Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1044: Pangu is born

Donghuang Taiyi's words did make Di Jun's eyes flashed with a clear light, but from their invisible perspective, endless calamity rushed into Di Jun's body madly, and the clear light disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

"Even so, I have to make them pay before I leave."

Di Jun yelled, his whole body turned into a huge fireball and rushed into the battlefield, actually starting to kill those ordinary witches.

It was just a moment's effort, when the other ancestor witches found out that something was wrong, the witch tribe who died in Di Jun's hands had already exceeded 100,000.

"Di Jun, you are looking for death."

Di Jiang immediately came up and attacked Di Jun frantically. Dong Huang Taiyi was directly surrounded by five ancestral witches.

This situation, no matter how you look at it, the monster race is about to lose.

"Fuxi, Nuwa, are you really going to be an enemy of my Wu Clan?"

There were 4 ancestral witches blocked by Nuwa and them. If they had been in the past, they would naturally fight directly, but they learned from Dijiang that Nuwa was destined to be holy. They were a little jealous and did not start the fight immediately. Of course, the main reason was Even without them, the Wu Clan still has the upper hand.

"You witches are extremely shameless when we hear about the interception and killing of juniors. Now I still want to kill them all. Fortunately, I used to think that all the witches are upright and upright men. Turns out that they are all pretending to be. Being transformed by the blood of the Great God Pangu is really shameful for the Great God Pangu."

Fuxi said with an angrily face, now he still has his heart on the monster race. If the witch race and the monster race take a stand and fight, even if they lose, Fuxi will definitely not be so angry. It is mainly used by the witch race now. The method was too despicable. The Ancestral Witch killed most of the elite and launched a sneak attack before Emperor Jun and the others returned.

Nu Wa's face was cold and frosty, with a red hydrangea in her hand, ready to shoot at any time, her anger was no lower than Fuxi's.

When Fuxi said so, the faces of the ancestors who were blocked also showed embarrassment. There is no way, what the other party said is really reasonable, and he did it all by himself. No one is allowed to say it!

It's all that guy's fault. If he hadn't sold us the system, we wouldn't be like this.

A certain ancestral witch unscrupulously threw all the cause and effect to Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan, who had just appeared on the Lich Battlefield, looked at this if he felt a sense of it.

"It's really miserable!"

Looking at the battlefield for a while, Yi Shuihan suddenly felt that he was at fault. If he hadn't bought the system himself, these monster races would not have been tortured. Maybe their original ending would be dead, but at least they wouldn't be dead so useless.

Of course, this kind of thought just passed away in a flash, and at the level of Yi Shuihan, he would not have been easily influenced by these emotions long ago.

"This time the ancestor witch does not even need to reveal that the Twelve Gods and Demons can win the big formation."

The power of the flesh is added to the mana. Although the ancestral witches only have the Great Luo Jinxian, each of their strengths has skyrocketed by one or two percent, and for their level, this two percent is enough to change the situation.


Donghuang Taiyi was smashed into the ground, and hundreds of mountain peaks were smashed to pieces.

Even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi possessed the Chaos Clock, he still suffered a lot of injuries at this moment. It was not that the Chaos Clock could not work, but that he could not fully utilize the Chaos Clock's capabilities with his current cultivation base. The Chaos Clock was a treasure used by the Saints.

Originally, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi could barely deal with the 4 ancestor witches, and most of them were at a disadvantage. This time, facing the 5 directly, they were all enhanced versions, and it was only natural to lose so quickly.

"Second brother!"

Seeing Donghuang Taiyi in a crisis, Dijun's eyes were red, and he didn't care to continue attacking Dijiang, and immediately went to rescue Donghuang Taiyi.

Although Di Jiang's strength had increased, he couldn't take advantage of Di Jun, and he didn't stop Di Jun who was going to rescue him.

"Brother, I'm fine."

Donghuang Taiyi's robes were damaged, with a gray-headed face and a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth. He stood up, but he gave a feeling of strong support.

"I know you are all watching? Really want the Wu Clan to destroy the Demon Clan. If you don't have the Demon Clan, your life will not be easy."

Di Jun shouted to the surroundings. Although he did not show up, anyone at the Quasi-Saint level could vaguely sense the existence of the same level, and the surrounding void had long been hidden without knowing how much power.

As Dijun spoke, the ancestral witches stopped temporarily, gathered together, exuding an extremely powerful aura, as if anyone who wanted to stand up would launch a thunderous blow.

"Hey, God has the virtue of being good, how about you just stop here?"

Zhunti showed a compassionate figure, underneath him was his newly acquired treasure, the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, exuding golden light, making him look tall and tall.

Beside Zhun Ti, a look of sorrow was attracted, as if sad for the lost monster race.

"This trip of the Witch Clan has hurt the sky, even I can't stand it anymore."

In a blood robe, Styx, the lord of the sea of ​​blood, also spoke.

"I am also a member of the Monster Race, but today I can't let you do what you want."

Kunpeng's injury is still not healed, and he still has a clear attitude.

A powerful person with one body appears, in short, it has the same meaning. To prevent this battle, they either really think for the sake of the monster race, or they don’t want to see the rise of the witch race. In fact, more people want to see It was the Lich that hurt both.

"Hahaha, are you all out? Today I will kill you all at once, and the Wu Clan will not compromise."

Di Jiang laughed and said, what he said made all the great powers startled, and he didn't understand where the confidence of Di Jiang came from.

"Knot the twelve capital gods and demons."

With a loud shout, the twelve ancestor witches gathered together, frantically stimulating the blood, the breath merged with each other, and a thrilling breath began to be born.

"this is......"

"They still know how to make a formation?"

"Hmph, so what, even if they take out the formation, they still can't help us."

An upright figure appeared in the sky above the Ancestral Witch, transforming into reality. This figure is billions of feet tall and exudes extreme coercion. All the creatures in the predominant land feel blood pulses because of his appearance.

"How is it possible? It's Pan Gu, and that group of Wu Clan summoned Pan Gu's true body."

"This aura still surpasses the quasi-sage, it is already a sage rank, so is the trump card of the Wu Clan."

"Oh my God! Is it really going to kill my monster clan?",,..

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