Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1200: Finally obtained the origin of the higher world

Zhunti saw the changes in Yi Shuihan's merits through the division of the Heavenly Path Meritorious Meritorious. Looking at the task of destroying the teleportation crystal, the number of teleportation crystals has been reduced to two, so he can be absolutely sure that another crystal was destroyed just now. In the hands of Yi Shuihan.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan is so relaxed that he has obtained a top-quality innate spirit treasure, it is an envy to mention that! That was the best congenital spirit treasure, even he only had two or three pieces, one of which was his companion spirit treasure.

"Too Yi he promised you what, I promised you, and even a lot of benefits, you tell me the location of the remaining 2 teleport crystals, how?"

He obviously hated Jay to die, Zhunti couldn't help talking to him.

Looking at Zhunti in surprise, Jay also felt a little admiration for Zhunti's character, which was really enough to swallow.

As Zhunti said, Yi Shuihan promised him something so that he could help him. In this case, if Zhunti is encountered, Jay may still be mentioned by Zhunti, but the real situation Zhunti didn't know at all. Yi Shuihan didn't ask him to lead the way. Instead, he followed, relying on Yi Shuihan's kindness to guarantee the life of his companion.

Right from the beginning, I wanted to be bad. The fundamental thing he said was impossible.

"You can't afford the benefits that Master Taiyi gave."

Jay replied coldly.

Zhunti still wanted to continue to say something. At this time Yi Shuihan had already returned to the ground, so Zhunti had to swallow the words.

He smiled reluctantly at Taiyi, Zhun mentioning a compliment, "You are worthy of being one of the members of my anti-invasion alliance. He destroyed five legendary crystals in a short period of time, which greatly affected the arrogance of the wizarding world. ."

Yi Shuihan had no feeling for this level of compliment, and he also saw that Zhunti had the intention of separating Jay and his relationship, but obviously Zhunti had not figured out the relationship between Jay and Yi Shuihan at all. relationship.

"Did you finish?"


"I'll leave when I'm finished."

Looking at Yi Shuihan's back, Zhunti's head was blank, completely wondering how things would develop like this.

When Yi Shuihan and the others were gone, Zhunti's accumulated anger finally broke out, unreservedly releasing his aura. The surrounding area was tens of thousands of miles, and the surrounding area was a forest. Turned into ruins.

Finally, I told him to tell his brother to come, and he went to the small space where the crystal was originally placed, and found that there was nothing in it, and the wizards disappeared without a trace.


"Next I will not destroy the teleport crystal, you don't need to continue following me."

The merit points accumulated by 5 crystals can finally be exchanged for a high-level world origin. Yi Shuihan has no idea of ​​continuing to destroy the crystals. After all, there are only 2 left. If they are destroyed again, it will really offend the wizarding world. A bit ruthless, staying on the front line, I really want to see you in the future!

Knowing that Yi Shuihan would not continue to destroy the crystal, Jay was also relieved. It was not easy for him to communicate with his compatriots every time, and he did not want it.

Jay left Yi Shuihan, and then he will return the system's news to the Wizarding World. The buyer Yi Shuihan is looking forward to should come soon.

"Speaking of which, there should be news on the tech world."

This thought in his mind flashed away, and Yi Shuihan's attention completely shifted to the exchange of the origin of the higher world.

When Yi Shuihan chose to exchange, Tiandao was silent for a long time before giving a response. Obviously, he actually didn't want Yi Shuihan to exchange the higher world origin.

In the end, Heavenly Dao still did not shame, and sent a copy of Heavenly Dao origin to Yi Shuihan.

"Return to the basics? Or simply want to mock me."

Yi Shuihan whispered as he looked at a weed with no spirituality in his hand.

Who would have thought that this ordinary weed that could no longer be ordinary was the origin of the higher world? Although the origin of the world can incarnate everything, a weed is too exaggerated.

"The value of this weed is about the same as the value of Pangu flags and the Four Swords of Zhuxian."

Kunpeng on the side looked at the weeds that suddenly appeared in Yi Shuihan’s hands and didn’t know what to say. He saw that Yi Shuihan seemed to attach great importance to the weeds, but he just couldn’t see the weeds. Yes, it's all weeds that can be seen everywhere!

"While holding a piece of grass, you can sweep the strongest."

Thinking of the situation described in a certain novel that he had seen before, Yi Shuihan pretended to wave the grass in his hand with a slightly amused appearance.

"You should have seen nothing!"

"Master, what are you talking about, I was wandering just now."

"Well, be serious and don't lose your mind."

"Okay, sir."

Seeing Yi Shuihan finally diverted his attention, Kunpeng looked serious, but his heart was very messy. He had experienced Yi Shuihan's daily amusement behavior more than once, but after so many times he learned how to deal with it, but he still hasn't Fully adapted.

Riding Kunpeng, Yi Shuihan began to return. He couldn't wait to use the higher world origin to improve her portable world.

"A gold-class portable world, if it is successfully promoted, with the blessing of the whole world, it will be easy to have the combat power of the true saint, and there will be no more bottlenecks before reaching the chaos emperor. If the portable world can become the same as the prehistoric, It is not impossible to reach the strength of the Chaos Emperor at the time of Saint."

For Yi Shuihan, the improvement in strength is what makes him most excited. All the actions he used before, including the sales system, are for his strength improvement. If the contribution points obtained from the sales system cannot be bought to increase his strength He will not buy the system again.

The things in the company are still very useful to him at least for the moment. Only after he breaks through to the Chaos Emperor, the contribution points will be infinitely reduced, because the Chaos Emperor has to rely on himself to make progress. It’s useless to rely on contribution points.

Returning to Yi Shuihan's old nest in the prehistoric as quickly as possible, Yi Shuihan announced a retreat.

"Well, next is the moment to witness the miracle."

Open the portable world, let go of the hand holding the weeds, the weeds are radiant and amazing changes begin to take place. ,, ..

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