Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1156: got the message

Tony walked to the bed in a steel suit, and after a few clicks, his face was covered by the steel mask.

"Jarvis, check his energy response."

"Unable to detect, there is a special energy field on the opponent's surface, which interferes with the detection function."

"Calculate the possibility of him destroying the suit with a light jab."

"Unable to calculate, insufficient data."

"Can the suit guarantee my life under high-explosive missiles?"

"Sir, unless it is continuously hit by missiles, the suit will not be damaged."

The conversation between Tony and the artificial intelligence did not take much time, that is, a few seconds of work. Mandy outside didn’t even know that there was such a conversation. Yi Shuihan heard it. A layer of steel could not stop the voice. Enter Yi Shuihan's ears.

Yi Shuihan was still the same as last time. He stretched out a little finger and slowly approached the steel suit. Mandy looked inexplicably. As for Tony himself, he held his breath and his heartbeat started to accelerate.

Once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the rope, and he was seriously injured the last time. Even if he knew that the situation was completely different this time, Tony could not avoid being suspicious.

Little Finger Mandy's eyes touched the steel battle suit, and then in her stunned gaze, a small dent appeared in the steel battle suit that could not even be robbed, and the dent instantly expanded to the size of a fist. With a sound, Iron Man flew upside down, smashed through a wall, and disappeared from her sight.

Mandy's hand stopped again. At this time, her mind was messed up. What a mess? She didn't even know who she was, everything was like being born in a dream.

"Still a little bit more vigorously, now I need to change a room."

After getting up from the bed and putting on a set of casual clothes, Yi Shuihan sat on the sofa and waited quietly for Tony's return. Although the force used earlier was more than the last time, it caused Tony to be hurt. On the contrary, it seems to be exaggerated, but in fact it just makes Tony's head groggy.

Tony Yes saw a red alarm screen in front of him. The alarm sounded constantly to remind him of how bad the situation is now.

"Warning, the damage rate of the suit is 63.79%. The power system is about to fail. It will be forcibly shut down in one minute, 59, 58, 57..."

"The energy unit is damaged, and the energy is being consumed abnormally..."

"The flight system will fail, please be prepared..."

In a panic, Tony finally landed safely on the ground with the help of Jarvis. After he took off his steel suit, his face was still scared.

"Iron Man, who are you fighting with, have you lost?"

"Mr. Tony, is it convenient to tell us what happened?"

"Crack, click!"

A large group of people gathered around. As the boss of the Stark Group and the identity of Iron Man, Tony received attention in every move. The scene just now was obviously big news, and the people around him were excited.

Tony finally got out of the crowd. When he walked back to the room where Yi Shuihan was, half an hour had passed.

"How did you do it? Is this your mutant ability?"

Tony has a curiosity on his face. He wants to understand the reason, and then transform his baby suit, hoping to defeat Yi Shuihan by fighting spirit next time.

"I am not a mutant. As for how to do it, the answer is simple, that is, the power I possess far exceeds the upper limit of your suit. For you, steel is tough, but in my eyes it is cruel. Is no different."

"It's not a mutant, it's a superpower who has become an accident. Is ability power?"

"Don't look at the world with your narrow eyes. My ability is the result of hard training, not something that I got suddenly."

"Mr. Tai Yi, I heard nothing wrong just now. What you said is that your strength is gained through exercise. In other words, we can gain the same strength as you through the same method?"

Coleson walked into the room under the stunned gaze of Tony and Mandy, looking at Yi Shuihan with excitement.

"Coleson, you S.H.I.E.L.D. people are here really fast!"

Tony doesn't have a good face for Coleson, or he hates S.H.I.E.L.D. organization, and speaks very aggressively.

For Tony's impoliteness, Coleson just smiled and was not affected at all. Compared to Tony, his energy at this time was completely on Yi Shuihan, looking forward to Yi Shuihan's answer.

"Yes, as long as through systematic exercise, ordinary people can gradually become stronger and possess the power to destroy the world."

"In other words, this power is completely controllable by me?"

Controllable is very important. Uncontrollable power is a double-edged sword, and hurting others can also hurt yourself. If you are controllable, you can completely avoid hurting yourself.

"Nature is controllable. If you can't control your own power, that kind of power cannot be called your own power at all."

Yi Shuihan's answer made Coulson's eyes glaring, and he knew at a glance what idea he was playing. It was nothing more than a method of getting this exercise through Yi Shuihan.

"As for the person you're looking for, you already have an eyebrow, you see if it's them."

Coleson did not immediately ask, but took out the folder and handed it to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan didn’t pick it up with his hands, so the file bag was suspended in front of Yi Shuihan, opened automatically, flipping through it, and Coleson, who saw this scene in his eyes, gave a shock to his heart, paying more attention to Yi Shuihan. stand up.

Mandy looked at Yi Shuihan from the side, not to mention how shocked she was at this moment. She realized that she had never understood Yi Shuihan before, but now she knows Yi Shuihan again.

Now Yi Shuihan is full of mysterious aura. Tony treats him equally and even communicates from the perspective of looking up. This makes Mandy's love for Yi Shuihan even stronger, and can become Yi Shuihan in his heart. 'S woman feels very proud. The bewilderment that Yi Shuihan and Tony might be enemies before disappeared completely.

"Yes, just a few of them, so where are they now?"

"Now they are in New York, in Jinjing's site, Jinjing is..."

"There is no need to introduce who Jinjing is, I just need to know the specific address."

Interrupting Coleson’s popular science, in fact, Yi Shuihan actually knows who Jinjing is, the underworld emperor of New York, and the power he controls even all over the United States and the entire world. It is considered a mission, and ordinary heroes would not be. His opponent.

It's just that Jin Jing is too weak for Yi Shuihan, and it's not worth his extra look. ,, ..

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