Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1179: Casillas the Beast

Yi Shuihan stopped after about dozens of smokes. At this time, Casillas could no longer see the original image, his face was swollen and even his eyes were a little unclear.

Waving his hand to put away the Eye of Agomoto and the Space Gems, the room became normal again. Looking at Casillas again, the swelling on his face recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few seconds, it recovered again. The original appearance.

Yi Shuihan could feel that Casillas’ ears were not purely him now. His consciousness was controlled by the dark power, or more accurately, by Domam, although he was doing what he thought he should do. In fact, it is more affected by a certain force.

"Give you another chance to return to the darkness and let the earth return to the embrace of darkness. In that case, all people can live forever."

The zealous appearance of Casillas made Yi Shuihan understand that he had been poisoned too deeply and there was no way to treat it.

"Gu Yi concealed the truth. She was too selfish. She obviously used the power of darkness to gain immortality, but she didn't allow us to do that. She is a hypocritical villain, not worthy of being a supreme mage, come on, join me, Expose her true colors and save the earth."

The voice has a certain confusing effect, if it is not determined, it is easy to be affected, thus becoming a fan of Casillas.

"Sorry, I don't have any interest in saving the planet. Now let's talk about your trespassing in the house."

"Break into a private house?"

Yi Shuihan's jump made Casillas obviously a little worse, and his face became a bit sluggish.

"According to the law, it is a bit of a problem for me to kill you directly, but there is no problem with serious injuries."

In the United States, the owners of private houses have the right to self-defense. According to the circumstances, they can even directly kill the people who rushed into private houses. The protection of personal property is very supportive in American law. After all, it is a capitalist country.

"Young man, don't be so irritable, I will give you the law, you will tell me violence."

One hand blocked Casillas' punch, Yi Shuihan said in a tone of instructing the younger generation.

Casillas let out a weird roar, pulling his hands left and right, it actually pulled out two water-like objects and threw them towards Yi Shuihan.

Gently hiding, the water-like object hit a cabinet, and a sizzling sound rang. The cabinet melted strangely, leaving only some black colloid on the ground, which was very scary.

Yi Shuihan didn't value the cabinet, but it was his own thing. It was made like this by others, and he was a little angry. He slammed into Casillas, and bowed himself subconsciously with a knee bump. , And then elbowed his back hard, and with a click, Casillas kissed the ground.

Such injuries are not fatal to a magician, especially a magician who has been eroded by dark power. It is estimated that if he is ignored, he will be alive again after 10 seconds.

Yi Shuihan's attack had not stopped. He scanned the surroundings and saw the golf suit Mandy had bought back. Yi Shuihan didn't know why the suit appeared in this room, nor did he want to know.

The golf suit appeared in Yi Shuihan's hands as soon as he stretched out his hand, drew out the longest club, and raised Casillas' head slightly with one foot, which was a swing.

The club accurately focused Casillas' nose, and then directly separated his nose from his face.

A scream came out of Casillas' mouth, and the dark aura on his body became more serious. The black aura gathered in the nose, as if he wanted to reconstruct one.

This is naturally not allowed. The club in Yi Shuihan's hand swung again, this time aiming at the ear and hitting it decisively.

One, two, three times, the nose, ears, and hair are all removed, and Casillas' misery is no longer humane.

At this time, even Yi Shuihan felt that he was a little too much. As he wondered if it was an apology or something, Corsillas on the ground had a new change. Starting from his eyes, the black runes started. Spreading towards the whole body, the body has also undergone tremendous changes.

The shape of the original human head suddenly became the appearance of the wild monster in the game. The skin color became dark red, and some blood vessels could be clearly seen. Two symmetrical spiral angles grew on the head. A dark red light shone on.

The hands are also completely different from human hands, from 5 fingers to 3, let alone long, sharp nails with iron-like cold light.

In the end, Casillas' body broke through his clothes, and the clothes on his body turned into a strip of cloth. You can see everything you want to see, but because of the change in his shape, his eyes are not so hot.

It has been about 3 minutes since Casillas came to the room. At this time, there was still no one coming. It was entirely because Yi Shuihan set up a sound-proof formation, and he explained that it is better not to disturb him if there is no important thing. , So now there are only Yi Shuihan and inhuman Casillas in the room.

"Still conscious?"

Yi Shuihan asked tentatively against Casillas's violent eyes.

The answer to Yi Shuihan was the sharp claws, and 3 cold lights flashed in the air, turning into cold murderous intent.

"You, a mage, don't play magic and physical combat. It's completely upside down!"

Two light whips composed of spiritual energy entangled Casillas’s legs, making him unable to move forward. The paws just happened to appear with Yi Shuihan’s body with a dividing line of only 1cm. No matter how hard he swung it, he didn’t attack. To Yi Shuihan.

Will things end so easily? Of course not. After repeating dozens of times and failing to get in touch with Yi Shuihan, Casillas, who has basically lost his human consciousness and transformed into a beast, finally has a new movement. He lowered his head, and the two horns on his head faced each other. Quasi-easy to cold, energy fluctuations change rapidly.

"This is the rhythm of the skill!"

Upon seeing this scene, Yi Shuihan took a step forward and pressed his head down with both hands before Casillas' skills were released.

"call out!"

A beam of light similar to a laser came out from a double angle, and finally hit the ground because of the angle. A tiny hole appeared on the ground, which did not look terrible, but in fact the depth of the hole was several A hundred meters, this kind of penetrating power, ten meters thick steel plate can easily penetrate. ,, ..

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