Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1176: Ask for acceptance

"Uchihaka, I didn't think you dared to betray the team, aren't you afraid that the captain will settle accounts?"

"Let's talk about it when the captain can survive! And if you have time to care about this, you might as well think about how you can survive in the hands of adults."

"You better let me go, otherwise my eldest brother won't spare you when he comes back."


Hyun Kun hadn't figured out the situation yet, Uchiha raised his hand and slapped his face, swelling up his face.

"Who asked you to speak, there is no place for you to speak."



With another slap in the face, Xuan Kun was finally honest this time, but from his eyes it could be seen that he did not give up. He still had hope before his big brother Xuan Ying failed.

"Uchihaka, are you sure he will come back?"

It is not unreasonable for Yi Shuihan to ask this question. After all, it would not be foolish to rush to death if he was replaced by a person whose strength is far stronger than his own.

No matter how Xuanying sees it, he will not be the kind of person who has no brains. As a reincarnation, as long as he lives, there is hope. The main **** space can resurrect life. As long as he can escape back, there is a certain hope of resurrecting Xuan Kun, although this hope Incomparably tiny.

After hearing about Xuanying's usual actions from Uchihaka, he judged Xuanying should be a cruel existence, which can be seen from his previous abandonment of Zhang Yue and the two of them without hesitation.

Such a person doesn't seem to be someone who would risk such a big risk to save people.

It is not that there are people who know that they are going to fight for the sake of family love, even if they lose their lives, but Yi Shuihan has a feeling that Xuanying is not that kind of person.

"The captain should come to save this kid. He is a younger brother. In normal times, whoever speaks aloud to his younger brother, he will have to give it to him, and leave all good things to his younger brother. Otherwise, what about this kid? It may break through to silver so quickly."

That's how it is said, Uchiha Ka is obviously a little unconfident. Before Hyun Kun appeared, the black eagle in his eyes was a guy who didn't recognize him. If he was in his way, even his parents and brothers would have no expression on his face. Kill.

Uchihaka once saw that in order to complete the mission of the main **** space, the black eagle released a biochemical virus on a technological plane, so that billions of people on that technological plane were wiped out in just one week, completing the extinction. .

"Wait a few more minutes, if he doesn't come, I can only take the initiative, anyway, his task is to kill Gu Yi, as long as he sits and waits for the rabbit."

Glancing at Zhang Yue, who was honestly a little too much, Yi Shuihan actually noticed the other's small movements. Since just now, little bugs have left his body and dived into the ground. On the surface, Zhang Yue is still in place. The upper consciousness has shifted most of it.

I didn't say it at the first time, because Yi Shuihan wanted to see what his expression would look like when he was caught back immediately after the transfer was successful. He was also a bit nasty.

"Samsara's methods are really endless, you can't be careless! A little carelessness may be overturned."

A few minutes later, Yi Shuihan walked in front of Zhang Yue, grabbed it in the air, and sucked out a bug the size of an ant from the ground. After being caught by Yi Shuihan, the bug released a target. The shock wave of the soul, that is, Yi Shuihan's soul realm is beyond imagination. If it is another person, even the 7-star silver is estimated to be hit, so that it can have a chance to escape.

"As a prisoner, it's not right to escape."

Yi Shuihan smiled and said to the insect.

Suddenly and quickly, the same insects as Yi Shuihan's hands emerged from the ground, and a large area of ​​black was pressed, and Yi Shuihan was surrounded in the blink of an eye.

Xuan Kun was very excited when he saw this scene, and he hated Yi Shuihan deeply, and at the same time he understood that he was more likely to be saved only when Yi Shuihan died.

Uchihaka looked at this scene inexplicably, and didn't mean to help, whether it was helping Yi Shuihan or Zhang Yue.

The bug didn't arrogant for long, and fell to the ground after a few seconds, struggling for a few times and lost consciousness.

"Really disgusting trick."

Except for the one that was pinched by Yi Shuihan in his hand, all the other bugs were finished.

A hint of begging for mercy was passed on from the insect, Yi Shuihan glanced at the insect blankly, and then squeezed the insect to death with a light hand.

Both Uchihaka and Hyunkun's expressions changed, because they were notified of the death of their teammates, and Zhang Yue's death could be confirmed.

Under the ruins of a certain place in New York, suddenly stretched out a hand, and then a figure rushed up from the bottom, it was the black eagle that dispelled the demon.

"Damn it, that kid Uchiha dared to betray me, do you think the killer is stronger than me?"

With a cold face, Xuan Ying's killing intent was almost overflowing.

He didn't move the news of Zhang Yue's death in the slightest. He just looked in Yi Shuihan's direction, and then turned and left outside New York, showing no nostalgia.

He didn't mention Xuankun from beginning to end, and he didn't seem to love Xuankun as much as he seemed.


"It looks like it won't come."

After all, I didn't wait for Xuanying, and many people around had noticed them. Yi Shuihan came to Xuankun and looked at him condescendingly.

"You...what are you doing?"

Having never got his brother to rescue him, Xuan Kun also had doubts in his heart, and even more fear. He really didn't want to believe that his brother would abandon him. There was a reason why he kept hypnotizing his brother not to come.

Grasping Xuan Kun's hair with one hand, he threw him into the supernatural space created by Yi Shuihan in front of Uchiha.

With this hand, Uchiha's pupils tightened, and Yi Shuihan felt more and more unfathomable.

"In this way, the contract is completed. We don't owe each other. Let's go! Don't show up in front of me next time, or I might be tempted to kill you."

"Wait! I am willing to be your follower. You should be a casual person. It is always inconvenient to be a single person. If you are a follower, you don't need to do many things yourself.

"Why should you be my follower?"

"Apart from becoming your follower, I can't think of another way to survive the punishment of mission failure.",,..

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