Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1154: Catch Yi Shuihan

"If you are short of money, I am willing to lend it to you."

Coleson said to Yi Shuihan.

"Don't take out your little money. Is there a lot of money in this card?"

Yi Shuihan threw the black gold credit card on the table casually, with a chic look, all the ols who came to send the card were glazed, and the eyes of Yi Shuihan were full of tenderness. If the time and place were not right, she would probably be straightforward. Wrap it up.

Coleson was speechless. Although he was a senior agent, he was not short of money. He was richer than ordinary rich men. But facing Tony, a rich man is still more beggar than a beggar. Can't earn.

"What are you still doing here? Anything?"

"Sir, this is my business card. I have had time recently."

Female Ol smiled and handed over a business card, but Yi Shuihan did not answer it, but she sent it directly to Yi Shuihan's hand. Yi Shuihan clenched a fist in her hand, and she gently touched Yi Shuihan's fingers one by one. Move away, it is called a gentle, cautiously as if touching a peerless treasure.

Yi Shuihan also didn't use any force, so this ol woman could move his fingers away. If she didn't let her, she couldn't shake Yi Shuihan's vellus hair at all.

"Well, the hands are still very soft! And the unexpected is still a bit, I don't mind playing when I have time, of course, it can only be overnight."

There is no expression on the surface, unmoved, but there is such a thought in his heart.

After Ol female put her business card in Yi Shuihan's hand, she playfully scratched Yi Shuihan's palm with her fingers, her eyes conveying the meaning that all men understand.

"Then I will leave first."

Ol female walked to the outside of the store step by step with the model. All the men in the store looked at her back with beaming eyes, the round buttocks, and the large length dotted with silk stockings. .leg.

"Female **** doesn't seem to be very useful to him."

Coleson, who has been paying attention to Yi Shuihan’s expression from start to finish, came to this answer in his heart. After all, he is still judging Yi Shuihan with ordinary thinking. After all, in the world of Marvel, heroes have enough power. But after all, if you don’t cultivate your state of mind, you are just ordinary people with empty strength. Coleson’s set will be useful. For people like Yi Shuihan who have double life, those things are basically a trick to deceive children. No effect.

An ordinary person who wants to see a divine idea from the expression and muscles is simply whimsical. It is less than the chance of winning the lottery. People's control has already reached its peak. Maybe what you see is someone deliberately let you see it. of.

"Can you tell me about your origin? What is the purpose of coming to the United States?"

Coleson asked.

"My purpose! It's very simple. It's to kill a few people. If possible, study a few things by the way. Why, do you want to help me?"

Yi Shuihan’s words made Coulsen’s pupils shrink slightly. Although Yi Shuihan did not release any killing intent when he spoke, it made him even more chilling. He could see that Yi Shuihan was telling the truth all the time. The indifference to life reminded him of the veterans on the battlefield, who no longer regard life as fate.

Danger, extreme danger, absolutely cannot be an enemy with it, even if you really want to be an enemy, you must plan to make major sacrifices.

With a barely smile on his face, Coleson himself didn't feel his body trembling slightly.

"Who are you trying to kill? What do those things mean."

"These people come from the same place as I. I came here to hunt them down. I only know one name for who they are, but as long as they are on the road, I will definitely recognize them. If you find them suddenly like me People who appear in this world should be the ones I want to kill."

"As for those things, I know that one of them should be in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is the power gem, which can also be called the ether particle. You should be using it to develop weapons."

The previous words made Coleson breathe a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that what Yi Shuihan was going to kill was an American politician, or someone like Tony. Since he and Yi Shuihan came from the same place, then even if the other party dies, it doesn’t matter. What are they.

The power gem behind it shocked Coleson's heart. He faintly knew something, and that thing was an absolute secret in S.H.I.E.L.D. It is very important to them, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to someone with unknown origin.

"People, we will help you pay attention, but I need to go back and ask about the power gem."


Nodded, Yi Shuihan didn't say anything, the scene suddenly became calm.

Three minutes later, a group of people wearing military uniforms with submachine guns rushed into the store and came to Yi Shuihan, with dozens of gunpoints pointed at Yi Shuihan.

"You attacked an important person in the country and committed a national security crime. Please come with us."

"and many more."

Coulson stood up, then took out a document from his pocket and handed it to the leading soldier.

"It turned out to be Chief Coleson, I don't know what's the matter?"

Obviously understand Coleson's identity, the other party is still very polite, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a higher-end place than the CIA and the National Security Agency. A world-class secret service organization, the director can have equal dialogue with the president of a country.

Although Coleson is not the chief, his status as a 7th-level senior agent can also talk to a general on an equal basis, which is far higher than the status of these small soldiers.

"Can you leave this to me to deal with, I'll talk about it with your chief."

Coleson's smile on his face did not show arrogance to these soldiers because of his high status.

While speaking, Coleson also kept paying attention to Yi Shuihan. Seeing that Yi Shuihan faced this scene, he was very calm and did not take it to heart. He became more determined not to let Yi Shuihan and the military conflict. , He knew, it seemed that the military was here to arrest people at this time, but when they really started, the dead were the soldiers with guns.

Ordinary firearms can't do much to deal with special people like Yi Shuihan.

"What happened? Why haven't you caught him yet."

A soldier with the rank of colonel walked in and frowned when he saw this scene. ,, ..

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