Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1191: Join the council

"Hong Yun's hand is good, he basically transferred the contradiction to Sanqing, so that Zhen Yuanzi won't attract too much firepower."

Yi Shuihan watched quietly, without expressing his own opinion, he felt that it would be very interesting next.

Sure enough, the next moment after Hongyun finished speaking, someone spoke, and it was a quasi-sage of the Yaozu.

"I don't agree. Why should Sanqing occupy three positions? I think they are three in one, occupying one seat is enough. We Demon Clan soldiers will be the main force of anti-invasion in the future. One seat is not enough, at least Three will do."

"We Wu Clan also need at least three. They can only count as one in Sanqing."

"Why are there 8 positions? I propose that everyone present be one of them, and everyone should vote to resolve things."

"It is the alliance proposed by Fellow Hongyun, and he should also have a position."

Everyone put forward their own opinions.

Yuan Shi and Tong Tian in the Three Qings heard that both the Lich clan thought that they could only count as one in the Three Qings, and their expressions were very ugly, especially Yuan Shi, don't want to have a dark face.

Laozi sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, with an expression of inaction, as if he didn't care about it.

"Shut up."

Yuan Shi suddenly yelled, and at the same time the aura belonging to the quasi-sage late stage was released without hesitation, and the people over half of the scene felt uncomfortable breathing under this aura.

"Yuanshi, what do you mean by this? Everyone is going to discuss matters. Do you want to fight?"

Di Jun said with a dissatisfaction.

"That's right, Yuanshi, you were too much. If you have any questions, just tell them. You actually used your power to suppress others."

This time it’s the ancestors and witches working together. The Three Qings are strong, and the innate treasure bestowed by Hongjun is basically in the strongest echelon in the quasi-sage, but the monsters and witches are not vegetarian, even the saints dare Hey, naturally he would not be afraid of Yuanshi, and now it is obvious that Yuanshi is indeed irrelevant.

Someone took the lead, and others naturally dared to wave the flag and shout, and for a while, the attack on Yuan Shi continued.

"you guys......"

Yuan Shi’s lungs were about to explode. Whenever he was subjected to such insults, he would take out the Pangu flags and do it.

"Second brother."

Laozi pressed Yuanshi's shoulder and shook his head slightly.

"Big Brother!?"

Yuan Shi also calmed down after being pressed so much, knowing that if he really used force, not only would it not be good, but it would also mess things up, so he could only snorted and gave up his intention to do it.

"I also have only one quota for Sanqing, but Yaozu and Wuzu can only occupy one quota, and because there are only 6 seats in this way, there may be a 3 to 3 situation, so I propose to make it easy. Friends also join the parliament and become a member of the parliament, so that there are 7 seats, which can avoid a three-to-three situation."

Lao Tzu spoke lightly, but what he said made everyone present look different.

There were not many people present who really wanted Tai Yi to join the council. They just wanted them to oppose it, but they did not have the courage, and the scene became a bit silent for a while.

"What the **** is Lao Tzu doing? He pulled me in."

Yi Shuihan, who had been watching the show, was a little speechless, and he didn't expect Lao Tzu to say that.

Yi Shuihan is not very interested in joining this so-called council. In his opinion, as long as he has the strength, it is the same whether he joins the council or not. After joining the council, maybe someone will use this name to let him Work for the prehistoric.

"I refuse..."

Just as he was about to open his mouth to refuse to join the parliament for reasons that were not prehistoric, the task of the system was finally late at this time.

"For this task, I still have to join the council. I have led three triumphs in the prehistoric and technological world or wizarding world. It is still a bit difficult to do without joining the council."

"Holy Spirit, why are you only releasing the mission now? Shouldn't it be released when you see Apache?"

At this time, Yi Shuihan also asked his doubts.

"As the host becomes stronger, the frequency of task releases will decrease, because each task reward requires the system to spend a lot of energy, and it takes a certain amount of time to generate a task."

"That's it!"

For Yi Shuihan’s answer to the system, it’s impossible not to say that he is disappointed, but he can also accept the system’s argument. After all, if the system often releases tasks and the rewards are so good, he will feel that there is a problem with the system. It is in line with common sense.

Yi Shuihan was very satisfied with the quest reward this time, so he naturally chose to accept the quest, and then naturally changed his position. From now on, he is no longer a bystander, but intends to personally participate in this alliance. , At least before completing the task, he must be one of the most caring people.

"Can you tell me a few words?"

Yi Shuihan cleared his throat and said.

"Of course you can, tell me! I see who dares to interrupt."

Houtu was the first to express his position, as if whoever opposed her now would look good.

Di Jun glanced at Di Jiang silently, passing a look in your own sister's eyes, but Di Jiang returned a helpless look.

The Lao Tzu of Sanqing supports Yi Shuihan, which represents the support of Sanqing. However, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun and Yi Shuihan have a good relationship, and they will not oppose it. The Wu people are hard to say because of Houtu’s attitude. Yes, they didn't know Yi Shuihan's brutality. Kunpeng, Styx and Donghuang Taiyi are all standing behind him now. Who dares to come out and sing the opposite? No!

"Actually! I also come from other worlds. It stands to reason that I shouldn’t stand in the position of the prehistoric, but I have stayed in the prehistoric for some time. I have met many friends and communicated with most of the people present. It’s a pleasure. Naturally, I don’t want anything to happen to the land and my friends. So, if I enter the council, let’s not say anything else. If there is a conflict between the land and the invaders, I will definitely stand. On the Honghuang side (at least the previous three times)."

"Of course, if you don't want it, I won't force it. It depends on what you think."

"I agree to let Taiyi join the parliament."

Houtu was the first to come out to support.

"I agree."

It was Nuwa who was talking.

Both the two great saints at the scene supported, plus the Sanqing, and the Wu Clan and Yao Clan did not oppose. Yi Shuihan entered the parliament very steadily and became a member of the 7-member parliament. ,, ..

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