Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1173: Secret Skill-Demonization

Another magic attack hit the black pot shield, and the mt holding the shield suddenly staggered and vomited blood, almost falling down.

At this moment, a white light directly hit his back from behind him, and mt's weak body suddenly calmed down as if injected with a cardiotonic, and stabilized his body again.

"There is not much magic power. You can perform up to 8 treatments, but it looks like it should be enough."

Zhang Yue was the pastor of the Blood Killing Squad, half of his face was covered, his hair was very long, and only one eye was exposed outside.

Right now, only mt and Zhang Yue were fighting against Gu Yi, and the other 3 people, Uchiha, Hyun Kun, and Hyun Ying attacked the space nearby.

Uchihaka has a certain talent in space by relying on the writing wheel eyes, and can find the weak points of the space, and Xuan Kun and Xuan Ying attack according to the weak points he finds.

Gu Yi also knew that the people of the Blood Killing Squad wanted to break the mirror space. She didn't do nothing at all. In the position of the weak point of the moving space, she was only using one mind and two. Obviously, she couldn't stop the Blood Killing Squad. Stop attacking, and the other party will attack her. If she attacks, she will concentrate on maintaining the mirror space, giving the blood kill team a chance to break the mirror space.

The deaths of many magicians from Kama Taj made Gu Yi feel very guilty. She thought of Yi Shuihan’s reminder, but did not pay attention to these people. If she came with the Eye of Agomoto, things would not happen. To this point.

During the battle, Gu Yi had already felt that something was going on in the Eye of Agomoto, but she couldn't go back right away because the things in front of her were more important.

The strength of these outsiders is not weak. She has the upper hand, but she can't defeat the opponent in a short time. Moreover, these people just brought out a very scary thing that made her feel palpitations. If these people are allowed to escape outside the mirror space , Will definitely cause unimaginable consequences.

Gu's sense of crisis is very effective, so she desperately attacked and desperately transferred the weak points of space.

When the fighting between the two sides was in full swing, Yi Shuihan finally returned to New York.

Outside of the mirror space, the New York Temple has become a ruin and has been blocked by the police. Many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are investigating the scene.

"Fortunately, there is still time."

On the building not far from the New York Temple, Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to sense the mirror space. If he hadn't studied space gems, he would still have a little difficulty in sensing it, but now, it's just less than 1 second. , He sensed the mirror space, and then he stepped out and disappeared in place.

Everywhere you can see is ruined walls, a bleak scene.

"The mirror space is how big New York is, Gu Yi is really amazing!"

With a sigh of emotion, Yi Shuihan cast his gaze to the east. A dozen miles away, huge energy reactions continued. There was the place where Gu Yi and the others fought.

After a while, Yi Shuihan saw the situation clearly and knew that the scene was deadlocked. Gu Yi couldn't help but kill the team, and the people in the blood kill team couldn't help Gu Yi temporarily.

"Why not just detonate the anti-matter bomb here? I must be afraid that Gu Yi will directly use teleportation to leave, and if detonated here, the people of the blood killing team may not be able to escape. This mirror space is not easy! Want to enter Shenwei Space takes a certain amount of effort."

Focusing on Xuankun, who was struggling to attack the weak point of the space, Yi Shuihan felt that if he acted immediately, it was estimated that he would be able to kill the opponent 90% of the time, but in that case, he would not achieve the goal of weakening Gu Yi. He will also return to the main **** space because of killing Xuan Kun to complete the task, and there is no time to study the time gem.

"It's best to hit Xuankun hard, catch him, and wait until the end to kill him."

Yi Shuihan looked at the attacking mt. He felt that the breakthrough was right here. As long as the mt could cause an accident, then the blood kill team must come up with a hole card, when the blood kill team and Gu Yi both sides Will be consumed by a wave.

The blood-killing squad looked embarrassed, but in fact it was still in a controllable range. This can be seen from the face of the blood-killing squad leader who is not particularly worried.

What Yi Shuihan needed to do now was to force the Blood Young Squad, and it would be best to let the Blood Kill Squad play out their cards and fully expose their strength.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Yi Shuihan quietly came to the vicinity of the battlefield, and then shot an invisible shock wave at a certain moment. In order to prevent people from discovering, this shock wave was also covered by Yi Shuihan, which is naturally easy for these people to find out. , But now the battle is more exciting, the probability of discovery is not very large.

The magic reached the shield, and mt was beaten into a weak state again. Zhang Yue should have treated him at this time, so that he can continue to support it, but this time the treatment did not appear, because Zhang Yue himself was beaten by Yi Shuihan. The shock wave was concentrated.

The shock wave didn't kill Zhang Yue directly, but knocked him out, just interrupting his casting.

At this moment, Gu Yi grasped the flaw and cast a spell quickly, and another magic appeared. Facing the magic directed at him, mt threw the black pot shield in his hand directly, barely a jump in his body, and he could hide in the past. .

The magic light hit the black pot shield, directly knocking it away hundreds of meters away.

"not good."

"Damn it, why?"

This scene happened very suddenly. By the time he realized what was happening, Xuan Kun couldn't help them.

"You continue, I will drag her."

Xuan Ying, the leader of the Blood Killing Squad, made a decisive decision and rushed towards Gu Yi. During the process of running fast, his body quickly grew bigger, and finally he grew devil horns on his head, and his body was completely demonized.

"Secret Skill?"

Yi Shuihan was also well-informed, and he recognized the state of Xuanying at once. This was a secret technique for transforming.

The demonized black eagle actually skyrocketed several times directly, and it seemed to be full of shock.

"Dark creature!?"

Gu Yi didn't know that this was a secret transforming technique, but regarded the state of Xuanying as the opponent's body, and his expression became very serious. ,, ..

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