Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1210: Chaos Body

Although the system is good, it is not cheap. For most people in Honghuang, the system is a high-end product that can only be viewed from a distance. If you want to buy a system that can greatly enhance your strength, you have to go bankrupt.

It depends on the witch clan, one of the two great overlords, who collect more treasures than the monster clan. The twelve ancestor witches cannot buy a system that matches their realm. The saint system is estimated to be able to buy one with the power of the whole clan. , The witches are like this, let alone casual cultivation.

At present, it is estimated that there are only a few people who can buy a saint system in total, and the success rate of cultivating saint system is only 10%. In this way, if you use all the systems to buy systems, it is estimated that one saint can be added, and one saint is good for two The influence of the Great World War is not great.

This is how the prehistoric world is. Even if the world of science and technology seems to be much stronger than the prehistoric world, in fact, the number of sage systems that can be purchased is limited, at most a dozen or twenty guards against the sky, and there will be more than two or three Yudi. It's nothing, after all, the difference between 35, 36 and 33 is not big for Honghuang.

If the number of Emperor Yu is not increased, Emperor Zhou will naturally be even less concerned by the prehistoric people. The trees of Emperor Zhou are counted on the basis of ten thousand, and an increase of several hundred or several thousand will not increase.

Smart people can naturally think of this, and it will not be too stupid to be able to cultivate to the level of Daluo Jinxian. Therefore, after Zhen Yuanzi reminded all the great abilities, they did not continue to worry too much about Yi Shuihan's buying system for outsiders.

"Now that people in the science and technology world have been driven out of Kunlun, the alliance has finally won a big victory. It can't be justified without celebrating. I propose that the alliance hold a banquet to celebrate everyone."

Di Jun looked at Zhen Yuanzi deeply with a gloomy look, and said again.

"I also agree with the celebration, but also want to celebrate, let the whole prehistoric know that we have won the battle."

"As it should be."

"For the Alliance!"

So the banquet was settled. The entire anti-invasion alliance army held a banquet on the spot in Kunlun. This banquet lasted for 7 days and 7 nights. At the beginning, it was only people from the anti-invasion alliance army. After this incident, they all began to spontaneously celebrate and evolve into a real feast.

The cloud of invasion from the outside world has dissipated a lot because of this victory. Of course, those who really understand know that this is just the beginning.

In the chaotic void thirty-three days away, there should have been only endless chaos here, like the silence of ancient times, but now there is someone stirring the situation here.

The endless chaotic air is spinning crazily, transforming into various special forms under the action of this person, flying eagles and beasts, gods and monsters, and even technological warships.

Chaos Qi is a high-level energy. Compared to Reiki, Immortal Qi is higher. In essence, it is the energy that is only qualified to be touched at the Saint level.

In today's prehistoric times, even the sanctified Nuwa and Houtu can't control the Qi of Chaos, at most they can only use it for a while.

This person in the Chaos Void clearly wields the Qi of Chaos like an arm and is very proficient. This is a method that surpasses ordinary saints. This person is not Yi Shuihan or who.

"Happily, although it's not a real battle, you can barely vent this powerful force."

Looking at his masterpiece, Yi Shuihan laughed.

It turned out that after the banquet was over, Yi Shuihan came to the Chaos Void. He fully used the power blessed by the world and came to vent his power. In the middle of the process, he found that he could fully control the Qi of Chaos, so he started playing. It was an accident. Joy.

"With this control, I can completely transform my body into a body of chaos by using the Qi of Chaos, so that my body can reach the level of true sage, and then the combat power exerted by my physical body will be comparable to a saint."

The Emperor of Chaos, because of the body of Chaos, has a chaos in its name. One of the requirements for the True Saint to be promoted to the Emperor of Chaos is to have the body of Chaos.

Yi Shuihan is not even a true saint, but he can already start to make his body possess the characteristics of the Chaos Emperor, which is extremely rare in the heavens and all realms. This is called the real tianjiao, and it makes all of this possible. This is Yi Shuihan's portable world.

Most of the skills obtained by crossing One Piece for the first time are no longer available, but the portable world evolved from the skill of portable space. It is also Yi Shuihan’s early skills. It’s hard to imagine such a big help today. And it is estimated that Yi Shuihan will continue to provide great support for a long time in the future.

For Yi Shuihan, it was an accident to have such a high control over Chaos Qi, which also disrupted his plan. He originally planned to come to Chaos Void to vent a little, because he was fighting against the tyrant. Even the battle against Murphy made him feel very unhappy, and the battle to suppress his own strength made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Now for the body of chaos, Yi Shuihan naturally wants to change his plan, so he left the deity and began to condense the body of chaos in the chaos void, and the clone returns to the prehistoric, the clone cannot borrow the power of the portable world, but it also has the power of a saint. It's enough as long as it's not a war.

If there really is a war, Yi Shuihan's body can go back at any time anyway, it is still very easy for him to drive back from the chaotic void to the prehistoric land.

When Yi Shuihan's body was still in the Primal Void, no one knew except Hongjun. They couldn't even see that the clone was not the body, and they couldn't think of what earth-shattering things Yi Shuihan was doing right now.

That is the body of condensing chaos! For the prehistoric world, it is second only to the creation of heaven and earth, and it is more important than sanctification on a certain level.

After more than 2 months, it was time for the second transaction with the Wizarding World. This time the transaction between the Wizarding World and Yi Shuihan went smoothly without any twists and turns. If it is seen by some people as twists and turns, That is a bit twists and turns.

Yi Shuihan did not intend to conceal the deal with the Wizarding World, otherwise no one would know. He deliberately took a vaccination first to prepare for future deals with the technological world. If anyone jumps out, he will solve it early. That's it.

Speaking of this transaction, it has also stimulated some consumption. Many great powers in Honghuang have come to a wave of system purchases. They will take out all their assets and purchase systems for their own family members. They will be strengthened earlier so that they will not be in this special The period died too fast. ,, ..

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