Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1208: Power beyond ordinary saints

Behind Tu Ba, Yi Shuihan looked weird, and he didn't expect Tu Ba to operate like this. When he first saw Tu Ba, Tu Ba was such an arrogant person. Now the changes are too great.

"What about the shopkeeper? Since he is involved, he must be treated equally. The big deal is just to defeat him and not kill him. Could it be that you still have to watch him block us and let the two **** kill my imperial warriors?"

The **** in Murphy's mouth naturally refers to Nuwa and Houtu. In just a short time, more than a dozen Emperors of the Universe she brought have fallen, and hundreds of world king-level mecha divisions have died in Nuwa and the queen. Native hands.

Many of the dead mecha divisions were brought here by Murphy, and many of them were her direct descendants. Now that they have been slaughtered so easily, her heart has long been burning with anger.

"Step aside!"

Tu Ba wanted to continue to persuade him, but Yi Shuihan's voice sounded. Before Tu Ba turned his head, Yi Shui stepped out of the void in front of him, with a cold expression on his face.

Astonished that he didn't even notice Yi Shuihan's movement, Tu Ba forgot to speak for a while. He didn't know how Murphy had offended the uncle in front of him, but he only felt that things would get very bad next.

"Even if you are the owner of the shop, you shouldn't be so arrogant in front of a strong man who is far stronger than you. Let me tell you what is inferior and inferior."

Because he cared too much about the slaughter of his subordinates, Murphy did not notice Yi Shuihan's unusualness at all, and wished that she could easily defeat Yi Shuihan as long as she was willing.

There was no butcher blocking Murphy and finally started, the mech's arm grabbed towards Yi Shuihan, but Tuba's words also played a certain role, so that Murphy did not subconsciously use a lethal attack.

Yudi’s mecha, on the contrary, will help you. The mecha of the Emperor Zhou is much smaller. Murphy’s mecha is only about 5 meters high. It looks like a little giant, but it is actually similar to the monsters and witches below. Bi is just a small man.

The palm of the mecha is much larger than Yi Shuihan's head. If this grasp is firm, he can grab most of Yi Shuihan's God.

After learning the lesson from last time, Yi Shuihan didn't fully integrate the power of the portable world, but only integrated 10%. According to his calculation, 10% was enough to beat Yudi.

With a punch, layers of ripples appeared in the air, and the ripples spread to Murphy's mecha, and Murphy flew upside down as if being blown by a storm.

"How can it be?"

This thought just flashed in his mind, Murphy found that the mecha had stopped, not actively, but passive. Yi Shuihan appeared behind her at some point and supported her with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, Murphy felt that her eye foreground seemed to change rapidly. She tried her best to control the mecha to stop or get rid of Yi Shuihan's control, but it was useless.

"Good guy, fortunately I didn't mess with him, otherwise I would be there today."

Tu Ba not far away watched Murphy being beaten by Yi Shuihan from the sky to the ground, from the ground to the sky, with infinite combos and no resistance at all, and he secretly rejoiced.

There is a kind of pain that is painful when you look at it, and the other kind is refreshing when you look at it. The former is naturally a tyrant, while the latter is the side of the anti-invasion alliance.

"Representative Tai Yi is too strong. He actually didn't even have the power to fight back one of the opponent's Yudi. This combat power has surpassed ordinary saints."

"Sure enough, I just heard that Mr. Tai Yi was very good, but I didn't believe it very much. Now I believe it. It is estimated that only Teacher Hongjun can suppress too easy now!"

"Good job, although Senator Tai Yi is not our predecessor, but what he does is completely on our side. This congressman deserves it."

Yi Shuihan’s superb combat power made the morale of the anti-invasion alliance soar again, and the mecha units were afraid of this, their combat power declined further, and they had no intention of fighting. As a result, the mecha units soon began. Rout, the speed of death rose rapidly.

Seeing this, Hou Tu and Nu Wa also stopped their attacks. Before they were afraid that the anti-invasion coalition forces would suffer too much casualties, so they put down their bodies and shot them. Now even if they don’t take action, the ending is the same. They naturally stopped. It also has the dignity of a saint.

When and then Tu and Nuwa didn’t just look at them, they even locked their aura on Tu Ba. If Tu Ba shot, they would stop them, but they didn’t know how much Tu Ba was afraid of Yi Shuihan, or else. They would not pay attention to the butcher.

Within the mech, Murphy did not suffer any substantial damage, but felt dizzy and vomiting. Now she has accepted her fate. She has tried countless times before trying to get rid of this situation. Every time it ended in failure, all she could do now was to wait until when Yi Shuihan had enough to play.

Even Murphy herself knows that Yi Shuihan is playing, because no matter how she changes her power, Yi Shuihan pays attention to returning with the strength that just suppresses her. With such strength, it is naturally easy to cause harm to her. Now she has no actual injuries, naturally because Yi Shuihan is playing.

"It's almost there, it will be counterproductive if it continues."

Yi Shuihan has the ability to kill Murphy in a single blow, but he is so exaggerated. Of course, he is not entirely for fun. He is deliberate. He wants to let the anti-invasion alliance army see his strength, compared to Solve everything with one strike, so that the sling will be more memorable, and there will be more support for Yi Shuihan in the future.

After knocking Murphy down to the ground again, Yi Shuihan stopped his attack.

Without Yi Shuihan’s attack, the scars on the surface of the mecha recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a flash, the slightest damage could not be seen from the appearance, even if there was no trace of dust, the dust on the ground was leaving the machine. When A was still some distance away, he was burned by an unknown force.

Surrounding the mecha, the scene of burning dust, like a twinkling star, looked strangely beautiful.

The scene became extremely silent, all looking at Yi Shuihan. At this moment, Yi Shuihan was undoubtedly the focus of the battlefield, Kunlun, and even the entire prehistoric land.

He stretched out his hand, pointed at the steel fortress not far away, and said softly, "Erase everything that is not in this world."


Zhentian's response resounded throughout the world, and then the anti-invasion alliance rushed to the steel fortress frantically. ,, ..

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