Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1049: Are you going to heaven

Yi Shuihan’s request was not excessive, because Di Jun and the others were aiming for the grand purple qi in his hands, and the grand purple qi represented the qualifications of sanctification, which was definitely more precious than the chaotic clock in the eyes of Di Jun .

However, after listening to Yi Shuihan's conditions, whether it was Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, or Kun Peng, they all looked angry. They thought this condition was too harsh.

Let’s not talk about the Chaos Clock for the time being, let’s talk about the mounts. It’s common to have a mount with a high cultivation base in Da Neng. It seems that there are mounts that are more advanced, although the mounts are generally lower than their masters. Many, when you are really on the road, you are actually not as fast as you are. Having a mount of your own does not improve your own strength. There are still many big players who like to raise a mount.

At its root, it is entirely to save your own strength. When you go out, you can't release your cultivation base from time to time, so that you want others to know that your cultivation base is too vulgar, and if you have a good mount, it will be different. The mount can release coercion "unintentionally" so that others can see the strength of its owner from the mount.

Becoming an expert mount is actually something that many monsters yearn for. After all, the prehistoric times of this period are still very chaotic, with incomplete order, and it is difficult to live without a backing.

It's just that the quasi-sage becomes a mount, this is really something that has never happened before, especially its owner is also a quasi-sage, if Kun Peng agrees, it is estimated that many people will look down on him.

If it weren’t for Yi Shuihan, but Hongjun’s ancestor said that he would accept Kunpeng as a mount, he would agree if he didn’t say anything. Hongjun ancestor was the No. 1 saint, and now he wants to exist in harmony. Let’s take your relationship with you. You can walk sideways in the wild and become his mount. Even if you don’t even say that you are a quasi saint, even saints can treat each other politely!

"What are the three conditions?"

Nu Wa's cold voice sounded. Compared with Kunpeng and Donghuang Taiyi, Yi Shuihan seemed to have a lot more relaxed requirements on him. She believed that this was because Yi Shuihan was giving her the face of the future saint, and her heart was full of Yi Shui. Han Sheng felt a little grateful, thinking that after she became a holy, she wouldn't settle accounts after the autumn, after all, she took the initiative to participate in the siege of Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan didn't know Nu Wa's careful thinking. If he knew, he could only say that you think too much.

"First, if I don't provoke you in the future, you must not embarrass me in any way."

"Okay, I agree."

Sure enough, I was afraid that I would settle accounts after the fall, Nuwa thought in her heart, and promised it very happy.

"Second, if you become holy in the future, you must not help the Yaozu deal with a certain race."

Yi Shuihan didn't mention the human race, after all, the human race has not yet been born.

"A certain race? Is it the Witch race? If so, I'm afraid I can't agree."

Nuwa also has feelings for the Yaozu. If she is truly holy, she will not sit back and watch the Yaozu being bullied by the Wuzu.

"This certain race is not a witch race."

"Not a witch?"

Frowning, Nuwa didn’t know what kind of medicine Yi Shuihan actually sold in the gourd. She was a little confused. Although she didn’t know much about Yi Shuihan, she also knew that Yi Shuihan didn’t interact with someone other than the Wu Clan. Even if Yi Shuihan has a good relationship with a certain clan, there is no need to make such a request. Isn't her Nu Wa and Yi Shuihan have an enemy?

After thinking about it, Nuwa did not think of who she had hatred. To be honest, with her temperament, she has been in a state of cultivation since she was born, rarely goes out, and has no enemies. Even the Wu clan, in fact, there is no big hatred. It's just that she didn't want to see the Wu Clan destroying the Monster Clan. She stood on the platform several times, and took deterrence several times.

"Well, I have agreed to this condition."

Nodding slowly, Nu Wa agreed to the second condition.

"As for the third condition, when I open a store to sell the system, please be there to make purchases."

"this one?"

Nuwa thought that Yi Shuihan had to mention something embarrassing her, but she didn't expect it to be so simple, and it felt a little weird.

"Of course, I will definitely come then."

Nu Wa also knew about the system. In fact, she had long been curious about the system and wanted to get one to play with, but she had never had a chance.

After talking with Yi Shuihan, Nuwa and Fuxi are much more relaxed, and they are already in the mood to watch Kun Peng and the others.


"Give you 3 acquired spirit treasures, and in the future you will be the most honored guest of the blood sea."

Stygian is still not giving up, trying to negotiate terms.

However, Yi Shuihan didn't even look at him, making him extremely embarrassed.

"It is impossible for me to be your mount. How about replacing me with all my strength to shoot 10 times for you? I can swear by God that if I do not endanger my life when I shoot, I will do my best, otherwise I will not be able to cultivate. near."

"There is no option for 10 shots."

Kunpeng, a sincere condition in the eyes of others, did not appeal to Yi Shuihan at all.

With a gloomy expression, Kun Peng Qi's lungs were about to explode, but he had no choice but to stare at Yi Shuihan.

"Tao Yi Daoist, we are here, don't worry, hold on!"

At this moment, a loud shout came, followed by the sound of the formation being attacked.

"Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi?"

Although it doesn't matter if they come or not, Yi Shuihan still feels a little touched by their behavior. Being able to come over in such a short time is enough to show that Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi attach great importance to Yi Shuihan.

When the formation was attacked, Dijun and the others were not shocked and rejoiced. They were impressed and delayed for time, planning to flee when the formation was broken.

This cautious thought was seen by Yi Shuihan, but he didn't break it. He really thought that he could escape without a formation.

Two minutes later, the formation broke down. When Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun rushed in with an eager face, they all stayed for a while when they saw the scene, and then their complexions became weird.

After discovering that the Wuming Mountain where Yi Shuihan was located was shrouded in formations, Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi knew that Yi Shuihan was born. There must be someone who wanted to **** the Hongmeng Purple Qi. For this reason, they dare to come at the fastest speed without hesitation. , Is to save Yi Shuihan, after all, even if Yi Shuihan is strong, he is not a saint after all, facing the siege of a group of quasi saints, he will definitely not be cheap.

But, can anyone tell me what's going on now? Why I think Yi Shuihan seems to have the upper hand in the face of Dijun and Kunpeng.

"Friend Taiyi, are you going to heaven?"

Hong Yun spit out such a word dazedly, which was learned from Yi Shuihan's mouth, representing a powerful meaning. ,, ..

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