is another, maybe they also have hope!

"Nuwa, you don't like to fight, but you have a lot of merit to do in the future. I will give you pictures of mountains, rivers, shrines, and red hydrangea. One attack is to prevent you, and you can protect you well."

The picture of Shanhe Sheji. This picture contains the heaven and the earth, which nourishes the heavens and humans, can transform all things, is a treasure, has a slight chance to grow into a treasure similar to the portable world, and is the best innate spiritual treasure, although it is inferior to the treasures of the Sanqing One grade, but great potential.

The red hydrangea is also the best congenital spiritual treasure, a sacred instrument of merit, which can set up three marriages between heaven and earth. It is amazing in power and is also a rare treasure.

With the previous Taiji diagram, Pangu flags, and Zhuxian sword as a foundation, the treasures that Nuwa had obtained were barely acceptable to all the great powers.

Given the treasure of Nuwa, Hongjun didn't continue, as if there was no treasure, so let's take a look, how can this work! As a disciple, he and Jiuying didn't get anything, and those great abilities still didn't have any ideas.

Kneeling on the ground quickly, crying loudly, "Teacher, my western land is barren and there are few treasures. I also ask the teacher to have mercy on us, give us spiritual treasures for self-defense, and do not require the best innate treasures, just like Senior Sister Nuwa. One attack and one defense is the best innate Lingbao."

I go? It's really an export, but we also want the best innate spirit treasure for one attack and one defense!

The public felt that the Three Views were once again refreshed by quasi-raising. Although they were not ashamed of the behavior of quasi-raising, they secretly admired quasi-raising. ,, ..

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