Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1214: Boundary point

"Let's take a look, what are the so-called high-level versions? Well, it doesn't look as many as the low-level versions, only less than 10 pages.

The words are very relaxed, but Yi Shuihan is very shocked in his heart. You must know that these things are all treasures that are effective for the powerhouse of Chaos Emperor.

"Number of places in Wanjie United Colleges: You can directly enroll in Wanjie United Colleges and universities without exams."

"Tao Pagoda: One Year and One Boundary Point in the Land of Understanding the Avenue"

"Imperial Soldier Forging: Collect the materials by yourself and let the forge master to forge 1~100 points"

"Blood Element Secret Realm Qualification: Blood Element Secret Realm will open 10 points in 100,000 years"

"Hei Yuan Busting Flower: It can increase every 100 points of the Chaos Emperor's body"


The high-level exchange items are completely different from the previous ones. Most of them are not directly enhancing their strength, but are similar to the existence of a kind of qualification. Of course, it is not that there are no directly enhancing the strength, but most of them are sky-high prices, starting at 100 points.

Yi Shuihan already knows what the so-called boundary point is. One boundary point is equivalent to 10 million contribution points. The reason why there is a boundary point is because a boundary point is equivalent to an ordinary silver world from birth to destruction. Although there will be some gaps in the overall value of the resources produced, there is no difference.

"Boundary point! Unexpectedly, my total assets now do not reach the second boundary point."

From tens of millions to single digits, the span in the middle is too big, and Yi Shuihan's big heart also relaxes for a while before admitting that he is a poor fact.

Open the advanced exchange version interface enthusiastically, but now I am not in the mood to continue to read more on it. The more I watch, the more Yi Shuihan finds that his heart hurts.

"Holy Spirit, what do you think I need to exchange for my current assets?"

Yi Shuihan just teased it a little bit, but the system answered very simply.

"It is recommended that the system exchange places for Wanjie United Colleges."

"What's so strange about this Ten Thousand Worlds United College?"

"The Ten Thousand Realms United College is a university jointly organized by dozens of powerful forces from the heavens and the thousands of realms. It aims to train the chaos emperor. The lowest entry barrier is the standard realm gold 1 star. Since its establishment, hundreds of chaos have been cultivated. The emperor, it can be said that quite a few of the chaos emperors of the heavens and worlds came from this. If the host wants to improve as soon as possible, this is definitely a good choice."

A school dedicated to cultivating Chaos Kings? No one believed what Honghuang said, and it was completely beyond the scope of people's understanding. Even Hongjun couldn't understand it!

"The company is also one of the forces that created the Wanjie United College. Therefore, entering the Wanjie United College can get more resources than the company. This platform is better than the company."

"Is there any more detailed information, such as what courses are there, and how did you cultivate the Chaos Emperor?"

"No, you need to go in and see this yourself."

The systematic narration makes Yi Shuihan really tempted by Wanjie United College. You get what you pay for, and you can see the power of Wanjie United College if you have an admission qualification that is worth 1 point. This is an exchange within the company. The company can never deceive employees, otherwise the company will not be able to manage it sooner or later.

"I'll talk about it when I break through to the true sage."

Although this was the answer, Yi Shuihan had already made up his mind. If nothing else, he would definitely go to Wanjie United College.

After experiencing the high-level exchange, Yi Shuihan's impetuous heart became calm because of too many contribution points.

If Yi Shuihan’s goal is only True Sage, or just hopes to stop the Chaos Emperor, then Yi Shuihan at this time can do whatever he wants, but his goal is not so low, the strongest is his goal. So this net worth is nothing at all.

While the people of Honghuang were still looking at the goal of sanctification, after Yi Shuihan had seen the Emperor of Chaos, from this we can see the amazing gap between the two sides. After all, they have different visions. Yi Shuihan is still very grateful for this. company's.

Once upon a time, Yi Shuihan looked forward to the saint who would destroy the world and destroy the earth. He also thought that the saint was the strongest. It was the company that let him know that the world was broader. The so-called saint was nothing but a small powerhouse in the world. , Far away from the true peak.


The Qianyuan Empire in the prehistoric, wizarding world, and technological world have been developing silently during this period. The prehistoric party knows that his strength is not enough, so he dare not take the initiative to cause trouble, while the other two have just obtained the system, and it is estimated that they need to study. For a while, there was no movement.

This is not what Yi Shuihan wants to see, but only one-third of his mission has been completed.

"You have to take the initiative to attack, you need a reason, so that the two sides can fight."

Dragging his chin, Yi Shuihan's head spins rapidly, constantly thinking about various possibilities.

"Honghuang is now in a defensive state. There is no way to change it. After all, they are strong and they can attack and retreat and defend. If they really fight, the situation will get worse."

"In fact, one thing has been overlooked. It is impossible for the technological world and the wizarding world to put all their forces into the prehistoric world. They also need someone to defend the original world. If the prehistoric is tougher, the other party may still give in, for example, not directly. Grabbing resources from the wild, but using the resources of their world in exchange for them."

"This point Honghuang puts forward that the other party will definitely not agree to it easily. If there is a disagreement, there is the possibility of fighting. If Honghuang is tough, use a gambling battle to determine that the other two circles need to have equal transactions. The possibility of their agreement will be more Great, after all, they should be very confident in their own world, at least they wouldn’t think it is inferior to the prehistoric."

The thinking gradually became clear, and a plan was gradually perfected in Yi Shuihan's mind.

A few days later, the Anti-Invasion Alliance convened a major meeting with the topic "No forcible plundering and fair trade of resources." The meeting lasted for a day, confirmed the policy, and then led by Yi Shuihan to implement it.

In this way, the second third of the task entered the preparation stage. ,, ..

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