Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1171: Hands on eve

It’s easy to guess who is the seal on the space gem. Before it came to Earth, it was in Asgard, and even when it came to Earth, Odin has been paying attention to it. If it wasn’t for Odin who didn’t want to chase it. Come back, this space gem says that it is impossible for people on earth to study.

"Odin's strength is not weak, he should be at the level of a high silver star."

From the strength of the seal, Yi Shuihan inferred Odin's strength, and the accuracy was 70%.

"So if I move the seal, Odin will notice me. I'm not afraid of him, but I don't want to confront him. I have to think of a best of both worlds."

In the end, Yi Shuihan thought of a way, which was to only break a small spot on the seal, so that the seal would not collapse, but could use the power of the space gem.

Yi Shuihan just wanted to study the space gem, instead of fully exerting its full power, naturally there was no need to break all the seals.

Besides, the power of space gems can also be used for space transfer. Using space distortion at a higher level is not so necessary for Yi Shuihan.

"This infinite gem is really the origin of the world, so what about the nemesis? She is a kind of existence like the way of heaven. She has no emotions, and then has emotions. This is the self-seal and let the infinite gems flow out?"

Generally speaking, people say that infinite gems refer to the six infinite gems, power, time, space, reality, mind, and soul. In fact, there is a seventh infinite gem, which is the self that represents the will of the nemesis. Gems, the gathering of the seven gems can make the Nemesis reappear in the world.

"The Nemesis is very likely to belong to the level of a saint, even if it is not, it is definitely not an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian level."

It is indeed very useful to study space gems. Yi Shuihan’s understanding of space has improved rapidly. With his soul that was originally above the realm, he has worked for thousands of miles and days, and the pupil technique of Shenwei was directly affected by Yi Shuihan. Using his own means, he created a supernatural space belonging to him.

Space gems have such great benefits. If a few other gems are coming, Yi Shuihan will really fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"There is not much time left. I don't need to think about other gems except the time gem. Thor will not appear during this time, and I can't go to Asgard to find the soul gem."

Yi Shuihan came using **** tracking, and he couldn't control the time he went back. At most, he could stay until the mission of the Blood Killing Squad failed. If the Blood Killing Squad could complete the mission ahead of time, he had to go back early.

If Yi Shuihan is given a few more years, Yi Shuihan will definitely get a few more infinite gems, but it is obviously unrealistic to find other infinite gems in the remaining dozens of days.

Time passed slowly, and it was the last month in the blink of an eye. I didn't know what the people of the Blood Killing Squad thought, and did not come to trouble Yi Shuihan during this time.

A yellow light flashed across the sky, and finally came to Yi Shuihan's side.

"Tomorrow at 12 o'clock, the attack on the New York Temple may use anti-matter bombs."

Uchihaka's voice was transmitted from the yellow light, and when the voice fell, the yellow light burst into nothingness.

"Is it finally going to start? Anti-matter bombs, they are quite cautious. They are used in New York. I am afraid that they will not hide from the ancient temperament, but will resist hard. Even if they don't die, they will hurt them."

For an American with tens of millions of lives, Gu Yi will never give up easily. Therefore, it is conceivable that Gu Yi will do his best to minimize the power of anti-matter bombs. Even if Gu Yi is superior in strength, it will definitely be. It takes a lot of energy, and even died in the end.

This is Yangmou, even if Gu Yi knew it, there was no way unless she took the time gem to fight and reverse time. However, Yi Shuihan doubted how far she could play the time gem.

In the film Doctor Strange, the Doctor relies on the Time Gem to confront Domam and reverse time countless times. This is totally unreasonable in Yi Shuihan's view. Is time so easy to reverse? For Yi Shuihan, who has the power of time, he has a great right to speak. That kind of reversal countless times is impossible at all, at least not in the silver stage, and even ordinary saints cannot do this. step.

How important is the Time Gem. Gu Yi would definitely not use it before it reached despair. Therefore, it is very likely that when the Blood Squad attacked the New York Temple, Gu Yi would not bring the Time Gem with him, but directly To support.

After all, she had never seen the blood kill team, and did not have a clear understanding of their strength, even if Yi Shuihan reminded her, she would not put the blood kill team to a level comparable to Domam.

"Tomorrow I'm going out to do something, so you can play by yourself! Or you can go back and accompany your parents."

After feeding Mandi well in the evening, Yi Shuihan said.

"You won't go there, will you?"

Mandy, who was about to fall asleep, immediately became energetic, staring at Yi Shuihan with wide eyes, full of dismay.

"Don't worry, I am sure tomorrow..."

Suddenly stopped, he suddenly thought that if the blood kill team really detonated the anti-matter bomb tomorrow, Gu Yi did not react immediately, it is very unsafe here, and he cannot guarantee that he will be able to stop the opponent tomorrow, in case If the other party is really successful, wouldn't Mandy stay here without any doubt, not to mention that Mandy has already broken through to Yuan Ying at this time, even if she is already Mahayana, she will not be able to resist under the anti-matter bomb.

"what's happenin?"

"Tomorrow you will stay in the villa, do not go out anywhere, remember that no matter what happens, do not go out."

Seeing Yi Shuihan's unprecedented seriousness, Mandy also took it seriously.

"Can I let my parents come here too?"

"Yes, let them come before 12 o'clock in the end."

"Thank you husband."

Mandy kissed Yi Shuihan happily, almost igniting the flames of war, and finally suppressed it again.

It's not that Yi Shuihan is cruel and doesn't tell other people about this news, but he knows that doing so will startle the snake. The blood killing team knows that people can change the time at will, and even if the people know it, this time will not be able to leave the United States. , The scope of anti-matter bombs is too wide.

As for simply dealing with the Blood Killing Squad before they do anything, not to mention that this is not good for Yi Shuihan. Who knows if they will directly detonate the anti-matter bomb during the battle? ,, ..

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